So the F-14 IRIAF just got moved to 13.0 in rb. Should it get all aspect IR missle? Or 27ER? Or both? (Same event vehicle at 13.0, kfir gets Derby)
F-14 IRIAF could carry all aspect. There is the Fatter variant of AIM-9P and there were some successful tests to certify R-73 on it. It can use it , they don’t because the missile is in high demand with the Russian planes they got.
It shouldn’t even have R-27R, not carry 27ER. But it can go with a 6xFakour /AIm-54 set up as well.
I saw a bug report about it being able to carry +2 more Fakour’s passed, just hoping that they consider giving it the R-73’s atleast. I could barely kill people in 13.0+ and my usual tactic now devolves to hoping my Fakour’s can distract people enough that my teammates who have better Fox-1’s & 2’s do the job. R27R is meh in a joust with the IOG coming in handy in small situations.
AIM-9Ls wouldn’t save F-14A IRIAF, it’s unplayable due to its radar, RWR, and countermeasure count which can’t be changed.
The only thing that “saves” F-14A IRIAF is if decompression happens and the 12.3s its equivalent to move to 13.0 at some point.
You say that like the Expanded Chaff Adapter doesn’t exist.
The ECA is placed in the position of the LAU-93 missile launcher (usually used for the AIM-54 missile or bomb racks) and can carry an extra pack of chaff and flare decoys. These additional chaffs and flares are used for self protection on especially critical missions such as a TARPS flights over enemy terrain. It is commonly used in addition to the AN/ALQ-167 ECM Pod.
Did the F-14A’s sent to Iran every fly with them, no. But that hasn’t stopped Gaijin previously, and won’t in future considering precedents like the F-5C.
I don’t care if it is saved or not - just give me some all-aspects to help after I’ve unloaded the F90/R27R. Anything but being stuck with AIM-9P.