F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

A pure guess, but it might be the "mainBeamNotchMaxElevation" value added to MPRF signals.

The only true con I believe is that it is slightly heavier, and that is the only thing that is different.

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Is it safe to say it’s the best one?

Isn’t that the radar update to supposedly make notching more difficult if the target is above the shooter (for the specified radar sets)? Would be ironic if when trying to make the radar stronger, they introduced a bug that made it weaker.

Yeah I’d say so due to AAM-3. Its got more range with lower drag after burn than an AIM-9M and just about the same burn time.

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Wow. I did not think it had more range. About to unlock the Ms right now.

The F-15 was notoriously tough. I am not a big fan of getting hit with a singe 30mm and losing all flight control.

Thing had quadruple redundant systems iirc ?

Would be cool if something like that were added considering more than just the F-15 would benefit if true.

Yeah I think GJ will model in due time.

The same with the A-10 it has quadruple redundant hydraulics and even has cable and pulley incase all of those gets shot out.

Stock grinding the F-15 was truly a test of a mans character I swear.

Once you start getting the Mods the jet really comes to life drastically.


DCS win

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Our girl is thicc.

Hi, nice.
Could you also add aprox G load?
Idk if flight manual deg/s is purely equal to wtrti.

Flanker has problems with its radar , notibly HDN modes and TWS being bugged cause of wrong inputs
For some reason , normal PD modes work much better than HDN PD at all ranges

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Su-27 now have full C/P Mig-29 radar

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Comparing f-15a to f-15c


Radar which is three times the size ?

because many things are still unfinished because update was rushed out of dev

Hopefully they finish before Christmas or we are doomed

Yes, but gaijin made copy n019. ( IRST also )
All differences N001 and N019 now