F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Wdym if installed? It is the info page for the f15a specifically, it was installed on the airframe

They are probably just quoting other source…
But well, lets asume it is installed. At what speed?
In game it alredy does 25000lbf at 0.6M


exactly, I work with jet engines. stating thrust numbers without the context of what speed it occurs at, is meaningless.

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My bad. Next time I will check for that aswell. Also, since you have experience with jet engines do you think the f15a is underperforming thrust/speed wise? I have watched some testing videos that show that in wt the f15a only reaches around Mach 2.4 at altitude when it should be Mach 2.5.

It is modeled after flight manual 102% engine trim (max) speed. ~2.3 Mach in standard day conditions.

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Do you have a link to the manual?

it depends on how they tuned production engines, which I do not know. They could have ran a prototype that fast for demonstration and bragging rights, but production models would have likely been adjusted for reliability, longevity, etc.

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I remember you said that the f15’s wing has been fixed, is it obvious that the wing broke at mach 1?
Can I report this? Or is it exactly what the F15s should receive.


Wing G load is correct but you are overloading the aircraft with roll + mouse pull that uses the rudder.
To fix this, roll rate should need to be nerfed.
At high mach get used to pull with keyobard instead of with mouse.

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How can I launch AIM9 without an HMD and have to use the keyboard in these situations? you gave me an impossible task :/

You can disable boosters

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disable boosters and make this plane even worse than it already is. or just be a sensible person and grind out a different top tier jet for a few weeks/months to have an actually fun time at top tier.

or play a better gamemode like SIM, where you can isolate pitch and roll inputs…

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ah yes, or just touch grass and stop playing this game. what a good point to make

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That’s not what they said, they said to play simulator mode…

You are the only one saying people should stop playing the game… Which is also against forum rules.

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I never said that, please read what I said a few times and try to let it sit with you and actually comprehend what I meant

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Not possible.

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Yes, disabling modification that you earned or paid for is not something you want to do, neither do I. But you got to let off that burner. Especially in a dive. You can keep the mod but you have to be hyper vigilant on airspeed and afterburning thrust applying further stress on the wings.

These jets gain immense speed really quickly and will pop your wings clean off in a pitch and roll during the heat of a battle.

The Su27 will do this too. Albeit the more structurally and technically resilient model the F-15 breaks easier… but I digress.

what is this “Airspeed management” you speak of??? NEVER HEARD OF IT! XD