(Exaggeration) Give F-4J(UK)/Phantom F.3 AIM-7F and HMS

We all know that Brits have their own cursed child of the F-4J Family. The F-4J(UK) as premium vehicle. She is also known as ‘Phantom F.3’ or ‘F-4 JUNK’.

(The history of British forces is not my major subject so there might be some flaws and errors. it would be great if you guys understand the inconvenience.)
Historically, After the Falkland conflicts British Forces forward deployed some of their phantom fleets on Falkland Island. Which caused some gaps in British mainland air defences. but still, the new Tornado ADV which should’ve replaced both English Electric Lightnings and Phantom itself has a problem with the delay. So, the Royal Air Force needed some kind of Stop-gap planes and bought a 15 airframe of aged Ex-USN F-4J from the USA. Those girls are deployed on the beloved 74th Squadron RAF which has a fancy Tiger icon on their marks.

Sadly, the purchase of Old Navy Phantom was earlier than refitting F-4J with improved RWR (AN-ALR/45) so Phantom F.3 uses older AN/APR-32, and AVG-8 HMS(Also known as “VTAS”) were removed before delivery.

In war thunder, the F-4J(UK) is almost the same plane as the original F-4J in flight characteristics. but having lots of awful points on details. but shares the same 12.0 BR on both ARB and SB. with having the same 70$ price of a package with F-4S(superior naval phantom which has all of the good points of F-4J with slats on the wing.)

First, Phantom F.3 uses British payloads. SNEB 23 rockets and Skyflash as examples.
Skyflash is a British-made AIM-7E-2 with slightly different details (a better seeker made by Marconi on Historic Way, and a Larger Proximity Fuse radius on War Thunder) which is completely underperforming compared to American standardised AIM-7F which has superior specs. Skyflash may win AIM-7F only for close-range head-on CQC on 5km or closer thanks to characteristics inherited from the original AIM-7E-2 while getting punished heavily on farther BVR combat. + USA F-4Js can carry 6 AIM-7 in total while Brit only can carry 4 Skyflash.

And (Well, this is an outdated problem thanks to Gaijin completely killed rocketing way of destroying bases, but it was a problem so I will write it down anyway.)
French-made SNEB rockets were too light to destroy the base properly (118 rockets per base before nerf/bugfix) compared to their American FFAR counterpart(86 rockets per base before nerf/bugfix) and that caused fewer base kills per maximum rocket payload (247 FFAR could kill 2.87 bases in total while 234 SNEB could kill 1.98 bases in total) and causing more drags because of more rocket pod needed for rocketing loadout.

Well, the payload problem is shared between all of the British Phantoms, but FG.1/FGR.2 has a stronger Spey engine as compensation while F.3 uses the same J79 from the original F-4J.

Secondly, Avionics sucks compared to American original counterparts too.
older AN/APR-32 can’t detect J-Band from Eastern MiG-21/23 with no Launch detection compared to more advanced AN/ALR-45(V) which is used on F-4J/S and F-14A Early. and as I mentioned earlier, USA removed VTAS HMS so Phantom F.3 can’t access those features compared to American sisters.

In conclusion, F-4JUNK is a horrible abomination which only has ‘Bad Points’ for both British Phantoms and American Phantoms.

British Phantoms have 30 more countermeasures and better engines than her.
American Phantoms had Better SARH supported with HMS and (was) better rocketing payload.
While F-4JUNK have none of them but stays the same 12.0BR with them on RB.

and on SB, while British domestic Phantoms have slightly lower 11.3BR than American F-4J thanks to worse missiles with no HMS. F-4JUNK has the same 12.0BR as their American cousin does despite she doesn’t have any HMS or AIM-7F.

Maybe Gaijin thinks that F-4J(UK) also has AIM-7F and HMS because she is an F-4J Variant?
Then so be it. give F-4J(UK) AIM-7F and HMS for letting her staying 12.0BR.
(I think historical AIM-9L would fit better but I feel fine with the ‘technically compatible’ way :P)

Gaijin already had misfits about giving unhistorical Skyflash(RB71) on Gripen then what can be worse if F-4J(UK) gets unhistorical AIM-7F? (Evil Laughter)

No give the FGR2 9L

We never used 7M or SuperTEMP on our Phantoms so i don’t know why would get it but we did use 9L


I also think AIM-9L on FGR.2/F.3 and buffing FG.1’s BR will be perfect, and it is the best way of dealing with

But well, South African Gripen have full of unhistorical weaponry (They didn’t buy AIM-9L/M and considered R-Darter but never mounted) so I think I can accept if Gaijin adds AIM-7F. but not AIM-9L


Cause the Gripen has the ability to use those armaments. Meanwhile the British phantom only has the ability to use 9L’s.

Then it would be great if F-4J(UK) gets BR decreasing on the Simulated-Battle zone from 12.0 to 11.3

according to worse SARH and avionics, she shouldn’t share the same BR with American F-4J sisters.

In my opinion, USN F-4S armed AIM-7F and F-4N early 80’s refit AIM-7F

British Phantom never mounted AIM-7F

2 british Phantom from Royal Air Force only fitted AIM-9L. but increase br to 11.7 for Air SB if gaijin add AIM-9L on RAF F-4J(UK) & F-4M Phantom FGR.2

Well, it still is decreasing BR of F-4J(UK) from 12.0 to 11.7 on Air SB though, AIM-9L on FGR.2 and F.3 will be juicy for real.

I personally never flew with both FG.1 and FGR.2 because I felt both were almost the same plane, with the same Spey engine, the same Skyflash and AIM-9G, and the same mediocre AIM-9D stock.

Decrease BR to 11.7 on Air SB same Air AB but 12.0 for Air RB only

Phantom FG.1 from Royal Navy never operated armed AIM-9L

Both Phantom FG.1 & FGR.2 2x AIM-9D stock. F-4J(UK) only 2x AIM-9G stock

Sorry for being abbreviated too much I think.
We have three British-used Phantom in this game, right?

Two planes (FG.1 and FGR.2) as regular, and the Worst one (F.3/JUK) as premium one.

On the current loadout, I felt the Royal Navy-operated FG.1 and Royal Air Force-operated FGR.2 are almost identical planes thanks to the same painful AIM-9D stock and the same AIM-9G/Skyflash maximum loadout with almost the same Spey engine. so I researched both of them but didn’t fly with both.
because I didn’t want to grind almost the same plane twice in a row. (well, F.3 is prem one so no need to research and unlock AIM-9G. I know that because I own F.3 of mine) So, I lost interest in Regular British Phantoms for now.

If we get AIM-9L on RAF-Operated FGR.2/F.3, FGR.2 will feel less copy-pasted than now. makes FGR.2 more interested to grind. and of course, will provide better specs than before thanks to better missiles. XD

Also, F-4J(UK)/F.3 is worse in nearly every aspect compared to American F-4J/S for now, AIM-9L can be some magic tricks for her I guess.
We need to get her improved too with historic AIM-9L(Best way) or unhistorical AIM-7F with HMS *If Gaijin thinks AIM-9L on Phantom is German/Japanese exclusive.

Or just buffing her BR can be boring but will work too. But according to the same SB BR of her with American sisters,
Gaijin might don’t know what problem she has, and might even think that F-4J(UK) also have AIM-7F even though they don’t have it in the game and didn’t use IRL.