F-14D as a squadron vehicle?

Well, MD has a pretty amazing track record at that point. It still happened either way so now we have the McDonell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet

I could see it coming as a premium.

please no. not another free tomcat incident

It continues to amaze me how aggressively wrong you are at all times.

Storm Warning: BMD-4M
Event Vehicle: KV-7
Firebirds: Object 140, Osa-AKM
Dance of Dragons: ZSU-23-4M2
Seek & Destroy: T-80U-E1
Alpha Strike: ZSU-23-4M4, T-80UD

Now math is not my most liked subject, but I’m reasonably certain that eight is, in fact, greater than zero.


no. the reason su33 was a squadron vehicle is because it had no place in the TT

Me: “There are no tech tree tanks added to Soviet tech tree during 2024.”

You: “That’s wrong. Here’s 8 premiums and SPAA added, none of which are tech tree tanks.”

Thanks for admitting I was correct.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

Keep claiming everyone in the WT community that represents my views are wrong.


It should be in the tech tree, foldered with the F-14B. If we really need a top squadron vehicle for the US then the F/A-18A would be perfect. But no, the F-14D should be in the tech tree

You’re right, I should have to comb through every single post you’ve ever made on this forum for additional context rather than just being able to take your posts at face value. My dude, you don’t get to just throw together some sloppy, vague dumpster fire of a post and then act all indignant when people aren’t able to parse which ultra-specific interpretation you intended. Make better posts so people can understand what you mean.


Stop being off-topic, and being aggressive to others.
This topic is concerned with the F-14 Tomcat(specially, F-14D Super-cat)
There is no means of bringing Soviet ground for the tomcat problem.

Not before removing AIM-54A from F-14A’s arsenal.
(Even if you claim that it is worthless AIM-7E-ish ARH, a difference is a difference. Right?)

AIM-54A on F-14A acts like AIM-120B on Shar FA.2.
Forcing the plane to be unable to get buffs and being lower BR Due to weaponry problems.

Anyway IMO, [decompress the BR and send F-4J/S to 12.3, 2000C/EJ Kai to 12.7, F-14A IRIAF to 13.0 and vice versa while keeping norm F-14A on 12.7] sounds slightly better to me.

In the same theory, I think AIM-120 on F-14D will be overkill a bit.
If Tornado F.3 Late keeps 13.3 with that brick fuselage, F-14D with AIM-120 can’t go lower than 13.7 and makes it suffer more against more advanced jets like Eurofighter.

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They already have the best naval F4 as a premium, the best MiG-21 as a premium and the best F-5 as a squad vehicle

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AIM-54 doesn’t need removed. The only way people are dying to AIM-54s is if they’re bombers [behaving like bombers].
AIm-54 has never acted like AIM-120s, anyone claiming that has never played War Thunder in their life.

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Oh, I never knew that I never played War Thunder!
Then how did I ground the British Air branch?
Violating EULA by buying an account, huh?

I am not claiming that AIM-54 is as powerful as AIM-120
It just limits the possibility of getting F-14A buff just like AIM-120 on Shar FA.2

Shar is one helluva terrible platform. It is basically Harrier GR.3 with radar. On the flight performance side, it isn’t just not suited for the current 11.0/13.0. AV-8B can do better in every aspect.

Still, Shar FA.2 can’t go downward to 12.7 because AIM-120 will be too powerful if Shar goes down.
Also, Shar FRS.1 can’t go downward to 10.7 because 4 AIM-9L will be too OP if they face 9.7BR jets like J35A, MiG-21S or Dassault Milan.

In the same way, if F-14A can’t go downward to 12.3 because current 11.3 planes (F-104S, MiG-23M/27, and Su-24) are not effectively dealt against AIM-54A thanks to few countermeasures or ridiculously outdated RWR.

Of course, you can evade AIM-54 on those planes too.
Still, Players will run out of chaff and get killed by AIM-7F which comes on second wave.

I think That is one of the reasons why F-14A can’t get lower to the current 12.3
It is an awful ARH compared to the rest of its counterparts. Still, It can be tricky to downtiers if it gets buff.

If you want a direct buff of F-14A?(without decompressing) Then removing AIM-54A is the only option.
Missile is a balancing factor. British air fleet lost AIM-9L on most of their planes, and MiG-21 Bison lost their R-77 for balancing reasons (MiG-21 platform will work awfully on top rank match, and current Bison works better on lower BR without R-77.)
If They can’t balance F-14A properly, maybe they can consider deleting it.

Of course, it will be a drastically awful retreat to F-14 lovers because AIM-54 IS the MOST ICONIC missile in its arsenal. I don’t want to, too. But all I want to say is if you keep claiming buffing F-14A directly… AIM-54 might be a cost.

We need proper decompression, not buffing it directly which will cause compression.

As I told you earlier already, this problem also makes me worry about [F-14D with AMRAAM].
It will obviously give wider gameplay options compared to F-14A/B.
But It will also affect the BR of F-14D too.
If F-14D goes sky high, like 13.7+, it will struggle against betters like Eurofighters.

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F-14A IRIAF is already 100% decompressed. It doesn’t face any RWR-less opponents, and its only good missile is the F90 while being the worst airframe for its BR.
If you gave the F-4F ICE the F-14A’s RWR, IR missiles, and radar, it’d be balanced at 13.0.
F-14D would at most have 2x AIM-120s, but it never went passed one test unit so it’d likely be AIM-7s and AIM-9s for best loadout and be actual variety for F-15A.
Which goes to prove how under-BR’d F-15s are except the F-15E.

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AIM-54A so cool, that it can kill dumb bomb farmers…

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more like zombers, because bombers can think sometimes

all 6 “non SW” station are able to use AIM-120 on them, in SAC

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Well he claimed F-14A as the F-4J equivalent(which can’t use iconic AIM-54) and need to buffed to 12.3
So I was just pointing out the weaponry difference…

I don’t want to fight against a well-timed attack with both AIM-54A and AIM-7F when I buy MiG-23M, which has 12 CM in total, while if F-14A gets buff to 12.3. :/

I’ve yet to see an image of the center stations having AIM-120s.

AIM-7 remains the better BVR missile to AIM-54, there’s a reason people bring Fs on F-14A and F-14B.
Radar missiles for the front aspect, IR for the rear aspect.
Same as F-4J/FG1.
I still play the FG1, I retired the F-14A cause every other 12.7 is better than it.

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Then you can get over with the current status of F-14A, and consider the difference as ‘side-grading’ unless decompressing comes up.

Thanks to shit-tons of compression, Gaijin don’t consider those differences as a ‘different BR needed’ problem.

F-4J(UK) (worse RWR)= F-4J/S (VTAS HMS + AIM-7F) = FGR.2 (Better engine)
SHar FA.2 = AV-8B+
F-14A = F-14A IRIAF
2000CS-5 = 2000DR-1…

If we go with more decompression, gaps become wider, and then F-14A might gonna find the perfect place lower than IRIAF.


F-14A would be the only 12.7 in the game if everything moved up.
Granted, F-4EJ Kai should be the same BR.
Same radar missiles, better IR missiles, RWR, radar. Just slightly worse airframe performance.

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MIG-23M/MF is 11.0.
while being in some cases better than F-14A for example, such as All aspect missiles

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