I get that the marketplace isn’t available for consoles due to Sony and Microsoft’s TOS when it comes to markets within the games. Thats a discussion thats been had and while irritating as it is, I dont see gaijin or the console owners budging one way or the other.
So the purpose of this is to discuss ways to include Console players without utilizing the marketplace.
I’d like to propose a way to request certian coupon vehicles that are available on the marketplace for GE for console players. Whether thats via the wishlist system already in game or a request sysytem through your linked email similar to how CCs can request vehicles to their accounts.
Obviously certain vehicles are on the marketplace in very small quantities (i.e. the IS7 and E100), those shoudlnt be on offer otherwise they’d flood the game with people able to buy in limitless quantities from console accounts. But many vehicles from recent events and many low tier ones should be able to be made available to console accounts without breaking the game.
I’d like to propose a system for consoles that would work with the marketplace to sell certain vehicles as GE premiums at the current asking price from the market or with the required mark-up Sony and Microsoft would require to break even with their cut while Gaijin still breaks even with the current marketplace value.
Of course I’d live to hear from the Devs and other console players to hear their thoughts and opinions on having a system like this in the game that hopefully would be compliant with Sony and Microsoft TOS.
@Stona_WT what would be the best way to get the ball rolling on an idea like this without it getting tossed in with all the vehicle recommendations and then lost in the mix?
+1 from me, I think Consoles desperately need more support from gaijin, we are falling behind in terms of content (graphic updates and recently wing vapour effects) and already have a frustrating lack of proper sales (New Year on Xbox was just 4 USA top tier premiums) and a neglect for features like the market and wishlisting that become apparent when comparing with the luxuries available to PC players
Yeah kinda like this. Ive got a duplicate event vehicle cupon that i cannot trade in because of the lack of marketplace, cannot activate becuase i already have it unlocked somehow, and its not available to trade in for warbonds (although that would be a waste being they arent worth much)
Would love to trade it in for even a little bit of GE.
This makes little sense. Even if you exclude tanks that cost let’s say over 50 gaijin coins it still floods the game with certain vehicles and allows one portion of the playerbase to obtain some vehicles for cheaper than the other (market vehicles that are unobtainable are continuously increasing in price, i doubt similar system would be included for GE vehicles)
What we need is an universal system for both PC and Console that will give an access to old event vehicles, but in a way that it will be equally difficult to obtain them for both types of accounts and won’t crash the entire marketplace at the same time.
They’ve done this before. Last time the German M4, T34 prototype, and P38K were sold at their respective times they were sold on PC in limited quantities but were sold to consoles without a limit.
There are many vehicles that are on the marketplace that are in enough quantities where making them available to consolse wouldnt flood the game. If people wanted to buy them on PC they would still be able to buy them all the same. This would just make it so more of the playerbase would have access to them.
PC players would literally lose nothing from a system like this.
Skins would be nice to not have to gamble for. But a skin that would be less than 1 gaijin coin on the marketplace would still be the standard 200 GE at best if they added them.
Yeah i can buy my random unremarkable 3.0 prop plane for 30$ or gamble my SL away same way you do. If gajin keeps the prices consistant between the platforms i don’t mind it that much, but i simply doubt it will happen.
It will. Event vehicles are collector’s vehicles. They shouldn’t be entirely unobtainable, but they shouldn’t be easy to obtain either. This is why we need an universal system that will allow everyone to get them by putting equal amount of effort
Paying 700 GE for a <5% chance at a single skin in a crate of 20+ is criminal, especially when keys cost a 3rd of the equivalent GE cost.
Besides I’d far rather spend 1-3k GE getting multiple of the skins I want a need from the crates than having to gamble (up to 7000 for a skin i never got in my case) extortionate amounts without any guarantee of something you even own.
Make it so you can buy the skins you want for 500-700 GE or only lock the crates to skins on vehicles you already own
This would be nice. However Gaijin has invested wayyyy too much into the marketplace to replace it or drop it. Gaijin already decided what to do for PC. I’m looking to find a solution to console players.
These goes only for most recent vehicles and few of those that are so bad that no one really wants them.
It wouldn’t even begin to solve the issue of console’s lack of access to event vehicles. You wouldn’t get access even to 1/10th of what marketplace has to offer
Gambling is just stupid all around. Having skins to buy for 200 GE is better than haveing to spend 5,000 ge or more to gamble to try and get the skin you want. I would have spent 200 GE for skins i wanted when i was still on xbox. As is right now i have 14 boxes that i will never open due to not worth paying for random skin i will never use, or can only sell for .10 gc.
The drop rate for the more popular skins, are reduced so Gaijin artificially inflate the scarcity for the more expensive skins to make more money. This is why i just refuse to open boxes.
As long as I can get the market skins I want and maybe option to choose a rare vehicle (like AGS or US merkava, not E-100 etc) once a year to buy, i’d be happy
I actually thought of a system that could maybe work.
It could be a system where all event vehicles depending on their rarity would be divided into a few categories. For now let’s say it would be 5, but it could be further adjusted. Upon completing any currently ongoing event in the game, after obtaining the coupon for the vehicle (regardless of whether it is tradeable or not, but you can only exchange coupons you get from events, not those you get from boxes or buy from market) you would be given an option to either use it to get the said vehicle or exchange it into 1 piece of some new currency. And using that currency you would be able to obtain old event vehicles. For least rare and desired vehicles you would need only 1, while for stuff like IS-7 it could be 5 or whatever. Obtained vehicles would be immediately activated without ability to sell them on the marketplace. If they originally have premium status, they would not have it for players who obtained them via the new system.
This system accomplishes a few things. It gives new players and console players ability to obtain old event vehicles without discriminating any of the groups. At the same time it doesn’t crash the marketplace. Process of obtaining event vehicles the new way will be lenghty so it will still serve as a shortcut and since you need to exchange new vehicles you will never be able to obtain all event vehicles this way. You should still be able to get majority of them, but not all. This way, players will need to consider whether the vehicle they get in an ongoing event is worth keeping or whether they want to get something else. It will allow event vehicles to keep their rarity to certain extent and incentivise players to grind new events even if they are not particularly interested in the rewards.
For example if i don’t really care about naval, i can still grind all of the naval events to get currency for my ground event vehicles i wanted for a long time.
I only thought about it for like 30 minutes so i don’t expect it to be perfect, but something of this kind would be imho most realistic for gaijin to implement at some point
You literally can choose what vehicle you want to pay for off the marketplace. The fact that these SL boxes is the ONLY way we can get these vehicles is criminal.
They are easy to obtain off the marketplace if youre willing to spend the asking price. For players that have access to the market its as easy as buying a premium off the gaijin store.
Chances are it would be more expensive than the marketplace price because Sony or Microsoft would need their cut from it so PC players would still have it easier.
That’s why i added the fact that you can’t exchange coupons from the marketplace. Only way to obtain old vehicles thew new way would be by grinding
This is precisely part of the point. Gaijin will never give you access to everything just like that, let’s be real. This way you can at least get the stuff you want the most.