[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

Changes where made, I would recommend everyone try it again. Especially the 20% loot retention at the end of the match. Should really help the new players.

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After the couple first days, I’m really happy to see today’s changes for the game mode. The only thing really missing is addressing the issue of extraction point camping, but this is already much more than I expected, and much sooner too.

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Teams is literally unplayable in its current state, theres only 2 possible early-mid game exists per team and there will always be a camper there, which theres nothing to do about when your team is looting and fighting elsewhere, basically forcing you to just wait for the whole match until all exits are open


Well… unplayable unless you camp, but… you know…

Try it again. I was just able to get out 3 full loads during the game time, in a team match.

Had a somewhat better game, don’t know if it was the different spawn (bottom left one) that caused it but I guess its alright

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You should be able to change if so that the scope is where it would be IRL. Ik for sure it’s this way no matter what in sim. Should be a setting

I play with true scope from year now (RB) look on the option…

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Flame deco is just one item btw


Dang ok. Thanks for the info

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loot appears to be broken, breaking 10’s of boxes without finding anything, plus ive got over 100 of every type of loot…except scrap!!

ive got zero.

the last poxy 8 i found i got just 2 of cos i got ganked on exit.

so sick of this game already, seems to take me an entire magazine plus a nuke justr to bring their vehicles to a halt, yet mine getting destroyed completely by just 3 rounds???

and how is it they can pick off my gunner from miles away yet i can barely hit their whole machine??

i smell a B/S bot rat.





Worst April Fools event for late joiners … People are already sniping with upgraded vehicles.

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thats not even the problem. the problem are the extraction point campers


The Echindna’s gun can shoot very far, very accurately, IF you don’t rapid fire it. Almost certainly what happened to you. Its Realistic, you gotta try burst firing, not just holding down fire the entire time. If you just mag dump, the accuracy goes to heck.

Deleted the messages and pics, and posted them in the tech support forum:

If anyone else is having the same issue, please post any additional info you have on the post I made in the Tech Support forum.

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Whoever had the idea to make the voice line “Maybe the D point was in our hearts all along” is a genius <3
I laughed so hard when i heard it.


“The D point! We’re so close!!!”

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I showed the people who had this idea, they appreciate you noticed!