Everyone play russia

I’m sorry I though we were playing a game here. You can always pretend that your’e some other nation, anti communist rebels that had captured a soviet weapons. Half of the world uses soviet made tech. Even americans ans germans used it.


“Guys!!! American Tank shell didn’t detonate when i shot it from point blank!!! American BAIS!!!”

The game has a large Russian playerbase.

It’s a smart thing to do to prevent blatant hatespeech in chat, which can cause the game to be deplatformed.

Increasing the BR of a vehicle is a nerf.

Increasing the BR of a [vehicle + average drivers + context of lineups + map pool favoring it or not, etc. etc.] is a nerf, yes. FTFY. The issue with the statement isn’t that it’s not a nerf, it is sure.

The issue is that vehicles don’t have BRs, so BR cannot nerf a vehicle. The things that have BRs are [vehicle + average skill of drivers of that vehicle + context of lineups + map pool favoring it or not, etc. etc.] combined, as has always been the case.

Because BRs are purely defined by and determined by match outcomes, which are determined by the full combination of … deep breath … the vehicle and the skill of the drivers, and the lineups around it, and the map pools, etc. etc.

Its not about the tech, but about the symbology. Flags, decals, emblems and events. Same reason we don’t have the Swastika on German plane tails or profile pictures of German pilots in the game. People would refuse to play Germany.

I have no problem playing Chinese/German tech of soviet origin.

Not the first time they do such thing because of slavs chimping out. Flags and friendly fire comes to mind

Lol, lmao even. This reason is completely monetary. Because germany is so cucked they censor their own history. In the end less money for gjn

This problem still persists, are the developers still not satisfied?

Russian Tanks are made for assault in mass, Fast and small = Less Protection
NATO Tanks are made for defending and on-the-move shooting, slow and big = Extra protection.

Fire control systems do not exist in the game so the main advantage for NATO is out the window there,
Russian Auto-loaders ammo has and will always be a 50/50 on if it goes up in flames.
Speed and ability to move from cover to cover are better in Russian Tanks and slower in NATO Tanks.

Tanks are not made to VS Tanks.

Tanks counter IFV, IFV counter Infintry, Infintry counter Tank. (Infinity in the game you could sub for Air.)

The First Tank to Shoot usually always wins.

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That’s the funny thing. Heat map shows Russia is absolutely trouncing everyone time and time again. But Russian mains reject the notion that this is anything but their pure skill.

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So I play almost exclusively the German tree (RB) and have a good time. I’m just thinking about which tree should slowly become second now that I’ve researched everything worth mentioning in the German tree. I once played the Russian tree in the AB, but somehow I can’t warm up to it.