F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

R-27ERs go into the ground as well.

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Sure they do bud. Sure they do. The R-27ER has an incredible hit and performance rate. If you shoot them into the ground thats user error.

This is the sustaind turn performance chart of the F15. 35.000 pounds is clean with 22 min fuel or something if I’m correct. You can test it yourself :)


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Dude, they’re radar missiles just like AIM-7s.
You’re now saying that if you shoot AIM-7s into the ground it’s user error since it’s quite literally the same SARH technology in-game.

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What is this some cope answer? We get it you dont know how to use R-27Ers…

Sir, calm down.

Nice, looking at it i have some real doubts but i’m kinda not so experienced with those, i’ll wait for my comrade @MiG_23M to confirm if it’s correct or not


Oh look the Russian player trying to say his R-27ERs called himself out.

Nice. Its like they say. They god they are so stup…

Either way how is the f15 feeling in game, still flying well, heard it’s supposed to pull better at high speed now too?

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I think so, the report made by mig was supposed to fix all of these issues as it contained a lot of info regarding how the plane is behaving ingame and how it should behave, let’s wait and see now. I don’t have experience with testing so i always scream for mig to check if it’s correct or not when i feel a plane is a bit strange lmao

“Russian”; my profile literally says I’m American, and the screenshot I showed was the German flag.
As I said, calm down.
R-27ERs and AIM-7s are equally easy to defeat.

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How is the R-27ER overperforming? Can you show me your reference?

I checked it yesterday, appears to be in-line with the manual.


Is it a nerf compared to the previous FM we had? Seems like STR was hit pretty hard

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Low speed maneuvering significantly improved, high speed sustained turn rate increased…
Low and medium speeds (0.35 - 0.6 mach) STR was reduced…

Depends on how you look at it. I don’t report things just to nerf them, I only report discrepancies.

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Oh I understand that, the FM should be as it is IRL, was just wondering how this translates in game, so it seems medium speeds are hit but low speed is better and high speed is also better.

Is the low speed manoeuvring only improved if flaps are deployed?

A buff in my book for ARB players

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Very good, gonna go bonk more flankers while they dump all their speed in one turn

But why 11GHz if you know the operating frequency and it’s gonna give you a difference. If you use at 11GHz the 3058Hz rejection(±150 kph) filter at 10GHz, its gonna filter anything to ±165 kph, at 9GHz thats gonna be ± 183kph.
And looking at the On-Board Complex Aircraft Navigation, Aiming and Armament Control. Its a mess to read, but it look to even have a rejection filter at all

signal before processing is sent to mixer/heterodyne which might be why its all so expanded(60kHz for the clutter region?) but quite complicated to understand. There’s no info about a simple rejection filter around the MBC/Fighter speed but it seems to only look in the clutter free region with a separation between the clutter and the bands.

I meant that if it’s telling you that you can’t track targets below 150kph when the antenna is below 3°, then it might imply there’s a filter. Preventing you to track targets under that speed.


I didn’t mention the source I used, so it doesn’t matter if there is rejection filter for some area or pass-through filter for the rest area. I think we understood each other. You can take filters position do some calcullations and have the same values for speed for the same operating frequency.

No, this means only that you can’t track targets below 150kph (relative MLC) when the antenna is below 3° due the some reasons. Ground clutter presence may be such reason - logical.