F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Bvvd said some shit on the ru stream. 1 or 2 updates from now

That will be another shit fight let me tell you.

They will either add the AIM-120a by itself seeing as the R-27ER outclasses it in all regards aside from self-guidance or they’ll drop 120B(Late) or 120C alongside PL-12s and R-77-1s.


People spend their month wage worth in this game, it’s not Just A Game for some people, it’s the only thing they played.

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Not to mention they hold onto an idea of how their favourite plane should perform only to be grossly disappointed.

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At this point, I would be surprised if we didn’t see a full-hard push into AIM-120C-4/PL-12/R77/MICA-EM

I honestly would prefer that.

7Ms are wildly inadequate now that I have had a taste of 27-ERs. Combine that with the ground hugging meta and prevalence of multi-pathing, even ERs are having their effectiveness reduced to the point where a gameplay change is needed.

i think a great addion would be the AIM-7P, ok its still not as gonna as a R-27ER but the deta link on it would make it way more effective other the AIM-7M id love to see it in the future tbh

Currently the aim7m does not need to be nerfed due to balance, it is already a worse missile than the r27er by leagues and pulls less and is slower with players just not taking the sparrows on the f15 this update because of how bad they perform ingame. I don’t see whats the problem with buffing it especially when the new radar nerfs with PD locking chaff affect the sparrows more due to the fact that they explode upon losing signal ingame and have neutral fins and the already much better r27er mostly wasnt effected by these changes because you can switch targets without problems. The f15 ingame is currently played as just a walmart f16 or gripen due to the god awful aim7ms and radar and compounded on the fact with the state of top tier american teams leads to this jet overall being a bad experience at top tier, having a near sub 30% winrate in this jet rn and it sucks, even games where get 5 kills the team evaporates instantly.

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The biggest advantage of the F-15/F-16C/sparrow combo is the ability to guide with the same tracking signal. Meaning no launch warning as most RWRs ping missile launch when a CW is detected in your direction. Seeker max range should also be increased to like 40 nautical miles in PD for the same sized target. The “disadvantage” is that you cannot switch to MPRF or LPRF as you are required to guide in HPRF / RG HPRF.
That is if implemented.
A more subtle thing is range being added as a parameter in guidance. The sparrow knows the distance to target. PN could be made APN based on range, aspect, closure rather than just a time thing.


I never said the Aim7M needs to be nerfed.

I am astonished that you interpreted that.

I am very interested though,
What sentence gave you the idea that anyone called for the Aim7M to be nerfed? Can you point directly to it?

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in fact the opposite


They Aim7M also has an active fuse. Second generation proximity fuse.

But none of this is really going to matter because it is the aim7’s inability to reacquire a track, almost immediate detonation upon signal loss, and control fin reset to neutral upon signal loss. These are the number one driving factors to its failure rate in WT.

I honestly do not mind how many times the signal drops when guiding the sparrow. Seems highly realistic. But the technology is there to keep the missile going and it should be up to the player to give the Sparrow a midcourse update and must illuminate the target for terminal guidance just like the R27R.

The player will still be hard at work to make sure any given launch especially at range is achieved.

None of the mentioned technologies will be implemented until @k_stepanovich and his team are sufficiently convinced that there will not a disruption to balance. I am sure they are monitoring the Super5, the R27ER etc. and only time will tell at this point as data starts to come in of win rates/KDs of the new update and its aircraft.


How can you disrupt balance against ER… that thing will beat even amraams in WT meta.


I am not a developer bro! lol.

But we must try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

because the sparrow and radars associated are not the only models held back either.

What I am trying to say is they have a ton of things that need to be incrementally fixed (including the sparrow/aim54/F15, F14 radar.) Immediately giving them full capability would just shift the problem over to the other nations.

Data is coming in on how the current models are performing. They will not make changes based on our anecdotal evidence.

The good news is that the Developer is aware these missiles are more capable and made it clear.
I would be worried if they came out and said. “Nah, they are just naturally crap”.

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I know, just a little poke that you even consider them looking at something like balance if we get ER and 7M in state its in RN.

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Yeah but how much balance are you expecting? Gaijin are trying to slot in vehicles in a balance that the World has never experienced. I would say that only in the most recent modern era have we ever seen a parity of aircraft and weaponry between the major nations.

IRL the R-27ER outperformed early variants of the AIM-120s until the later C and D variants, and that is fine.

What Gaijin should be doing is adjusting the map design and game mode to accommodate the different playstyles and weaponry. In their own way, that’s what multi-pathing was meant to achieve but in some oversight they didn’t realise people would continue to hug the deck and now switch to strong IR missiles.

The balance would be 120A/B vs 27ER. One side gets fox3, other side gets kinematically waaaay better missile + better dogfight missile. Tbh, flanker should NOT receive fox3 when they come, only SMT and 141 if it can carry them.


Unless they opt to implement something like the AIM-120C, PL-12 and R-77-1.

That i expect, cant have russia without better weapon, can we. And i bet it will be overdone based on propaganda numbers from brochure which were uncovered as false and lies by Indians when their R77 couldn’t even reach stated 80km by russian manufacturer.

I think people overestimate the PL-12 from its DCS performance, known performance figures show it very much inline with the R-77 which was hardly much better than the AIM-120, the difference would be like 530D vs AIM-7M right now pretty much, mostly equal just the other having slightly superior kinematics