Event upgrade coupon is insanely hard to get

I was comparing the numbers of the winter event and the current event we’re having. I know the winter event is a little special but the numbers when comparing the events are just crazy.

40k every 2 days for rank VIII plane / rank VI ship / rank VII tank
8 marks for vehicle
10 marks for upgrade coupon

vehicle: 8 marks = 16 days = 320 000 points = 20k per day
coupon: 10 marks = 20 days = 400 000 points = 20k per day

35k every 2 days for rank III plane (premium)
6 marks for vehicle
500k points for upgrade coupon

vehicle: 6 marks = 12 days = 210 000 points = 17.5k per day
coupon: no marks = 12 days = 500 000 points = 41.7k per day

Nearly 42k PER DAY, not every two days, PER EACH DAY!
It’s as if someone at Gaijin made a miscalculation and set the event at 40k per day instead of 40k every 2 days…

Now I admit, making the coupon a separate task that lasts during the whole event is a great idea because if you’re busy for a few days and can’t grind you can easily grind up the points on the other days. That is if the numbers total didn’t inflate to more than double needed for just the vehicle AND more than double than it was in winter event.

Does this mean our current choices are to spend time working and earning money so we can buy it in the marketplace or to give up on working and a social life (if we ever manage to find one) to grind the upgrade coupon?

Why is this not talked about more? Why did this even get to pass??
Can we have an official poll to return it to how it was with a few more tasks rather than this? a poll like the one we had recently for ground changes in roadmap?


The length of time it takes someone to get points varies on their skill. For some it doesn’t take long, for others its more of a grind as they earn less points. I ended up 40k short to make it a coupon which was a bit disappointing but i did end up playing more ground toward the end due to just being annoyed with playing a lot of air.

The main reward is the vehicle which isnt too bad to get, the harder part is getting the upgrade coupon so it can be sold on the market which is a secondary goal. They have to try and balance so the market isnt flooded and event vehicles dont sell for cheap, but everyone who is currently playing has the ability to get the vehicle and keep it for themself. I do agree they could tweak it a bit more but when they do someone will be unhappy with the change and another post about how unfair and unbalanced.

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Just go work for two hours and wait for the event to end so you can buy it with gaijin coin instead

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They want you to pay gold for it, which means money.


There have been plenty of posts about how hard it is to grind for events before it even changed to this ridiculous 500k grind.

The event shouldn’t be tailored towards the best of the best to reward them with the coupon, it should be tailored towards the average or above average.

Either way, doubling the score requirement is insane.


Using gold for it is really bad value, using gaijin coin is a lot better value

These events are tailored to unemployed people that have their entire day free. If you have a job then you can easily afford event vehicles if you live in the majority of the world

When I play a game as much as I played war thunder, I get the desire to buy something simply to thank the developers for making the game. However when I get hit by these scummy marketing tactics and unfair policies, it makes me not want to give them a single cent. And that is pretty much the case now, I refuse to give them money, I’d rather try grinding an event to sell a vehicle on marketplace and buy what I want as dumb as that may be.

If you refuse to change your playstyle to min/max these, yeah, can be hard.

If you do change your playstyle, you’re playing into their game, though, which in a way is worse.

I do think not having a big summer event, just more single vehicle events July-August is going to be missed, especially on top of no single-vehicle events mid June to mid July and no crafter in the fall (just still more single-vehicle events). We’ve all still got battlepass to keep us busy, though, so there’s that at least.

Gaijin must be savoring that interest when those scarce coupons are sold in the market at $300 several years from now. It’s all deliberate bro

The coupon was made harder to get. It’s not an issue with playstyle, as there is nothing to do but play more to get more score.

But double the daily score is just crazy. And this is even comparing a rank 3 to rank 8 plane!

If your playstyle is to play this game two hours a night (and maybe do something else the rest of the time) and now you’re playing only that game four hours a night just to meet someone’s arbitrary objective, that’s a change ma dude.

And yes, there are other ways to min/max score-based events, like playing really good lineups over and over instead of playing more, different vehicles as the most basic one. Again, if you do that, fine, but it’s a choice you made. Some choose not to dance to the piper’s tune. Also fine, and a choice.

I don’t think the coupon requirement is outrageous, although I would prefer it be lower for these. Nobody on PC would ever have to pay for premium again though, if it was at the price point I preferred, so that’s not going to happen.

My own problem with the single-vehicle events is they haven’t created much excitement or buzz after the first one, compared to the big multi-event dealios from before. I think that’s only going to hurt playership more and more the longer they persist with this approach. But we’ll see.

Separating people from their money.


Idk man,having 9-5 job and the task could be done in an hour. Naval takes the longest, then ground, and air is fastest to grind.

If we say that each game is 10 minutes, to get the daily requirement in an hour you’d have to get ~7k score each game.

Noone talked about using ARB for it. During air events, everyone just goes to sim as you need only 12k score there to get star. To finish events as soon as possible,one just gotta optimize it to spend the least amount of time doing it.

I did not know that. I never played sim so I don’t know how it works, do you mind explaining it to me? What’s the best way to get the score in sim and how much can you get?

Rocketing airfield basically. With Aardvark one sortie is 2.4k score lol.
