F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

The aim7M has an auto pilot to fly in the general direction of last known track.

Do pilots report the Aim7M’s warhead immediately detonating the moment target illumination ceases? That is pure GJ mechanics imo.

So I haven’t seen that in a pilot report. Figured that was just weird in game behavior. But the different variations of “going stupid” occur frighteningly often.

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devs said they don’t model reliability…

Lol Developers may not be able to model reliability or the technology that increases it in later variants…

But they are sure as hell are professionals at modelling a weapons systems unreliability, that’s for sure.

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Shell shattered

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All missiles except some do. Vikhrs explode when they run out of battery, not sure how true that is

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Well yeah, especially in Vietnam and of older generation aircraft which required a continuous wave illuminator to paint a target due to weak field strength and inability to produce a high pulse frequency rapid enough to guide.

The fighter aircraft of the 4th generation in game the F-16, F-15, J-8F & afaik the Gripen have the field strength and ability to produce the ideal frequency to guide a SARH. There is no excuse for them to demonstrate the same failure rate as the F4J of Vietnam.

It is preposterous idea that the Americans, the leader in the field of radiolocation applications and inventor of the weapon system type & first to put in operational service cannot increase the reliability over a span of 30+ years.

The Soviet Union, known for their poor radar innovation (leaked to the CIA 1979-1985 by Adolf Tolkachev) magically perfected it? No, not in the slightest.

Only in WT does the R24 and R27 perform this ridiculously accurate. “Balance” because many new players from all over the world flock to the US tech tree when they start the game, and they would never branch out to other nations if technical specifications were truly followed.

Developers may say they cannot model certain aspects of western radars/weapon systems etc. That may be true. I am not a developer. But it sure as hell is a mighty convenient coincidence huh?


Even the later Sparrows were not the best reliability wise. Eagle drivers and Tomcat crews have either documented or anecdotal accounts of Sparrow failure. Shoot, the air battle of Samurra in '91 had like 3 of 5 Sparrows fail (that number is from memory, may be off by one), all fired by Eagles.

But reliability shouldn’t be modeled so why is the Sparrow so iffy in game? [Shrugs shoulders]

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Yes, the sparrow fails. However, none of the technology that was implemented to increase reliability in the variants we currently have are modelled.

Additionally, the failure rate of the Sparrow in War Thunder has little to nothing to do with the missile itself.

It is the developers intentional nerf to the aircraft’s radar that is the issue.

Radars that were second only to the F-22’s radar btw. However, in game a Mig-29 with a N019 with its terrible range and reliability (a modified Mig23 Sapfir) can guide an R27 at unbelievable range and accuracy… Its overtly overperforming. The Zhuk is a different story and is actually slightly underperforming imo, but I digress.


Do you guys understand the Aim-120 will come to the game completely gutted and will likely be an Aim7M with the active homing of the poorly modelled aim54 fire control?

I will bet golden eagles on it.

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The real question is what aircraft will get it first

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100 percent. Even if the AMRAAM was completely accurately modeled, it will be a let down if its the A or B model. A lot of people have expectations based on the C-7, and that is a long way off.

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Probably the Italian Harrier, Viggen Mod D & F.3 Tornado. They may add the F4F ice as well just for the occasion. They will add the British and US capable harrier as well.

Gj likes to test the waters of advanced weapon systems on attackers and lesser performing fighters.


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One of the devs did explain why sarh missiles explode after certain time passed when lock is lost in old forum. their reasoning was there were no possibility to re-acquire the target for none of the missiles (this was before R27 and AIM54) so instead of keep going straight until they plummet into earth they would explode so player could understand their missile is dead. as far as i know besides sparrow p there is no such datalink functionality in any of the sparrows. however super 530s actually have some sort of re acquisition mechanism built in. radar should try to re acquire the target automatically for couple seconds and then if it fails to lock on it enters into flood mode and hopes for the best (none of this implemented of course…)

There are multiple outstanding reports about the F-15’s radar, AIM-7M(and other missile) minimum altitudes, multi-target tracking, seeker maximum acquire range. There’s other things that I think might be reported but can’t find.

That’s good to know, there’s also reports for the MiG-23s radar that are ancient at this point. Surely it’s for bias reasons.

I mean it is sort of frustrating that R-27R/ER has had ability to datalink reconnect for almost a year now while it turns out that AIM-54 in addition to not doing the same cannot even support multiple uninterrupted datalinks. R-27 was fixed in what, less than a month? Whereas AIM-7 and AIM-54 have been broken for months and literal years respectively.

Is this necessarily bias? Not necessarily, but it’s certainly bad practice.


Yeah, I can’t be mad at the devs on this instance. How the hell do you implement such a highly versatile programable active homing missile capable of dogfight maneuvers at medium range? Especially being that western fighters can carry many of them.

The Harrier can hold 6x and still have 2x sidewinders…

These missiles are extremely undetectable when launched at range and by the time they enter the terminal phase and give off an RWR warning. The missile has already gained such kinematic energy there is usually no time available to defeat the missile with radar defeating maneuvers or CM.

I do not see how they will implement these missiles without nerfing them beyond recognition. Even if they drastically reduced the number American fighters can carry. There is nothing else they can nerf other than the missile itself.

They already nerfed US 4th generation airborne interception radars to F-4 phantom levels.


120 will be gimped hot piece of garbage without smokeless engine, terrible reliability and it will eat chaff at first sight… Then they will go, add R-77, notoriously known as the true hot piece of garbage that india is replacing instantly after their first combat experience where it didnt even managed to achieve ranges stated by russians and it will be ER vs 7M all over again, just in Fox3… its not like flanker would be perfectly fine with its current missile load against amraams… only russian jet that should get it is SMT.
Aim-120 combat proven missile which achieved numerous kills will be trash meanwhile real life trash will be broken OP because gaijin will use propaganda numbers from brochures.


Let it be known I’ve been advocating R-27ER vs AIM-120