F-117 - Remove RED Name Tag in ARB for F-117

F-117 is a stealth plane that gets completely slapped on in ARB by the game putting BIG RED NAME over your aircraft.

I would have Zero problem having a plane with No Name Tag when it is a stealth plane with only Bombs.

Bring a little bit of extra spice back to the Bomber line. They have been neglected to kingdom come since they made AI gunners Cannon fodder.

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I’ll do one better, remove all markers in ARB. GRB is the superior and actual fun gamemode for air combat because of it.


You can play Sim for that. People enjoy having markers in Air RB.


RB is supposed to be sim-lite, if you want things as imersion-breaking as markers that can ID aircraft from 20km away then that falls more into the arcadey-zone.

It’s just my opinion and I’m well aware that I’m in the extreme minority, but the markers are just too unrealistic for me to be able to enjoy air combat in ARB as much as I love it whilst playing CAP in GRB.

And no, SAB isn’t my cup of tea either, the sim controlls are too much for me. GRB is just the perfect medium where it isn’t as arcadey as ARB, but not as annoying to fly as SAB.


I honestly agree a bit, however markers are such a big thing for many players, and it’s the reason some even play RB over AB at all. This subject has been polled over and over and the RB community consensus still seems to be that RB should keep markers.

I would absolutely love to see a test game mode of RB without markers in the future, but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. (There’s also the fact some people have worse monitors/screens with worse resolution/display for spotting targets with their Mk.1 eyeballs, and some aircraft lacking radars and usable RWRs can make for some issues).

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I’d rather not spend half the match searching for a single player. Communication also isn’t good enough to allow for that, and anything without a radar will become a major pain to play.

I think a marker rework is possible, such as removing the vehicle name from them, or lowering the maximum distance, but removing them will be worse.


I agree that it would be an overall downgrade if implemented now at tiers where advanced radars aren’t the norm, but I think that has more to do with how horrible ARB as a gamemode is with it being essentially a 5 minute game of team deathmatch. If something like ARB EC was to be made with objectives which force players toward a certain area to win then I think it would be a massive upgrade to remove markers from enemies.

How do you decide which get that buff or not?

Personally I think almsot all strike aircraft / bombers would benefit greatly from not being revealed to the entire team. It would be extremely unfair for the F-117 only to get that buff


It would be very hard to get Gaijin to change it for all Bombers rather than just one.

Markers are a basic gameplay element from the beginning of the game… So I think it’s too late to remove them, just like a lot of other things that they should have fixed from the beginning of the game…

There are 3 options for modifying the ARB…

  • reduce the opponent’s detection to the limit of 10 km (see the one-day “error” when the last major update was released)
  • cancel the red markers in the ARB completely
    -completely rework the markers

Their current use is supported on the lower tiers, on the higher ones, where the planes have a lot of warning and search avionics, it seems like a relic to me, basically thanks to the markers, unnecessary use of radars, etc…

And the F-117 in the current ARB… An average-level subsonic bomber…

From the few games of F86A5 and F3H I played recently in sim, I don’t think markers would make any difference for the F117, especially with ARB player density and objective placement.

Even EC density and objective placement on likes of Tunisia and Port Moresby just made them, based on kill feed, a fairly free gunkill for enemy jets.

As an aside… red markers already feel anemic to me if you don’t have teammates nearby. I’ve had a match recently in my F8U-2 that was a constant case of red markers only showing after 3 km or less distance (constant harrier jumpscare go!). I also regularly see markers just disappear while diving on mig-21 R-13s doing suicide bomb runs.

Sim has easier controls and allows for your suggestion.




cant wait to be teamkilled every game if that happens

F117 is a stealth aircraft, in that it hides from RADAR.

It is not magically invisible to being seen with eyes, which is what those markers are based on.

Removing its marker would be idiotic

Why? It’s the only plane in the game with IRL effort put into radar evasion.

But what do you consider “radar evasion”?

Tornado IDS were designed to fly at 100ft using ground mapping radar / Terrain following radar to evade enemy radar sites. It also had ECM pods in the form of Sky Shadow. Should it get no markers because of those 2 IRL traits that allowed it to evade enemy radar?

and if you are just talking about RCS reduction, then Rafale and Typhoon should both be on that list too.

Yeah, talking about that, and no, keep it only for bombers, because I arbitrarily decided that it would be the most fun combination for ARB.
Your marker detection capabilities are dependent on a number in your crew skills anyways, not your eyes literally seeing targets.
Really my motivation is to make the F-117 not that underwhelming to use. It’s a cool plane after all.

Insert literally any strike aircraft here. Most of them are really bad in ARB and only really do well in ASB. A gamemode with larger maps, no markers and PvE objectives.

I’m going to disagree with that, I have plenty of fun using many strike aircraft as fighters, and if they can fight off fighters, then they don’t really need handholding with extra system mechanics.