That’s right. An empty F-15C with CFT is heavier than an empty F-15C without CFT.
Empty F-15C without CFT ingame heavier than both F-15J which are C too.
It might help to take a closer look at the different versions of the F-15C, depending on what avionics it carried, for example the APG-63V2 radar made a big weight difference compared to the other radars. Similar with the avionics for TEWS whose weight varied. But it is quite possible that it is Gaijin’s fault.
which would be efficient IRL but ingame gaijin will just shit on the missiles because of multipath
It’ll be pretty pathetic if they release the plane with just 4 of them like they could at least give it 6 to balance with the su27 and other platforms, absolute 0 reasons for just 4 amraams
You know, i even had a thought one day: “what if they add the F-15 with just 4 amraams. Nah they won’t, there are plenty of images and even a russian knows it can carry 8 amraams”. When i saw that shi… was like : bruh wtf is this piece of bs
Bruh, they always fuck up my favorite iconic jets. It has been like 1 an a half year since the addition of the mig29 and the FM still performs poor while it carries r60s, and now, I thought I would get lucky with the f15c but then they add it without its original ordinance with a shitty radar (while not fixing multipath). Also the fact that It took them almost 3 years to fix the mig23s which were overperforming by an enormous margin makes me even more hopeless.
At least i’m not a 5th gen fan and boy I feel sorry for those poor bastards that like the f22 or the f35, I Can’t imagine how bad designed these will be.
Looks like a flying Sea turtle
F-22 ? Modern planes don’t look pretty.
Eagle drivers say " Lunch on the sixth"
They are pretty, I like straight lines.
Thrust vector aircraft will do the same as the R-73
But i bet that planes with TVC will immediately do ten kulbits just by pressing W slightly and fall to the ground without energy.
they will most likely be fantasy planes, i have 0 interest on them because of that.
The moving top surfaces of the intake ducts also serve to affect the aerodynamics of the aircraft. A distant relative of a similar device on the Su 57.
On the sides of the intake channels there are somewhat thicker LEX which form vortices.

Here they are seen working together
That’s incorrect. The avionics to use amber racks would just be a software update. ADCP II is more than capable. Could they just plug them on any jet currently? Probably not, but that has more to do with not putting the money in for it as the capability isn’t necessary. Could they be upgraded for it? Most definitely.
The F-15EX did not rip out the computers. It ripped out the mechanical linkages for the flight controls.
But it isn’t F-15EX on photo. It is just demonstrator or what?
It’s an F-15C, with CFTs and amber racks for fit testing.