F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Its getting decoyed by chaff bc now radars now these radars no longer have a hard notch filter while tracking and do SNR thing now.

In search during look up when the antenna is above certain angle(3-3.5°). The hard filter is turned off and the full frequency spectrum is available. So you are able to see beaming targets and chaff. In lookdown they all have the filter around the MLC for search and its turned off during track. So when you he goes into the beam and chaff, you lock into it instead of simply losing lock

What is missing are filters like the Kalman Filter in the tracking discriminants. Some have it some don’t irl.

For example the F-14 has a MLC(notch) filter during search when antenna is below 3° if the switch is set to auto. Even if you are tracking the MLC filter is on, ±110 knots owns speed.

Mig 29 and Su 27 should function like this, they have a hard filter during search, turned off above 3°, AND have a smaller filter while tracking. They currently only have a the filter during search. Which is incorrect. ±210-220 kph (113-118 knots)during HPRF/MPRF search and ± 180 (97 knots)for HPRF/± 150 kph (80 knots) for MPRF during tracking. DOGFIGHT mode MPRF is different than the Normal MPRF for BVR. And they have a huge range cell for HPRF( 16KM), meaning it can’t differentiate targets in the same doppler cell that are separated by ±8km during ranging process.

I would say this is a good change heading to the right track but needs some polishing.


Which planes don’t have it that are currently in game and have a PD radar?
From what I understood once implemented F-14, MiG-29s, Su-27s should mostly end up working like they used to before the update, with differences such as difficulty to separating close targets at long range for the MiG-29 or the Su-27, but are there any radars that will be heavily improved/nerfed after this?

I have no idea. F-15 does as its clearly says so for track. I haven’t fully read the N019, if so then N001 as it basically a bigger version of it. But from what I’ve read it doesn’t says about it. Beyond that then I don’t know exactly. Perhaps apg 66 and +. I would say all digital radars have it.

Somewhat. I haven’t played recently really to say but N019 had a much lower notch filter than it really had. In MPRF search ingame its ± 68.4kph(36.9 knots) when it ahould be ±210-220kph(113-118kt). In track it goes down to ±43.2kph(23.2knots) when should be ±150kph. HPRF in search its ±270kph(145kt) when should be ±210. In game, HPRF track its the same as MPRF track 43.2 kph when it should be 180 kph.
It also says that under 15km, the notch MPRF is ±50kph and beyond 15km its 150kph. Not sure about this.

In RWS the error is quite big ±4-5km(8-10km cell looks like), to switch to STT there is a 3 step process to reduce that. It first finds a rough set of values that the target is in, 10km space, it then gets a much mkre accurate value ±240m if i’m not mistaken , and finally verifies that the target is withing a 2km gate using another estimate. I think this is the switch to tracking but I’m not sure if its only for guiding a missile as its for the “continuous direction finding”. So for launching guiding a missile in the inertial nav phase, it does extra work as it needs to give proper info about the target. Ingame its just 5km gate for RWS Hprf and STT is 500m.

I don’t think they would perform the same, N019-N001 should just lose lock as soon its notched, AWG9 goes into coast mode for several seconds to reacquire the target I think?

One thing I haven’t tested is the angular resolution. Lets say 2 targets are flying at the same speed and 2km between each other straight to you. If your antenna has a beamwidth 3.5°(mig 29) you would only be able to tell the that there are 2 targets at 33km, in su 27(3°) it would be at 38km and F15-F14(2°5) at 45km.
If the difference is 5km then ranges will be 82km, 95km, 114km.

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Localhost is available with G loads stated in the right side of the videos.

Ye, was just in case you wanted to add it instead of me.
Anyways, David has already forwarded it and dev answered that it will be adjusted in the margin of possible.
Also the graph is just missing the structural limit turn, you cant directly compare 0.72-1.02 rates with the graph.

You’re right… an oversight. Been a long work week for me. Guess they can omit those tests.

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Ye such obvious thing that I did not see either hahaha

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Are you sure the notch values for the N019 in-game are those you listed?

Going by the config file for the N019 (assuming I understand it correctly):

MPRF search is 100 m/s = 360 km/h



MPRF track is 40 m/s = 144 km/h



HPRF search is 50 m/s = 180 km/h



don’t know what the HPRF track is as the format was changed this update, but if we go by the previous values, it is 50 m/s = 180 km/h



@MiG_23M it appears they did some changing on the flight model for the f15’s already today?

Didn’t mean to reply to you @Grimtax :P

I don’t see any changes but I’m not home yet

No FM changes at all for 0.19

That’s what I thought.

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I used Width under dopplerspeed and divided by 2. Look on MPRF search, 100m/s. I would say thats the bandwidth of the filter. The only way to test is to grab the plane and have someone just go slow as possible.

The code on one radar is not always the same for another. Best way to test is just flying it

while the changelog says it was changed it appears to be unchanged yet, maybe a dev accidentally put the F-15 changes on an earlier patchnotes

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This could be the case. There are no FM changes in 0.19 update.


well the goodnews is that it seems the F-15 flight model change should be coming very soon, since it seems internally it was already fixed and will come in the next patch or so

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Could also be in reference to my first report about it underperforming at low speeds, who knows. Need more information.

No FM changes to F-15 in


Lies no changes on 0.19 only on 0.20 which is in dev

only what changed, fuel flow 1100kg/min => 770 kg/min on sustaned turn on 0.62M