[Event] Earn the Jaguar IS in the Sword of Justice Event!

Can anyone tell me what BR this thing is if they know it?

Really. Can you read?


We want ALL modes to have a similar time in ALL modes.

We are NOT looking for you to take longer in SIM.

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They haven’t said but most likely 11.0 or 11.3

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If it was 10.7 it would be worth it

We will see what gajin will put it at
Maybe it will change again after the BR separation they plan to do

Thank you for proving how unintuitive and convoluted the task system was.
BTW, the old task system required a minimum of 15 battles in meta vehicles.
Which is 2256 score per match in the new system, which is easily done in meta vehicles.

That’s why the new system is superior.
33,835 score for RB matches, or 25,000 for ground SB matches, is extremely easy to get even if you don’t use meta vehicles, unlike the task system.

Going back and looking at War Thunder of the past is always an interesting trip. Because in almost every case, you see the game was in such a better state than it is currently. Like; look at the difference in what War Thunder Premium account was in 2014 versus today. It’s a bit crazy how they kept the same price but decreased the benefits while having increased the grind ever since then. When you stop and think back to how the economy was on a path to be made so much worse…crazy. Just crazy.

It’s interesting how benefits are identical despite it being 10 years.
150% = +50%.
200% = +100%.

Well, not identical.
We have repair insurance now, can ban a map or 4 maps in a full squad.
But the percentages are identical.

Like take back the decorations, camo, and map bans. 200% RP bonus would make the grind so much more tolerable.

Dude, 200% is +100% RP, it’s the same as we have it now.

Oh yes, let’s see: get 4 caps for one mark of distinction. And 12 kills in a heavy tank for another. That is already two marks of distinction with each taking less than an hour to achieve.

4 assists in an aircraft for a mark of distinction? Much more work than getting 45k score, yep…killing 10 ai ground units in Air RB? Takes at least as long as 45k score…


That’s 4 matches in R3 T20.
Then you go 1 - 4 matches in Tigers or T26E5, usually 2 - 3 matches.
And you forgot you need 3 marks of distinction for a star, not 2.
Then total kills which was made 50 after those early events because 30 was honestly too easy and easy to exploit.

50 ground targets before meta CAS jets was hilariously hard, especially when EVERYONE on your team was doing the same thing.
So no, you just keep proving how bad the task system was.

Getting score is easy.

I guess it depends from the player, but for me old task based events (those just before the change) were much easier than the new score based events. I only play Air/Ground/Naval Arcade, so I’m not sure how it looked like in other game modes.

When we had the first score based Air event, I actually compared both systems on the old forum:

It’s funny that with old tasks people were complaining that “40 kills and 12 assist tasks take too long!”. But when the system changed to 40k score, I needed 163 kills and 30 assists to complete 40k stage. And suddenly this is “fine” for players, because “score is easy!”. Most people don’t realise you need actions to get score. And with the new event system you need many more actions than before to complete the stage.

I also find it funny that playing for the score with this new system it took me 16 battles to complete 40k score stage, and I played without caring about tasks (obviously). But with the previous system, I would have finished the event stage after 6 of these battles! And if I cared about tasks, it could take even less than 6 battles. If I remember correctly, my record was 3 battles to complete one task based event stage in Naval Arcade. I tried to get it in 2 battles a few times, but from what I remember I failed, it wasn’t easy (but still possible).

People also keep forgetting the old task based event system could be progressed at the same time with two game modes (Ground + Air or Naval + Air). In reality, I pretty much never played Air during these events, I could get Air rewards ‘for free’ by just completing Ground and Naval tasks.

I understand players have different skill level, and I understand reaching 40 kills for one player can be much easier than for other player. But if you want to reach the current 45k score, you need many kills. If you can’t get kills/assist/capture zones etc, if you can only die and gain like 50 score per battle, you will never complete the event anyway (you will simply run out of time). The main difference is, right now your actions are not counted, so most players don’t realize how much effort (kills/assists etc.) it takes to get 45k score.


Arcade it may have gotten harder cause I only monitored realistic.

Kills and assists werent the issue.

Issue were tasks like caps, because lot of times, whoever was paired with nation that had go-kart aviable at that BR (R3 20mm) lost if they wanted to play normally.

Game started, out of 16 players, 12 out of them spawned in R3s, rushed cap, capped, and left. Wanted to enjoy your game? Too bad its now 4 vs 16.

It turned the experience for anyone not playing for tasks living hell and forced you to actually change your playstyle.

Score events are massive upgrade in that regard, you can gain score without need to change your playstyle.


You are talking about old issue. That task was changed long time before we switched to score based events.
Here is the last task oriented Winter event:

My Arcade tasks choices were (3 tasks are required to complete a stage):

Ground tasks:

  • Destroy 50 enemies. //depending from your skill, you can do this even in a few battles
  • Help allies 25 times to destroy enemy vehicles. //25 was a lot, but you could force this task to progress by eg. shooting enemy tracks instead of killing them
  • Destroy 10 enemies while on an allied point. //very easy task on many maps, could also be done with SPAA

Reserve task:

  • Win 11 battles (with an activity of 70% or higher). //Most of the time I could complete previous 3 tasks before this one. A few times I got this task done before assists. But even considering 50% win rate, that’s 22 battles.

Naval tasks:

  • Cause 30,000 damage whilst controlling a naval vessel. //it takes 2-3 good battles
  • Destroy 5 enemies while on an allied point. //very easy at low BRs (e.g. 2.3) with a boat
  • Win the battle in first place in naval battles. //this one could be hard for some players, but there is also a reserve task below

Reserve task (if I couldn’t get the 1st place):

  • Win 7 battles in Naval battles (with an activity of 70% or higher). //even with 50% win rate, that’s 14 battles

Air tasks:

  • Destroy 40 enemies in AB (20 in RB, 14 in SB). //usually done when playing Ground and Naval modes
  • Help allies 12 times to destroy enemy vehicles. //usually done when playing Ground and Naval modes
  • Win 9 battles (with an activity of 70% or higher). //usually done when playing Ground and Naval modes

Reserve tasks (if for some reason I didn’t have above tasks completed):

  • Drop 12 tons of Bomb TNT on enemy bases in total. //could be done in usually 2-3 battles, possible even in 1 battle
  • Destroy 12 enemies in one battle (4 in RB or 3 in SB). //harder, skill based, but possible for good players

It really wasn’t that hard to get 3 tasks, when compared to the current 45k score, where players have to play sometimes 30-40 battles to complete one stage in Arcade.

PS. I would prefer if they kept the old tasks based events and just added the new score based system on top of it. So you can do 3 tasks or 45k score for one event stage, depending on what you complete first. I’m sure I would complete tasks faster every time. And I’m sure many players here would be very surprised to see the same thing, because most of these tasks were passive anyway (kills, assists, wins).


Actually it wasn’t that hard to get the caps task done, EXCEPT for the fact that once an event like this began, suddenly there was a huge upsurge in how many SINGLE cap maps were seen in the rotation. This “mechanic” did make that particular task take longer, sometimes a lot longer. But in the end it was not “difficult” as much as it was time consuming.(and even tho that task/system is long gone, you can still see the single cap maps much more even today during events, seeming to indicate the mechanic is still there, just to dampen scoring now I guess) Which to me wasn’t that much of an issue. I tend to be more “aggressive” I guess, always headed out early and trying to acquire “territory” and/or position. And I notice a LOT of players do not move out of spawn quickly in most matches anyway, so . . less competition I guess you could say. But by no means was getting caps hard to accomplish, in fact it was easy enough that it was one of the first tasks they raised the requirement on. Showing that the data Gaijin looks at was indicating many/most players were getting this one done quickly I guess, since we cannot see these things, have to assume. At any rate, comes down more to playstyle than skill or ability I suppose. To me it just seems the old style events were much more manageable for the individual player and far more equitable across the board, this absurd multiplier(penalizer) system is the problem.
Why not something more like- for plane & tanks: 0.9x for tiers I & II, 1.0 for tiers III & IV, 1.1 for tiers V & VI & 1.2 for tiers VII & VIII, no “mode bonus”, all the same. For naval 1.0 for ALL Coastal, Bluewater 1.1 regardless of tiers.
Might require Gaijin to make more “continuity” between the modes, but that has been long overdue anyway. I don’t really understand players that fight so hard against making things more “fair” to everyone and are so hellbent against a “level playing field” . . making changes like this benefit everyone and hurt no one . . . well except those that clearly have a distinct advantage.
Personally, I just think everyone should have the same chance, without handicaps being thrust upon them arbitrarily . . . alas . . in a perfect world perhaps

i actually recorded my games with US 5.7 with low level crews and GER 12.0 lineup with max crews, both in RB.

If you actually made the rank modifiers same for both rank III and VII, the US 5.7 would complete the event faster than the GER 12.0.

This is due to me having higher base score before mulltipliers in US 5.7, but higher multiplied score in 12.0 GER. Ergo id say it is easier to score lower you are.

And from what i am looking at, judging by the AB games recorded by few volunteers who sent me the data, it is easier to score in AB than it is in RB. I have yet to put it all together, but equalizing multipliers depending on modes would actually make the arcade MUCH BETTER while now it seems COMPARABLE.

like i saidm i have to put it all together, but i plan to make another post about it and make the data aviable to everyone so they can check my calculations.

It is not comparable at all . . it is clearly a 30% - 40% disadvantage playing AB, especially for over half the vehicles in the game that fall below tier VI. I say this from experience, not from a point of spite or anger . . it’s just numbers man. And as stated, if you have not played in the “penalized zone”, which is rather vast, than you simply do not know or understand the inequity that is there. I have no idea if this is intentional or a misstep on Gaijin’s part, but it’s still there regardless. I have been playing daily for 10 years now, here is a shot of my stats:

As you can see my PvP Rating is pretty good, all things considered, my placement is ok too. But that average score, that’s not all that high and it deserves to be penalized 10%? . . . how? why? I know how to play this particular mode pretty well and how to score most of the time, it varies depending on the tasks I am doing(I don’t grind specific vehicles too much any more, just do BP stuff) and I can tell you that most games( guessing 90%) during events, it is very common to see 1 - 5 TOTAL players reaching a score of 2000 in the games, that’s less than 10%, and ALL scores are penalized after that. This the 4.3 BR range that I normally play(It’s fair, competitive and generally more “balanced” than most other BR ranges I play). I admire your work/effort trying to collect data of individual players and yeah, mine is an extremely small sample, but . . . what I see on the leaderboards of each game over & over show what I am talking about on a steady & regular enough rate/cycle to be considered a valid sampling.

im still waiting for one player to OK the results i made, but he has similiar stats (winrate and average mission score) to me and he was able to grind the event star in similiar time (even slightly faster) while we used comparable lineups of 5.7.

that would suggest to me its easier to gain score in arcade.

im aware that this comparison suffers from small sample size, but it is better than nothing. just saying.