F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Afaik most radars havent completely recovered from the recent changes. Speaking of is the radar of the f15 modelled correctly yet?

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Speaking of is the radar of the f15 modelled correctly yet?

It’s not. MaMoran and Stepan have been discussing at length above.


Another reminder too

Sparrows Fs & Ms have a horriilbe time guiding in close quarters do to weight of the dual boost and launching the missile flying too fast (what the F-15 does) has them compress at high Mach numbers.

damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. A dilemma.

I do believe it needs that auto pilot.

The people who shot those missiles in that war were Russian mercs, not country soldiers. So it’s a shitty missile, not a maintenance problem.


Seems it would be balanced if it got it. Sources back it up too. Would even out the su27 f15 disparity. +1 from me lol

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This clusterfuck of taking “official documents” on one side as factor for patching performance and “balance” on the other side completly nullifies the importance of official documents.

There are plenty sources that state what missiles like the AIM-54C and AIM7M can and can’t do.
I am pretty sure there are open bug reports regarding these documents.

Still. We are sitting here, in late 2023, with AIM54s, that have literal spaghetti code in their guidance computers, AIM7Ms, that explode after losing lock for 2-3 seconds with horrendous flight performance and an F15-A that has the biggest loss of mounted engine thrust in the game.

Gaijin should just come forward and clarify what they are actually patching and based on WHAT.

If the answer is “we patch for balance”, the community can save a lot of time and brain and stop providing official technical documents.

If the answer is “we patch for realism as best as we can”, we have a long road ahead of us in terms of actually fixing stuff. The bug reports are there. So are the technical infos. Act on it. It’s not like Gaijin is some Indie DEV.

Why does changing out values for thrust, range or speed take them years? Why are there open bug reports for the F14Bs Aim54Cs since MONTHS?

Anyway… I’ve researched the F15-A, its fast, it has 9ms. Nothing special. It gets smoked by 27ERs.
I’ll just wait it out until they add 120s to the F16C or smth.

The current state of toptier ARB with 16vs16 clusterfucks and non working missiles is just not worth the anger.


It’s also missing TWS right?


Depends on how deep into the upgrades they go with it. I can see the F-15A being a frankenplane having some upgrades but not everything. Most of the discussion above is about the basics of how the APG-63 works, because right now it’s essentially a Phantom radar.

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Yeah its going to be a franken plane

They wanted an early non-AMRAAM F15 but they knew they couldn’t add one without flares. So we got an F15A MSIP (ish) and will probably get an F15C MSIP added when Amraam comes to the game.


I can only speak from what I heard on the F-15J side about it being the APG-63 with PSP and from what I read about it, that should have TWS? I don’t know if the F-15A with MSIP has it though.


From what I’ve seen, MSIP should have TWS. But like pyro said, they are probably going to frankenplane this early generation of Eagles and add in everything with the next set.


I hope it does get added. As a Japan main, it’s the one radar feature I look forward to the most for ground RB.

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J will because its an F-15C and Japan doesn’t have multiple versions of it to add like the US does. (Hopefully with native missiles)

Israel might get lucky but they’ll probably have to grind an F15C Baz too.

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I hope so, though it’s an F-15C pre-MSIP.

From what I know there’s a few versions. There’s the current one, MSIP version, MTDP version, one with IRST (don’t remember which upgrade package it had), and any others I might have missed. There’s also the JSI program to give it AESA radar among other things, so there’s definitely a few variants Gaijin can add to fluff up the line.

I’m still in the XF-2/F-2 waiting room though.

F-15a/j wont get any HMDs anytime soon but does anyone have any information on the Baz? Isrealis had HMDs on their planes very much earlier was that the case on F-15?

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Still waiting for the HMS on the Kfir c.7… and the radar to be implemented correctly its a PD ACM only radar HUD like another jet. Just did not have a search function.

I do not see why the Baz a very old fighter in Israeli inventory did not have HMS either.

Just like how they updated SMT w/ additional countermeasures and the radar warning reciever i think they should add PSP upgrade for the radar (add TWS basically). as for the HMD i think we have to wait F-15C for that which is very unfortunate.

Aside from the devblog talking about Fox 3s coming in their own update, has there been any other indication that Fox 3 missiles are coming like people are rumouring them?

After unlocking last modification (excluding ground ordinance) iam quite frankly dissapointed with how this aircraft plays in current meta. You are supposed to go fast and high, hunt down people with sparrows from distance. however that is not doable in this meta because R-27ERs and funky sparrow guidance (over-correcting in particular) so as a result you often find yourself hugging ground and mainly using sidewinders only launching sparrows in merges. Flight model is great though, only if teams you play with were great as it is.

Also, this is only top tier jet i have less than %50 WR (EU)…


Will the F-15 receive its TWS? Given that all models in game are based on post-MSIP aircraft.