So guys, simple question. What you think about F-14D Super Tomcat should premium, suqadron or event vehicle?
- Premium
- Squadron
- Event
So guys, simple question. What you think about F-14D Super Tomcat should premium, suqadron or event vehicle?
Would prefer it in the TT. But failing that a squadron vic.
If in the TT it would have to be foldered with either the other F-14’s or the F/A-18C Late to fit with the 3 vehicle line limit per rank that was introduced during the TT foldering from a while ago.
But yeah if not in the TT it should be a squadron vehicle. There’s no need for the best version of the Tomcat to be locked away from a great amount of players as premium like how we got the best F-4 for the US TT as a premium. That way it being a squadron vehicle then everyone can get it regardless of being a F2P player or not. If a premium Tomcat is needed then there’s plenty of earlier versions to choose from, including an F-14A that was armed with AIM-120’s to test them for the F-14D (which should get AIM-120’s if added in my opinion, in the end wasn’t finished but got a hell of a lot further than some of the other “planned” armaments Gaijin has added before but that’s beside the point).
Also no to it being an event vehicle. Event vehicles should be unique modifications to already existing vehicles in the TT or vehicles that otherwise won’t fit within the TT.
Add tech tree as event or premium is cringe -1 dont give gaijin ideas
I thought this was a TIGER post for a second…
F-14D would obviously be tech tree.
Whatever gets it the AMRAAM
And what’s the point to have 3 Tomcats in tech tree?
Tech tree.
The same as having three F-15s and F-16s in the tech tree.
Prefer TT but squadron if not.
Either TT or Squadron, I really don’t want to pay for any overpriced Rank 8 premium nor grind the event for two weeks when I am already at that rank with the F-14A.
what upgrade/new weapon does the F14D have over the F14B?
AIM-9Ms, better radar, and maybe AIM-120s.
straight to 13.3 with aim9m. 13.7 if it have aim120
also i hope its a TT. We have way too many premium for US air already
And why is that? Su-34 at 13.3 with Fox-3, Kfir C.10 13.0, JF-17 - 13.3
Mainly due to flight model, F14B is pretty decent and turn well so im assuming F14D will perform atleast the same or better. The only the I don’t like about F14’s are that their engine are so hot and it makes flaring pretty hard so its gona be IR missile food.
AIM-9M-8 (better seaker from regular 9M)
AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed (name says almost everythings)
AN/APG-71 pulse doppler radar (ways better than AWG-9)
better cockpit/HUDs
no idea what AIM-53C ECCM/Sealed do
ECCM means waaays harder to dodge with notching and spam chaffs.
Sealed means you don’t need coolants and makes it possible to carry x2 54s, x4 sparrows.
aim54c need coolant if it isnt sealed? i have no idea what how this works