Eurofighters Radar

Is it just me, or does the eurofighters radar (CAPTOR-M) is terrible? the TWS is so bad, its almost useless, and the TWS Tracking is even worse, as its very incosistent, and terrible in general, if im right, its supposed to be one of the best radars to exist, but its so garbage in war thunder.


it’s pretty unfinished

reports were made so It’ll be fixed eventually, probably after christmas break ends in ladte January or eaely February

I dont want to spend my christmas with this garbage radar 😭

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Spend it with your family then 🤣

It turns out that the reason why Gaijin made Catcher M so bad is that he wants players to spend time with their families during Christmas instead of playing War Thunder, and the reason behind it is heartwarming


dont really got one, so cant do much other than sit home ig
(my only family is my pet bird)


Currently the CAPTOR-M is modelled like the Blue Vixen radar which is what the Harrier uses but with added bugs.

There are several outstanding bug reports about the radar but the crux of the issue is that there isn’t much information on the radar itself aside from being based on the Blue Vixen. We all know it was upgraded in every conceivable way to the Blue Vixen but Gaijin want hard statistical information as to it’s performance which is not easy or legal to obtain.

From what I have read, it has a comparable scan rate to early PESAs with an excellent chaff filtering ability. The ghost contacts is flat out a bug that will need to be fixed as well. The higher scan rate should fix TWS locks drifting/dropping.


I dont believe you lol

I mean if this is how gaijin will make newer aircraft in game we could totally have an f-22 that has a top speed of mach 2 thrust to weight of 1/2 and the stealth preformance of the 8.7 F-117 with the f4s radar

CUz tHaT Is THe InfOrMATiON We hAVe

Yeah on the Rafale I’ve had multiple instances where I cant track someone 10km in front of me flying directly at me but it’ll lock onto a missile 30km away that is moving very slow lmao. I assume they’ll fix it within the first few weeks of January, maybe even before that.

From what I’ve heard, Rafael does have a reasonable working radar, but still underperforms a lot considering its an AESA radar, but the Eurofighters TWS is unusable.

Ehh reasonable is a bit of a stretch but yeah from the few matches I played on the eurofighter in air it was pretty bad. I honestly just feel like this update was really rushed as they wanted to get something big for the end of year updates like they always do. Like on the leak lists we saw things like the J-10B (which I really wanted) that got scrapped. I assume this was because they decided against adding Python 4s and PL8B’s (on the J-10B and the Kfir block 60) to the game which is really quite disappointing but I guess we’ll probably see them first update next year. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Whether the radar is still being worked on or if it’s buggy/whatever I’ve sort of coped with it by using the “medium” sized TWS function to scout targets and the “small” sized TWS to keep track of the targets, it seems to be much more stable.

I guess this could be a decent solution until we get to know more about it.

Actually scrap what I said I think it’ll probably be more complete by the end of the Kfir event now that I think about it.

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That’s what I’ve also been doing, however its annoying when you’re trying to fire off multiple missiles on multiple people and having to keep resetting the radar as it will (I’m gonna try my best to explain this) go off centered and be either scanning on the left or right side of your aircraft. Quite annoying tbh.

what type of bird sorry I gotta know

Cockatiel, she’s with me right now as im typing this out

Nice I want a conure eventually once I get out of this god forsaken dorm.

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conure was my first choice, but it was a bit too expensive, so I had to get a cockatiel, had her for 2 years now, she still gets jealous when I play video games lmao

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I damn near bought one at the pet store that was eyeing me up a few months ago, but sadly my dorm is strictly against pets. This is my last year here so hopefully once I get a job and find somewhere to live (which is damn near impossible in Canada) I can manage to buy one for myself, I’ve wanted one so bad since I was a kid lol.