[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

lol is that serious? it requires rage tokens to spawn vehicles you unlock in event tech tree?
i guess i dodged a bullet with this event so many bad things i heard about it .

yep, 1 RT per unlockable vehicle, so Reptile and on, and it’s burned too, so once you spend it on the vehicle, it’s gone from your stockpile, meaning that the best vehicle is the Echidna, as it has an AMAZING gun, decent armor once upgraded, which is cheap, and is free to spawn, literally why take anything else compared to it

Upgraded Boar gets a front facing rocket launcher though, it basically one shots people if you know how to aim it.

and you get the recoiless rifle view if you select it. It’s the best weapon in the game, all other vehicles are trash compared to it. No need to grind the other, they are useless.

i have to if i want the rewards.

true, but focus on the strong boar. Little shit rushing you to discover you just obliterate them is too funny to miss. One game i got a guy thinking he was smart rushing me with the cover of a hill, didn’t last 2 seconds and got nuked. You don’t need anything else, just the recoilless rifle and an overconfident retar-idiot thinking he can best you. But don’t forget to select your secondary weapon to use it at range. Once you got that, farming is too easy, between idiots thinking it’s an easy frag (while they are), and people actively avoiding you, you just need to get what you need and go to the extract.

Here are the spikes you get btw


You get to use 2?!? SWEEET!!


If anyone has a picture of the flame please post how many you can put on as well please!

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The flame deco is actually on the porcupine on the front btw

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Ik, but how many can you use??

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No idea, i put my post up on the subreddit so if someone else posts the flame one ill let you know.

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Thanks man


Here’s an idea. Let us keep whatever resources we have in our inventory when the match ends via timer. Spawning a 3rd time in this mode is almost always pointless. By that point you’ll get eaten by the sand storm anyway so there’s no point going for resources or even using that 3rd spawn.


Update doesn’t help enough. Camping still rampant. Cannot even get out enough parts to upgrade vehicles. Waste of time. There should just be an exfiltration zone by each spawn point, maybe only for the lower grade vehicles (not the strong or powerful etc.). That way at least noobs/new players could get SOMETHING without getting camped EACH, and EVERY match.

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Honestly I feel like they should remove the extract all together and just let you keep what you get. That way you don’t wast an entire match trying to survive just to get killed by a camper with a recoilless rifle.

I’m happy that a member of the gaijin staff have just discovered Tarkov but it doesn’t belong in War Thunder.


Arrogant people are meh…

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Ok I’ve gotten the Mad Roger flag. This event has been truly painful. I have my reward and I will not be playing anymore of this.

The rules are the biggest issue with this mode. The whole extraction mechanic just encourages the worst kind of behavior. The frustration is further compounded when you loose a full load of resources that you needed for this supposedly fun event. The only silver lining to all of this is that your rage tokens stay with you when you die. If we were forced to extract tokens as well then I would have quit after the first match.

Anyway I’ve got my flag and I’m not looking back. The other rewards just aren’t worth that much suffering.


Any chance that the exit camping issue will be addressed?
I wouldn’t call this a fun event where people decides to sit and wait for somebody to run in to their crossfire… it’s just BAD player experience…

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With all the complaints I’ve made, I’d like to point out something about the event that I really do like. The aiming. I really like how the gunner scopes are centered to where the actual gun is on each vehicle. Instead of the way the sights work now where the scope is centered on the center of the gun barrel I think. I think this aiming should be the standard.

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