F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

If we’re talking about reliability, during the Ethiopia and Eritrea war, only one out of like 20 r-27s launched hit a target.

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Missiles require periodic maintenance, shelf life of American missiles isn’t so great either.

Yeah, just take their word for it with no source


Idk where mig23 gets his numbers from here but while static thrust is ver similar between the two, optimal thrust has a much larger gap, which is what i believe he was refering to. Once again no idea where his numbers come from.

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I meant no offense lmao, i was and still am a mig29 fanboy and wish it was what it isnt. I think that the absence of a nato equivalent to the 27er is pretty inexcusable tbh, theres no way adding a aim7p with datalink is too much to ask for. Would basically be a qol change tho, wouldnt adress the issue

Is this the Mig29 thread?

Is this the R27ER thread?

Datalink? The Aim7 does not need datalink to compete at 12.3.

what happened is he did what he was accusing me of, and misread the graphs. Then instead of admitting that, he’s doubling down and comparing dynamic thrust instead, when I specifically said in my initial comment “the gap is not as big as he would have you think, it even has the advantage in static thrust

He’s so desperate to be right that he just glosses over things. Some of the extrapolations he was trying to do on dodgy graphs was absolute gold. Fools gold.

I very explicitly said the numbers that are under an entirely different aircrafts max weight 1:1… how is that interpreted as “misreading the graphs”?

I must admit you’re incredibly good at mental gymnastics.

Calm down boys, let’s not initiate ww3…

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Because I said “the static thrust in the gripen is higher”, and you said “no, you’re reading MTOW instead of full fuel”.

More projection.

Yeah the Aim7M can totally be buffed. Check this link out.
Raytheon AIM/RIM-7 Sparrow (designation-systems.net)

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Sorry did not mean to erase my post, my internet connection is spotty and i couldnt undelete. I can recreate it if its important to you. The modeling of lofting and general trajectory shaping of the 7m has been long discussed, is there no dev response or has no report been made yet?
By IG you dont mean instagram right?

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I made a bug report on it some time ago but there is no good data for how it should optimize the trajectory. It is known that it can loft, limit overload, etc but not info about specifics as to how much.

I guess the modeling of monopulse and inverse seekerheads could also help the f15. Though eliminating multipath for some may be too drastic.

would make it not a copy paste aim7f

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Anyway, the current state of the Sparrow is due to balance (at the moment) not because of any lack of information. Therefore, I do not believe a technical report that can be made.

The developer indicated he is already fully aware of what sparrows can do & not do.

That sparrows do not have a propensity to magically explode upon signal loss and older sparrows will maintain their last control fin input until a signal is reestablished. That was originally modelled in-game and proved too powerful at the time and ever since Aim7 control fins return to neutral position when signal is dropped and a very short amount of time to reacquire a target track has remained.

The meta has changed and 6xR27ER platforms exist. The Aim7M does not just hold same course when CW signal is dropped from host aircraft. The Aim7M will actually fly the best course calculated based on last known target track or midcourse update. Thanks to its digital computer with autopilot capability.

@k_stepanovich indicated it is currently all based on balance, which I agree.
However, I believe at least either an extension of time to reacquire a target track is called for and leave the neutral fin reset for balance.


Model the Aim7M to fly optimal routes regardless is CW illumination is lost. The Aim7M would only require a midcourse update and terminal guidance for precision (must lock the target before impact like the R27).


I accidently deleted a post that ready EXACTLY as follows :

Sorry i will stop responding to you ig

ig here means “i guess” not insta. Im actually sorry tho that comes off as creepy and its my bad shouldnt have abbreviated

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We will never know since you deleted it immediately. Anyway what is your thoughts on the sparrow?

(will delete any mention of your deleted post now :) neutral fin & course reset)

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LMAO no problem, it really was all my bad. considering i dont have the sparrow i still dont think its very good. I havent died to one in recent memory, the inability to keep flying after a loss of lock would be devestating, half of my kills with the r27er lose lock halfway through. Being able to notch for one second letting it explode. And then recommit is pretty unfair to the sparrow user who has to hold the notch until the r27 passes by. Thus the need for some compensation i.e. trajectory shaping

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Yeah, R7ERs have been acting weird. Then again, The SU27 radar is not modelled completely yet?

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