- Storm Warning (December 2024)
- Firebirds (November 2024)
- Dance of Dragons (September 2024)
Russia got its last top tier aircraft in Seek and Destroy (June 2024) so it got no new top tier in 9 months
meanwhile the US TT got the F15e in Firebirds (4 months ago)
Yeah they are pampering to RU top tier by adding subpar planes. Such a great time to play their jets lol.
that one isnt top tier
top tier is 13.7 / 14.0
not toptier, nor does it have fox 3s, its just a fatter Su27 with a better RWR and 2 more missiles
Still playable and Gen-4 fighter. Tell me how long other nation waiting for new jet compared Ru and US? Lmao
yeah call me a Ru main thats my only Nation
The US has the most rank 8 jets over any nation in the game
Italy, Germany and Britian got the Typhoon last update, Japan got the Thai Sub-Tree last update aswell,
Israel got the F-15I 2 updates ago, France got the Rafale last update, China got the J-10 in Dance of Dragons (3 updates ago) the only nations that didnt get anything for top tier was Sweden and Russia (since seek and destroy)
USA → 2 Updates ago
Germany → 1 Update ago
Russia → 4 Updates ago
Great Britian → 1 update ago
Japan → 1 Update ago
China → 3 Updates ago
Italy → 1 Update ago
France → 1 Update ago
Sweden → 4 Updates ago
Isreal → 2 Updates ago
So by your logic Russia and Sweden are in most need of a new top tier fighter
Two spawns are at most 12 kills against a team with 32+ spawns at least, so I don’t think that’s quite right.
They better not overdo that as it might turn GRB into quasi-ARB with less enemies, something fighter jockeys want really much.
Let me put it this way, what percentage of games did you go on to win after getting your team gutted by enemy cas.
Also what is there to worry about, they sure as hell won’t make cap be able to spawn without a kill or a point capture at least.
To be fair with you, I don’t know. I never really made stats about that.
What I know is that it is incredibly annoying to get CAS’d, period.
My worry is that half of the team will jump to CAP as soon as possible to enjoy marker-less ARB that also isn’t a 16v16, which is something many people have complaints about.
man those guys should get some skill and play simulator battles
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It was removed because of what is highlighted
Why it was removed on the Eurofighter who knows
my point still stands tho…
instead of crying about russian bias he could’ve just make a bug report to get it back…
What the GMTI on the Eurofighter
There has been internal report ever since it came out
Uh what happened to Su-34 and Su-33? They can see top tier in an uptier so I count them as top tier
so would you say back when the f15a was added the phantoms were top tier?