[Event] Earn the Jaguar IS in the Sword of Justice Event!

So what do you want then?

If you have no issue with it taking me the same amount of itme in SB as it does in RB, or AB why do you want hte SB rewards changed?

What does ramming have to do with this?

It’s not much different in Air RB…

Rocket bombing bases also in Air RB, doing an event mark in less than 2h.

Just in case you keep thinking that, I’m not asking for reducing rewards for RB players. I’m asking for the multipliers to be fair for all game modes, and both these examples show they are not.

What have you done to stop this exploit? Did you ever used it to do events, I would really like to know your honest answer or I can always wait a few more days and check the server replays for some here.

Ultra fast turn around. You can just fly high, crash down onto an AF ,spamming rockets and get the full socre reward and immeidately respwan and go again. If you had to at least survive to get the full reward from attacking an AF, then it would be a lot harder and you would get less botters.

For the record. I have no issue with bombing. I spend most of my time in the Tornado Gr1 and the AF is always a good target. But I always attack it in a way that means Im not commiting suicide. So that I can get the full SL/RP reward from it and without paying for a respawn.

It’s obvious that for years AB had way more players than other game modes, queue times were always much longer in RB with the now exception of high tier Air Battles cause they killed higher tier Air AB years ago.

But you can check by server replays. On the first page, Air AB matches are almost double the number of Air RB matches.

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I was helping out someone who is/was working on a suggestion to rebalance the rewards for rockets:

by doing some testing for them.

and I have spoken on several other threads about how the SB economy needs some updates with a plan to do my own suggestion thread on it. This would likely also include some balancing for the score and thus events as well.

As for myself. No, I dont use these tactics.

On some aircraft, I do run rockets (though they are tiny rockets compared to most other nations) . the reduced weight is handy, like on the Sea Harrier FRS1 and will fire them off onto a base. But then I’ll usually head off hunting for PvP targets afterwards.

(SB economy is built around activity time, if you are being active you get SL and RP, if you arent, then you dont. So flying around trying to find an enemy gives nothing, until after you get a kill. So hitting a base on the way means you actually get a reward).

In some aircraft like the Tornado Gr1 or Buc S2, you are basically pure PvE. As such Bases or other targets like naval ships are my main target, if there arent any available then I will attack an AF instead. But wherever possible. I will return to base afterwards and land to repair and re-arm (in fact most of my deaths in the Buc S2 come from trying to land on the carrier)

Now, yes, some of the tokens in the last event with an aircraft, I got from dropping bombs onto the AF, but not all of them. I also got several of the tokens from hunting the botters doing nothing but PvP and others i got from a mix. SB is my main gamemode. regardless of the event. I will be in SB if I want to play air. So honestly. my behaviour changes very little during events, other than the fact that I will be playing every other day or every day to complete a token.

Now by token 8 last time I will admit. I had started to favour higher effeciency methods of getting score, like swapping out 1k bombs for 540s or swapping fuel tanks out for extra bombs on the Gr1. But I was doing the same in naval in the event before. Everyone gets burnt out after farming an event for 16 days straight, so shaving some time off an event just helps.

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And it’s your loss if you do so? You’re sitting there paying 15k SL for 12-15 minutes of flying in a straight line.
Even then, that’s if you’re stupid enough to somehow die during your attack.

And how do you supposed that is done? Do you only get your rewards if you survive?

Nobody is implying that you should mate, take your meds.

The problem is the botters. Those that take off, fly in a straight line, crash into the AF spamming rockets, repeat.

That oculd simply be stopped by stopping score gains if you die repeatably to the AF.

I also think the rewards for damaging a target should be lower. but you get more score for destroying a target

This is for score only and not activity time and thus wouldnt affect SL or RP gains

but what if score for spamming rockets into an AF was much lower. Same for a base. But damaging and killing a base rewarded the exact same as it does now. Wieght the reward from killing the base rather than just damaging it. Same for all objectives. just increase signficantly the reward for completing or participating in an objective. So shooting down the recon plane would reward quite a bit of score for example. Or shooting down an aircraft in the bomber wave would mean you got a lot of score from completing that objective.

There are plenty of ways to re-balance score gains that dont punish the playerbase but reduce some of the exploits like the suicide ramming into AFs that the bots all use.

But you now that some do events like this.

So you understand that an AB player wants to keep playing AB and not having to go play or try exploits in other game modes to do the event, while at the same time having multipliers that don’t reflect the effort. It’s not cause it’s harder it’s cause it takes way more time to do the same.

Of course. Everyone hates farming/grinding, whether its events, SL, or RP. If there is a way to reduce it. People will exploit it.

There are some thing thats should get a reduced reward, like firing rockets into the AFs like the video you shared suggests doing and PvP actions like killing players should give more reward. But SB is a fundamentally slower paced and harder gamemode and should naturally have a higher reward mutliplier.

Is 3x too high, maybe a little, but Id expect it to be no lower than 2-2.5x.

Yeah, You should do it in whatever gamemode you want and the rewards should be comparible. The difference in AB and RB rewards should probably be closer together, but as mentioned before. in my opinion the issue stems from PvP not rewarding enough in any gamemode, including SB and not the underlying flat score multiplier that SB gets. In fact, if all PvP actions rewarded more score (and maybe reduce the score gained from base kills and PvE actions slightly). The better way to farm the event would probably be AB or RB, because the shorter matches and more densely packed PvP targets would mean you would get more score, regardless of the mutliplier.

Its just the PvE =/= PvP and SB happens to have the most PvE. If PvP = PvE. Then there would be no problem

Yes, it used to be somewhat reasonable, alas, those days have gone bye bye. I remember when a player could do all 3 vehicle types, and get 2 event vehicles for each just playing what they wanted. Granted it was still a lot of work, but doable. The old get 3 outta 5 task options required skill and some effort, but it was reasonable. I suppose too many people were able to accomplish this, so it was made more difficult until they just removed it. I was never fond of the crafting/assembly events as they tend to be overly complicated and convoluted by & large. I will not miss them at all . . lol, and I am actually surprised how long it took Gaijin to get rid of those as they seemed to have required an awful lot of work to organize & implement. I am not even opposed to the new event formatting, just how horribly it affects such a large portion of the player base. I play AB by choice, not because it is “easier” because frankly in many ways it isn’t . . . not at all. I prefer the faster pace and constant action Air AB provides . . I cannot fly Sim worth beans and I have never enjoyed Air RB at all. For tanks AB is more difficult in many ways as you really have to work to be “sneaky”, the green crosshair so many complain about is very inconsistent, and they have nerfed planes so much now they are practically worthless. And mainly I won’t play RB tanks because of the respawn point system, it is terribly flawed and everything wrong or that is complained about by the players for that mode can be directly attributed to how respawns work . . . it’s just flawed on so many levels. I play RB in naval now, because frankly, the differences between RB & AB in naval are very slight and I actually enjoy RB more now that I have the ranging/aiming thing sorted. I just think everyone, any & ALL players should be able to play what they want to play, put in the time and be compensated in a fair & equitable manner . . . currently, we simply do not have a system like that in place. If it were small differences that would be one thing, but this is just on a scale I have no idea how anyone could even consider just and clearly caters to a small portion of the player base. It’s just not right . . . . imho


lolwat? Events were WAY harder back then.

Events today are the easiest they’ve ever been in the history of War Thunder.
The harder trashier task system created meta event vehicles and if you didn’t use them you were shafted.
Today if you don’t use Q-5A for air events you’ll still get it done within 3 hours of play.

What? You are kidding, right. Take a look at Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. 2016:

Yes, each of these tasks is for a single day, still they required far less time to be spent on the game than those 45k points require now.

One mark of distinction back then cost 299 GE, for two days, which are one mark now, this would be 598 GE, as opposed to the 999 we have to pay now. That is a prize increase of 60%.


I think you completely overlooked that I said that only those that play RB or Sim at higher tiers have any chance of doing these events in a reasonable fashion. You basically proved my point 100%. The sad thing about it is, those who do not play anything but what I listed, simply have no idea what the differences in time & effort are all about. They haven’t made events “easier” ever, all they do is bump up the requirements and set parameters more narrow with each event. Restricting the number of players that are able to obtain the reward/prize vehicles is an artificial way to drive up the price/value when they hit the Marketplace, which in turn increases the amount of the “cut” from each sale. They are in business to make money . . it’s the “reasonable” part of the equation that is in question . . . that’s all. Suppose the shoe was on the other foot, if it took you 40% - 50% longer to do the same thing, would you still think the events were in anyway easier? . . . I kinda doubt it. But we’re all entitled to our own opinion

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Thank you, this clearly shows how much things have changed over the years. I liked this style of event because it gave the players “options” so they could select the tasks that were more suited to their personal playstyle . . or what the enjoyed and was fun. Your basic task & reward system that is pretty much part of everything in the world.
Thanks again

If I can write, chances are I can read. Thank you.
For me, personally, it doesn’t matter if its 750.000 or… Its way beyond the threshold of being unobtainable.

Can anyone tell me what BR this thing is if they know it?

Really. Can you read?


We want ALL modes to have a similar time in ALL modes.

We are NOT looking for you to take longer in SIM.

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They haven’t said but most likely 11.0 or 11.3

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If it was 10.7 it would be worth it