F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

It would be awesome if the flight model devs were more communicative like you are. Is there any chance you could discuss with them about talking to the community more frequently about hotly debated topics?


fair enough. But thing is on a manual and its there for a reason. 210-180 kph

Do you think MLC clutter would be able to reach that far into the clutter free region? I can only think of an antenna being angled down enough so that sidelobes offer a return with a higher frequency to it. Made me think and see why from your point of view for what you say, especially for tracking targets.

Take into account:

  • main beam width
  • first sidelobes (which may be strong enough, for examplem to be accounted in doppler filtering in search modes)
  • speed gate width
  • antenna possible elevation angle: the more the angle below the horizone - wider the dopper speed range of MLC spot is.
  • processing: ground clutter not in the gates, but nearby may affect
  • e.t.c…
    You may find that the no-tracking area of the closing speed scale is wider than you think.

That’s all cool and all, but what’s up with the reason you guys are keeping the AWG9 nerfed beyond all hell?

What’s up with the intentional nerfed ACM range on the F-16C & D.


VSN used to do it frequently on the russian forum:

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They would never because that would only reveal they artificially buff and nerf aircraft depending on circumstance such as balance and above all in the name of sales figures. I have no issue with it as this is still a business. The only issue I have is the fact that they intentionally neglect certain models.

The only reason @k_stepanovich communicates with the community is because the study of radiolocation and telecommunications is a relatively new and very complex feature to the War thunder and video games in general. None of them have a formal education in regard to the military applications of the technology.

Especially in the highest technical domain of the United States Air Force.

He most likely has very few to zero colleagues in his department to refer to in radar operation and modelling. He is probably one of the first developers in the industry of this specialized area.

It is ideal to communicate with the WT community in this regard.


What are your winrates in F-15A people? Trying to spade the eagle (at least unlock 9Ms) and currently i have whopping %21 WR at 14 games total. It is %70 (37 Games) in Mirage 4000 and %54 (41 Battles) In Su-27. I’am playing on the EU server by the way.

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44% Right now, the thing is that even if the F-15 has a good FM, it is not a meta aircraft. So in the current set up of 16v16, you will rarely perform well.

must be bad luck then. Since this patch whenever i play top tier usa jets my team magically vanishes…

F5C players are going to become f15/f16 players eventually. What do you expect. From my experience the team that has the most usa aircraft loses, this happened even before the update


Of course, you didn’t. Why would you?

I love how there is a developer and a customer splitting hairs over a notch filter when there are many 4th generation radars (mostly western) that can’t hold a lock in the most ideal atmospheric conditions at a pathetic range of 6km at altitude.

Are people harassing the devs over non-existent issues? Surely there’s evidence to support a report if there was a real issue… And it would be so so easy to make if it’s obvious, no?

Calm down junior game developer.


looks like they already become lol. team barely lasted 4 minutes…


The consequence of 16v16 garbage mode.


72%, fell down from 80 by playing like dumb R***** and pointlessly dying. Trying to use aim-7 is just pain… plane itself is really nice but i often die to enemy while trying to make 7M work. Might aswell dump aim7 and fly it with 4x9M only or keep 7Ms for late game.

It’s so fucking funny. No wonder they give artificial FM buffs to all top tier american aircraft. All they know to do is hold W and point-click, that’s what the handheld F5C taught them

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7Ms have been made extremly unreliable. Which to be honest isn’t unrealistic but devs said they don’t model reliability…

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They did increase the time to require a track after launch. Still did not make a difference imo either.

The Aim7M is literally not modelled. Neither is the Aim54 flight performance, intertial guidance and fire control.



Yeah, the unreliability of the 7M IRL is its most accurate attribute in game. Short of a rocket motor failure, everything else that pilots reported seems to happen.