F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Yes but not with R27ERs :)

There could definitely be more BR compression. I really thought they were going to go to 13.0 with the SU-27, and F-15. But with how bad the F-15 is they cant reasonably make it 13.0 without giving it amraams or better aim7’s.

So naturally the SU-27 gets to be 12.3 along with the rest of the jets when its a 13.0 BR jet all the way. Making the F-15 terrible benefited the Su-27 in this way. So it gets to seal club 11.3 phantoms. Which is absurd.

true… but we can still turn it around on the USSR and say… "whos fault was that now?‘’.

lol anyway but yeah, we need to figure out what’s going on with the F-15s radar and FM rip.

@k_stepanovich already told us why sparrows act the way they do. Balance decision of the past. I do think something is in the works for the sparrow soon. Totally a hunch.

I don’t think it’s an issue of “bias”.

I think that they try to cash out on their players + a problem of how russian verhicles behave.

Most people go for the German/US techtree first. They then get smoked to hell by T-tanks non exploding ammoracks, magic ERA, R27ERs and fun stuff like that. These players are then more likely to switch nations to also have an “easy time”.

I have both the F15A, F16A-C and the SU27. And at least for my part don’t find the SU27 to be much stronger. But it’s just SO damn easy to play compared to the US jets.

And that’s the thing. Russian gear is designed for dummies. You don’t need advanced tactics and strats to perform well in russian equipment.

Want to play the T90M? Press W and play a point and click shooter.
Want to play the SU27 or MIGs? Go full afterburner and just lob R73s and R27ETs at everyone.

Your radar lock went down? No problem, the missile doesn’t self destruct after 0.1ms like the sparrows. It just keeps going, take your time, relock and everything is fine.

Compare that to how you need to play the F15A right now. One bad pitch, your radar lock goes down and your sparrow is useless. And even if you keep lock. The sparrows are SO slow compared to the R27s that the enemy has literal 10s of seconds at times to react and evade.

On top of that MANY more people buy into top tier US premiums making the teams even more unbearable.


I mean if I had to guess I would assume its the same reason why the F16C’s radar has a non-existent notch filter and can be spoofed by chaff from the front. Whether it’s bias, incompetence in modeling, or just straight up laziness I couldn’t tell you.

Maybe it would just be too much fun if we had a radar & missile combo with the Aim-7M that ultra reliably tracked in any aspect at most in game distances and had a 9/10 chance of hitting.

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Exactly, sparrows dont self destruct IRL the moment lock is lost, but in WT they do for some balancing reason back in 2018 that doesnt apply anymore. Time and time again US equipment will get artificially nerfed for “balance” reasons, and then when Russia gets the equivalent tech or better it still stays nerfed. In fact the sparrows have even been nerfed more since the original artificial nerfs by drag. The R-27ER did not get a drag nerf, in fact its recieved several buffs.

The sparrow needs to be updated to not self destruct on lock lost like IRL, but will they do that? Nope. This is some how balance.


On top of that the current “map meta” massively benefits the russian vehicles.

Russian/Chinese Jets are (as far as I know) the only top tier nations that massively rely on IR missiles with longer ranges, meaning they can “run and gun”, shoot of 6 IR missiles in these furball maps and then start using their radar guided missiles.

Western jets only have the Aim9M and or the new Japanese variant with a bit more range as far as I’m concerned.

I find this entire “ground hugging” meta pretty ass to be honest.

What’s the point of having missiles with 50+ KM ranges (in theory) that are designed to be used high up for maximum range if you can’t use them.

As of right now (US-WEST/Soviets-East) only one side (russians/chinese) can go high and use radar missiles at long range, (maybe with the exception of the F14Bs AIM54s on the western side).

It just doesn’t bring that much fun. What’s the point of a mach 2.5 topspeed if you cripple around at tree height with mach 1.2 at the limit of wingrip…



I don’t even fly the F-16C, D and F15 with sparrows. They get you killed babysitting the missile that will eventually not hit anyway.

You guys want to know something funny too? The R27ER and ET did not get a stronger motor. They got a longer burning one for extended range. THATS IT.

But magically it goes practically hypersonic right off the rail and reaches top speed at all altitudes as if they got magical newly insane thrust motors.

The aim7F got a sustainer motor which does the same thing, but instead it does not gain any speed off the rail and is actually slower due to the extra weight (righfully so). Not the case for the R27ER. Devs read top speed and apply it immediately off the rail.

If it was truly modelled due to honest mistake, they would model the Aim54 aim7F the same way. They are not. Aim54 being MUCH lighters and aerodynamic over the R27ER.

The R27ER is much heavier and needs time to gain kinematic energy to reach its top speed. Which higher weight is required. The R27ER and ET are grossly overperforming in acceleration to top speed at all altitudes.


idk if I did something to you or something but leave me out of whatever weird beef you have with other people

thank you, have a good christmas eve

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F-15’s forward fuel tank #1 and wing tanks are not self sealing, but should be;

That will become much more potent as time goes on. Currently it is missing BTT steering, allowing for significantly higher maneuverability (~56G) and improved IR/UV IRCCM similar to the Stinger. In reality the AAM-3 is somewhere between the AIM-9M and the AIM-9X Block I in performance, being closer to the latter.

The reason it doesn’t perform as such now is that the BTT steering is not yet a feature simulated in game, and the IRCCM might be a blalance decision to allow it being added now rather than later.

So while it is functionally a 9M variant now, Gaijin has the ability to buff it once that becomes balanced/necessary.


Hopefully BTT is in the works, would make a couple missiles much nicer to use

cough AIM-54 cough

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Yeah Sparrows are just funny currently, they eat chaff like Aim 9Ls flares


AIM-54 doesn’t use bank to turn, it just maneuvers constantly in “X” configuration rather than “+” configuration towards target vector. It can pitch along any axis between the control surfaces, though.

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And that has been fixed… should be more peaceful in here now

One banned outright for his trouble… and another with 30 Days to think about how much he values his posting privileges… otherwise, he will not be around much longer either for his trouble

So, reminder for all… Remember our Rules and Keep to Civilized!.. Thanks!


The comments were delated, you cant see them anymore…



Are there any internal reports for TWS or AIM-7MH to be added to the F-15A?

Thank you

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No one has any reason to comment unless they’re discussing the F-15, not even me. I’ll leave it here for y’all to derail further or not.

I do find that sometimes the AIM7-Sparrow will have a solid lock but decide to go in some random direction even when the ideal situation for a perfect radar kill is there. maybe 1 in 20/30 chance for this to happen.