F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Friend, I maybe I wasn’t clear enough but I was just agreeing with you guys. Not arguing with anybody

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Have you made a bug report to this effect I can support?

I think that kind of a matchup will be quite fair from a provisioning standpoint. Gameplay balance wise the 120A should’ve been in the game at the same time as the 27ER.

Either way, I hope to see ARB EC become much more common to allow the benefits and gameplay tactics of the Fox 1s and Fox 3s to become apparent.

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EC wont change a thing… the whole design of objectives, AFs and places with ground units is WRONG. There are no Sam sites to make some parts harder to fly around, everyone flies to the middle of map from single AF… they need to seriously redesign whole air RB for that to happen.

In my experience, ARB EC has been infinitely more enjoyable than the usual 16 v 16 IR furball that seems to be prevalent now more than ever.

The much larger map actually calls for fuel provisioning and allows teams to disperse enough so that sporadic fights happen over the objectives and in the middle of the map.

Once the initial battle has ended, fighters will hunt for the remaining planes.

It’s very enjoyable and the bigger maps would enable the fixed Phoenix to actually do some good when coupled with significantly shorter ranged Fox 3s up against 27ERs and R77s.

I think ERs werent that problematic on the 29s when they had 2 and stuff with 120s carried more than that, but now yeah they should come and they probably are next patch if not then the following one after that

F-16C Block 50s can carry 6x AMRAAMs with no 9Ms.

F-15A MSIP can carry 4x AMRAAMs and 4x 9Ms.

F-14B maybe can carry 4x AMRAAMs and 4x 9Ms (don’t quote nor crucify me for saying this)

I believe the dual rail launchers for AMRAAMs came into service with the Hornets.

I don’t know what the capacities are for the Gripens and other AMRAAM capable aircraft currently in game.

F15 capable to carry amraam should be able carry them on all weapon stations, gripen can carry 4 under wings apparently retaining bols. F14 CANT carry amraam, it never left testing program and fixed phoenix C with reduced smoke engine should be fine. Tornado up to 4 amraams but i expect new tornado with them. Hopefuly both gripens will get amraams.

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the issue is, flanker wont stay with ERs only most likely… there is good chance they will add another one with billion fox3s and they will be overtuned.

Do you guys have info on how the f15C differs from the A regarding flight performance?

Its almost negligible, I think the F-15J is like 600kg heavier than the F-15A in game and they fly near identically. Other than that, the F100PW220 which would bring a bit better dynamic thrust.



In the J I just take 2x sparrows sometimes none and its amazing flight perfromance.

Yeah bro I can barely tell any difference. The only difference I can tell is that a fully spaded A takes off faster than a fully spaded J.

Acceleration is a little bit better off the line. But not enough to give it a tactical advantage.

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Mainly due to weight differences which is to be expected.

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Did the Baz get the desert camo? I am debating which aircraft to get next

Uhhh, I don’t expect F-15C MSIP II with Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) in 4 years (2024 ~ 2028) and won’t buff F-15A

I guess new F-15 Eagle after F-15A (USAF) & F-15A Baz (IAF/IDF) might be F-15C MSIP II Early (USAF) (1999 ~ 2001) with AN/APG-63(V)1 radar, carry IR AIM-9M/AIM-9M-9, BVRAAM SARH AIM-7MH and active radar homing AIM-120B AMRAAM, and F-15C Baz Meshupar from IAF & IDF

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There is better info of F14 using AMRAAMS then Gripens using Skyflashes


Tests are completed and F-14 was suitable for to carry Amraams.

Reason Tomcats didnt use Amraams in real life its because it was to expensive to upgrade them.


Itd be pretty easy to justify the F-14D getting AMRAAMS tbh. The F-14 was used for tezting the missile, there was initial intent to arm them with the AMRAAM, and it even appears on the pre-production SAC for the F-14D. Couple that with the fact that all of the F-14D’s weapons will be wholly inadequate by the time its added and its outright just good for balancing as well.

The F-14D getting AMRAAM’s would be less shaky grounds than the Mirage 4000, the Yak-141, and the F-16AJ.

If it wasnt for the fact someone (or multiple ppl) at gaijin outright hates the F-14, id say its more than likely itd get the AMRAAM in-game.


Well, considering 54 is not performing as it should AT ALL. It would be more than enough if they are fixed. Starting with reduced smoke on 54C and 20+ Gs.

I mean, sure, id love to see the 54’s fixed, but gaijin seems to be fking allergic to the thought, to the point where i cant think of a single good reason why they havent given them at LEAST the low smoke motor (bug reports been submitted and approved since the La Royale dev server) aside from “gaijin fking hates the AIM-54 and the F-14”.

Not like the documentation is ambiguous either, gaijin just doesnt like what it says so they close their eyes and pretend ut doesnt exist