F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Nice, is it pulling more than 11/12G without ripping ? Also has the FM improved all?

The FM is the same because it appears to be correct in AoA, sustained turn, instant turn rates. In fact, AoA is slightly better than it should be but that’s fine because it’s within margin of error.

The maximum overload is increased, so as of now the FM is good to go.

That’s good news, I don’t have access to my pc for a few weeks, is it competitive at all? I’ve heard bad things lol

It’s as I said so many times (and got flack for). The F-15A is not going to improve on existing aircraft in the tech tree, the F-14 is better at nose pointing and the F-15’s not as much of a powerhouse as people expected it to be. It is what it is, I tried to manage people’s expectations.

Now they overhyped it and disappointed themselves.

My original statement was that the F-15 is a direct side-grade to the F-14. It is variety for the tech tree, that is all.

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I think people had mislead expectations for its dogfighting performance, imo I think of it like a sidegrade to the F-16C trading dogfighting performance (not to say its bad a dogfighting the 16C is just better) for superior BVR capability and acceleration/climb, also has a ton of CMs which is useful to counter 9Ms or preflare magic IIs and R-73s

Hopefully it gets the Bol rails too

i agree, but it should definitely be better at rating than it is right now

No, it isn’t. Sustained turn rates as shown by Draco are ~6.5G when they are ~6.2G according to the manual. Let’s not turn this into a 1000 page essay like I did the MiG-29 thread by allowing people to spread “guesstimates” from gut feeling.

If we want to make claims of “it feels like” we should back them up with testing and reference the real data.

Yeah my biggest issue was wing rip its gonna be more of a hit and run aircraft like the Phantoms back in the day then a pure dogfighter. Though if wing rip is fine now you can still do some decent turning when you really have to. At least that’s how im gonna use it.


At high speed you can still pull 12-13G’s now. It’s a good aircraft, on par with the MiG-29.
It just isn’t going to be touching the performance of the Mirage 4000, Gripen, or Su-27 any time soon.

That, and the Su-27 is miles ahead of all these other aircraft for the meta with 10 missiles (6 of which can be R-73s) and the remainder R-27ER…

retains energy at high speed pretty well, and at top tier that makes a pretty big difference. frankly i think 120s and 77s would help the balance a lot at top tier



when we get amraams for the eagle i hope we get bs considering as were barely used irl and kinda sucked guidence wise

AIM-120A/B are the same missile but one has reprogrammable memory.

Maybe try testing the stall speed as a proxy for ITR? Might be easier to hold constant altitude and let speed drop until aircraft stalls.

ive read somewhere that bs had guidence firmware updates, but id have to find where. guess wt couldnt really model any changes anyway

wonder how theyll balance loadouts for amraams. would they let the eagle can carry 8?

hmmm might be worth a shot the problem would be holding altitude though

Should just be 4 under the fuselage and two on the wings at most for early F-15’s iirc.

early 15s couldnt mount them on the sidewinder rails?