Hello everyone,
In this suggestion post I want to show you an idea to fix the current issue with Event/Battlepass vehicle on console.
So as we all know you can sell such vehicle with a coupon upgrade on the marketplace. If your vehicle has been sold you get a specific amount of GJN these can be used to buy other vehicle in the marketplace or use them in the War Thunder shop to buy premium packs and GEs. This is the only possible way for F2P to get access to premium stuff. And there comes the issue with console. Console players do NOT have the ability to sell vehicles at the market place which means there is no way for them to gain premium stuff for free.
Giving players a specific amount of GEs
This is pretty self explaining. If you managed to get the coupon for the vehicle and the coupon to make it market worthy you can exchange it automatically into GEs. This gives every console player the ability to get premium vehicles/Time for just disconnecting from the world for 2 weeks. This is also really important for the overall balance because its really unfair that all the console players need to use real money to get premium stuff.
After looking at the market I found out that most event vehicles from the past events for example the T80UD/BE, the Boxer MGS, the Kfir C.10, the Sholef, etc… Cost mostly between 25-30 GJN. 25 GJN are exactly 5000 GE so I would just sound right to me to give a player 5000 GEs for the Coupon and the Upgrade coupon.
This could be seen unfair because on the market its not sure whether someone buys your vehicle or not but then on console you would always get 5000 Ge instantly. I never managed to trade on the market so I’m not sure if its likely to get your vehicles sold or not but I thing its just fair to give console players after such a long disadvantage the ability to sell a vehicle and enjoy premium goodness.
I hope I can get your vote because it really needs to change.
Have a nice day!!!
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