[Event] Earn the Jaguar IS in the Sword of Justice Event!

20 GJN was price for OP Suffer and Winter Suffer events, crafting event prizes were always starting at around 40 GJN. Now Object is very good and trolly so 60 is okayish price for it too. Problem is there are 15k buy orders and only 2k sell orders, the price will hopefully go up again. I would love to see it being 300 GJN in a year just like Moderna.

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And we won’t get any of them anymore, so now these vehicles are just permanently out of reach for players, fantastic.


As much as i dont like air rb, this one is much faster to grind. I forgot about it and remembered it started last minute. I only had 3.5 hours before the first star ended yet I was able to get it with about 20min to spare.

Maybe people will stop grinding events in order to sell the vehicles if this trend continues

Are you saying that its good that people aren’t able to sell event vehicles for GJN with the absurd requirements( if so that’s just plain EVIL) or that its good that people wont waste their time grinding to sell it ?

Both i guess?

Market existing is the reason certain older reward vehicles are unaviable normally in the first place as you cant have reruns etc.

Only ~the top 15% of players were averaging a 1500 score or better in Air AB before this event. Average player score is lower: Data Analysis: what is the actual average player's score per mode? (and how long will it take you to do this event)

Note this was before the damage model changes which have significantly reduced net score in air modes since that data was captured.

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how much should we expect the Jaguar IS to cost on the market? should we be looking at object 292 prices or 40ish bucks?

Prolly a tad higher than jag E at launch due to missiles.

what was Jag E price?

I’m actually sick of this crap. I consistently complete the 3-day goal for squadron participation by the 2nd day and the BEST I have achieved is just over 11,000 points. If I DOUBLE my efforts, I will still be less than half-way towards achieving one of the tasks and I need to get 8?!?!?!?!?! This is a load of crap! If you don’t want us to have a vehicle, don’t offer it to us! Sure, I know that some are earning this but is it really inspiring participants when the goal is so far out of reach for all but the top 1% OF the top 1% OF THE TOP 1% (that’s 0.0001% for the mathematically challenged. This is nothing but SPAM!


Thanks for further context.

~1500 did seem higher than I expected, but it was the value I got from my (tiny) sample size

I manually calculated from the scores of each player in those matches and then just added a bunch of extra to cover for early quitters, so my numbers are definitely not accurate, and I erred on the side of being generous. (I only even found out about average score being displayed on player card after the post)

However those 7 matches I used was pretty well representative of my own games since apparently my personal average score in that mode is 2236, and even with that average I decided not to participate.

Everyone I’ve talked to that I know are quite decent at the game are saying the grind is too much if you aren’t unemployed (and don’t go to school), basically.

It feels like this event grind is only supported by those who are playing a different game: Marketplace Thunder. Artificial scarcity can be a positive for them, but the average player doesn’t have the amount of time to dedicate.


Ain’t what you wanted to say is “Scam”?


Also,… there is no way gaijin will change that,… because they want you to pay off the rest of the task you didn’t reached in time (999GE each task).

Those vehicules are events, at the current price of top tier premium vehicule,… (999×8= 7992 GE)

Basiacally not worth the prize, and not worth the time.


So those values were from a small but still reasonable sample of squadron members. Squadron members are likely more committed on average than the average player, so they’re likely above the mean. But the curves you can drive allow us to map average relative position (which then tells you the fraction of the current player base that can achieve a given average score per game).

The thing with this is, as you said, you can’t really go by the average player, because the average player might have no interest in the event… A lot of players aren’t even trying to go for this, or would want to, so counting them in doesn’t really add to the analysis.

What I think you can do is look at the hours required and make an estimate of what level of player the event is aimed at. My gut feel is if you’re not pulling down a 65-70 relative position rating already (so about a 1500 score depending on mode, in air and ground) this event simply isn’t meant for you. Which is only about an sixth to an eighth of the total player base for the mode. The rest are basically just food for this. Which offends a lot of people’s sense of fairness… Mine included.

It’s not just selfishness that makes some of us wish the scores were lower. It’s just some of us remember more keenly when we weren’t top-sixth players yet and the effort it took to change that and think the game we care about is hurting its long term prospects by making some challenges and the commitment levels required just too high for the majority or for the newcomer to really enjoy. These new events are exclusively aimed at the keeners and the whales, with all the low tier vehicles now only in the Battle pass system. And we do think for the completist this new higher level of play, extended over a full year and more, will eventually lead to burnout and dissatisfaction even among the most diehard.

I won’t miss the old events, their time was done. But there’s something just ick about Gaijin ramping up the burnout factor just to turnaround and sell burnout relief pills in the form of 999 GE stars every two days. Long term I personally think they’ll gradually lose players over this that they could have kept playing at lower commitment levels.


I am a sample size of one, but here’s the results of someone that is over 50 years old, has a wife, kids and household responsibilities, does not receive content creator bonuses, and has about an hour, maybe 2 if I’m lucky, to play per day.

I rarely break into the top 2/3rds of a game. I do marginally well at Rank III and IV in mostly Air AB and I’m 30/70 in Rank V, and maybe 15/85 in Rank VI depending on what BR I get into. Occasionally I will dabble in Air RB for a battle task or booster but then I am quickly reminded why I don’t belong in Air RB. I’m glad there are people that can succeed in their tasks in a minimum amount of time but I am not one of those players.


Imagine de first 4 Mark of distinction was
Tier 3 X1 and x.93
at star 5 the multipliers has change x1 and x.8

In Air RB ist totally Bad with the Score but in Sim Battles you can make it in a half Hour with Rocketing airfields

I don’t have time for that sort of learning curve or to spend 4 hours in a match to get 1000 points and minimal RP.

I’m over 60, ditched the wife and the kids have grown up and gone away, but still work 9-5 and run my own house.

Playing Air RB an hour or 2 at T V-VI I can get 16k-ish in a day pushing it… but I can’t be bothered pushing it 2 days in a row let along however long this would take!

People complained about the old system, but at least you could get 1 vehicle plus the cheap one fairly easy in that - be careful what you complain about 'cos Gaijin will only replace it with something WORSE!


I have a question.

It takes 45k Mission points to earn the Jaguar IS times 9.

Why does it take 250k Mission points to get the Coupon? Can’t you just buy it for 99GE?

What coupon?

Upgrade one?