F-14D Super Tomcat. Should be premium, squadron, event?

The us tech tree has like 6 TT P-51’s. I don’t get why we can’t have multiple versions of modern fighters. Like the 14/15/16/18.

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F-14D has this variant AIM-54C+ High Power Phoenix which is better than AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed.


F-14B can carry up to AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed

About why we need 3 tech tree Tomcats? All of them are different than the other in many ways. F-14A (any A) has different engines and capabilities than B, B also has guided weapons for A-G
D has new radar as well , way newer and more capable along with a new missile that only it could carry AIM-54C+ .

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AIM-54C+ is literally same as AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed. They just have different name for somehow.

And yes, B model(also A model) could carry AIM-54C+ but, not sure Gaijin add it for F-14B because they ignored it when I posted loadout bug reports.

Honestly, I’d rather see the F-14A late than the F-14D model because I would like to see Tomcat with all weapons available which has AWG-9 and have some good old personal memories for A model.

In the 2000s, the F-14A had basically the same avionics as the B models.

None of the above. The F-14D Super Tomcat should be Tech Tree.

And aim120s are much better than all the missiles those planes get

Not really
PL-12(SD-10) is on level, due to better pull, while a bit worser range

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What do you mean?

I don’t know, it says developed for 14D in the site. Maybe they have very small difference in other things than performance, maintenance for example. Or something like AIM-120A and B… the same thing but different.

They can have 10 different Tomcats… folded and will be fine.
I believe they will go F-14D after F/A-18C to create more grind and also will fix the Phoenix for it with some stupid explanation only for it. And then add F/A-18E , because realistically the successor of the Tomcat is F/A-18E/F . Also end of the line for the naval line as a gen 4,5.
I don’t believe they will go gen 5, too classified to even think of them.

barely enough space in tt for more tomcats in naval line, isnt that advanced to qualify as rank 9, as we saw f18 premiums and already have a lot of rank 8 premiums in USA tt, i think its most likely should come as squadron as USA lacks a decent squadron jet

A premium event vehicle. like they used to make them.

It’ll be rank 9

My old hometown was Atsugi Japan, I have seen the F-14As in VF-154 Black Knights running amok there many times over 20 years ago.

Still remember how they were huge aircraft compare to other fighter jets.

Like that one ? ^^

But yeah, I asked a Pilot about the first time he saw his aircraft, and he remembers opening a door and just seeing a massive engine nozzle in his face as he entered the 2nd deck of the carrier ^^

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I don’t remember the details because it was over 20 years ago, but I saw that Tomcat.

Most of the time, the Tomcat I saw was not CAG, so they were mainly low-vis camouflage, but still remember they were really cool.

Very cool!

yeah wish I could see one in person someday… I hear many comment that the Elevons alone are the size of one of the A-4 Skyhawk wings… so thats just crazy!