Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

the double mount does already exist


so it is theoreticaly possible, just no madman did it yet because like i said earlier it would be to heavy and hinder the typhoons air performance

no, the inner wing and centre wing pylons are not missile capable

Never under-estimate the british ability to bodge. Im sure its possible, if the need ever arose for that kind of configuration, though I doubt it ever would.

Вообще то от 12-14.

Зависит от того, сколько можно использовать 2ных пилонов.
10 без раздваивателей.

centre wing yes, inner wing i didnt find currently

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Only here in the game you can have your plane stuffed to the maximum, so much so that in reality you will not find such a number of weapons on the plane. In the game, we are talking about how many URVV you can take the maximum, you will shoot half when approaching and there will be another half left.

thats not the centre wing, thats the outer wing, the ones on the end are ITSPL’s which are only sraam capable

ahhh u mean that one

В чём проблема повесить на внутренние?
Пилоны 100% одинаковые на крыльях.

found sometung for inner in that case but not center, but for truth we would need actual tyhpoon pictures

Был бы отличным штурмовиком, с урезанием возможностей временно против воздуха до таких, ну чуть больше УРВВ + 2 GBU вместо бака.

Was deployed to Syria in 2015 and mainly performed CAS. It performed amazingly well. Would be a lot of nations first true mutli-role jet

yeah but a lot pages claim all hard points are possible for A2A missles we will have to see

Ehh the main reason for this is that the ordered F 35 isnt meteor compatible yet

No Escape Zone appears to be a very poorly defined term, with people picking the definition which best helps their case. For example if I search DTIC for “no-escape zone” the first two results give very different definitions (one supports me, the other supports you):

Example 1

friendly aircraft will have to operate well inside the “no escape zone”, the range at which the aircraft can no longer kinematically defeat the missile by turning away from the launch site and accelerating to top speed.

Example 2

The no-escape zone was defined as within the effective range of the weapon, such that a target could not escape the weapon with a maximum manoeuvre.

As another example the Tornado F.3 tactics manual says this about Skyflash SuperTEMP:

That puts the NEZ of Skyflash SuperTEMP at 11 km and AIM-7F at 16.5 km. Yet in game I don’t think anyone is going to say it is completely impossible to dodge those missiles at those ranges.

we should never compare how it is in game to reality xD , that is the biggest problem

Yeah, we had 9Ls that had historical capabilities but everyone complained about them and got nerfed. If people could score kills at 16km and there was nothing you could do about it, then I think a lot of people would complain

that is what makes me worry about the r73, the missle pulls manovers in the game no other missle compares to, and i say that as a player that would be able to use it on the mig 29 when it comes

Yeah… Britain is screwed. I doubt we’re getting 9Ms anytime soon