F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

I know how to manage my speed but Mannn, I have to turn off after burn on a top tier when they haven’t passed mach 1 yet? that’s a joke

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??? full… panic to dodge missiles??

That’s a 10-degree nose move with the mouse at mach 1

are you trying to read everything that happened, or are you trying to say something I don’t understand…

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Enlighten me.

How was the F-15 supposed to perform in a SUPERSONIC dive in full afterburn and full loadout of missiles supposed to behave? While you are rolling and pitching at the same time.

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I did what I could at mach 1, I didn’t overtake it at any point in the clip.

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well that your point, i have nothing to say with u.

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This statement means that you didn’t read the entire conversation, you just wanted to express yourself

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Like I said. Let off the burner. You will live longer. I make the same mistake all the time. I am no better than you.

Is the F-15 fragile? Yes. Too fragile but in this case you rightfully died.

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I’m not the one who said using the wrong f15 model, from the beginning you swapped the concepts of complaining and protesting

So is it the right model yes, or no? This sounds awfully like a complaint and a protest. Yes?

and I have my answer, nothing more than a whining battle here.

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I went back and reread the context. You were not being defensive whatsoever, I interpreted incorrectly and became defensive.

My apologies.

As for the video. The Supersonic dive in full ab is the issue. The Flanker does this and rips in the same conditions. However the F-15 is more optimized for combat conditions at high Mach numbers over the Su27. It is also a notoriously tougher aircraft over the Su27 and many. It should be more resilient than seen in the video.

How can that be translated to a report? Not sure. I recommend a start by addressing the Wing pattern itself. The F-15 is technically reinforced iirc and does have redundant flight controls. a very survivable platform.

I do not believe the Su27 and F-15 should be equal in terms of airframe integrity. The F-15 should excel imo.

I’m not saying that the f15 has to be better than the su27, I just want to say that this shouldn’t happen, whether with the Su27 or the f15… broken wings are unacceptable at Toptiers where a certain speed and flexibility is needed in the match. The reason I don’t say anything about Su27 is simply because I don’t have it, sad how poor im.


I’m going to have to disagree with your previous statements, man.

All the wing rip issues seem to be a result of (in my opinion) the instructor. In certain situations it’ll yoink you around just enough at certain speeds to continue to do it. So I really don’t think its that guys fault for diving with afterburner on, it was barely a dive anyway. Obviously the F15 and every other Gen 4 in the game PROBABLY shouldn’t be able to rip their wings regardless but I digress.

With how unfinished the entire F15 feels it really wouldn’t shock me that their are some catastrophic instructor bugs that’ll rip you into negative G and blow your wings off


Well, you are correct the F-15 rips too much, much easier than the Su27. (I have both spaded and aced) The F-15 rips just as the F4 phantom did. By simple roll and pitch in level flight.

I do personally think it’s just another artificial limitation placed exclusively on US fighters. Kind of like the intentional un modelling of US armor in ground vehicles. I am not saying this to kiss butt. This is legit the case.

The F-15 is unplayable to me. To the point I do not even touch the F-15J even though it has the AAMs. The Gripen and M4K & J-11 just dominate it with their ease of flight.

Again my original comment was intended to help and alleviate this situation. Not tell you it’s ok, and completely all due to pilot error. I must concede that other aircraft will have no such issue performing what you did and living.

If the F-15 of all should have crashed and died in the above mach dive situation, so should have any other far structurally weaker aircraft in game.

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Nah you’re good dude. And I don’t disagree, I already told my friend when F15 drops ill be playing 1,000 games in it so I’m still doing it.

I will say after spading it and spending a whole evening in customs dogfighting I feel pretty confident in it, and I think I’m in the process of climbing over a 2k/d so it’s useable. But you are correct, artificial limitations being placed on American vehicles once again.

OR should I say more accurately, American vehicles being given “real life” values such as structural integrity while other vehicles such as the SU-27 are not, which is odd considering its a video game

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Yeah, its insanely hard to rip wings irl. Especially fighter jets of the 4th generation.

You can jam your control surfaces such as flaps and elevators, however. That is realistic. Not immediately explode in a ball of flames like the F-8 Crusader…

It’s an old War thunder mechanic from WWII piston driven papier-mâché airplanes. Just as fuel starvation if you fly upside down for too long.

Fighter jets have nitrogen in their fuel takes to displace oxygen. Fighter jets can fly in all attitudes not as long as they want with no fear of fuel starvation.


One of my current main annoyances is the F16C having double contrails coming out the back, and the sparrow still having double smoke trails. Just a visual thing but it bothers the hell out of me, those have been in game since the F16C dropped and you’d think that would be an easy fix.

However it seems that actually fixing in game issues and ironing shit out is of a low priority these days.

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If the game was accurate the F15A, F16A, and F14A would be exclusively fighting Mig 21’s and Mig 23’s. Obviously that isn’t balanced (cus it never was in real life), so i’m okay with moving to the middle. But like I said, it’s actually gone in the other direction instead of in the middle.

I’ve got 4 nations at top tier so I can escape playing US top tier ground for instance by playing others. But that doesn’t change the fact that I grew up in the US putting together models of airplanes and tanks as a kid. I WANT to play my US vehicles, so it’s frustrating when they’re in a perpetual state of not being fun

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And mig25s and Mig29s too!

Its not the West fault that the USSR was too scared to give its allies their best.

The US sold its very best to Iran and Israel because they are not afraid of having their designs becoming battle tested and proven.