Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

So it is Russian bias when everybody gets a buff…
It is Russian bias when anything is getting nerfed…
And apperntly it is also Russian bias if they add anything to Russia…

I know not having FnF brimstones is annoying but crying about Russian bias won’t make it any better, ontop of that why aren’t you crying about French bias now that they can shoot hammers from 30km away?

The Russian bias argument is stupid as alot of nations profited from the TGP buff not only Russia so stop crying about Russian bias

Just be happy for once for getting something nice…


What do you guys think of the FM changes?

Barely noticed them.
Supercruise at 10km is unchanged still.
I think they only changed drag in a turn, so you bleed more above M 0.6, i think STR should be a bit better because of slightly less drag in turns at lower speeds.

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With the figures they listed it looked like acceleration to supersonoc would be nerfed by doubling the drag from 0.2 to 0.4

Doesn’t induced drag mean drag caused by turns or something, because the supercruise top speed at 10km is the same as it was before so 🤷

Also this extra induced drag makes so you don’t snap your wings as easily when going to lower altitudes to evade

They said the drag was increased after mach 0.65

Well am I need to show russian wallet warrior line up while other nation still missing some vehicle to be called as wallet warrior line up? Or am I need to show you how many Russian vehicle with almost with their full capability while the other nation still missing some key feature even if people keep throw bunch of fact and source.

Well in the end they gonna fix it (as long someone just got tantrum and throw sekrit dokumintz).

Ahhh… Maybe you have good reason why EF and Rafale lost their GMTI capability while Russia have that radar on their vehicle?

Induced drag means drag in turns

it is a bug because of the radar changes
maybe instead of crying about russian bias you should have made a bug report like @DirectSupport did

here you go ^^

I don’t think he’s programmed to do that, wait for updates.

the russian bias is such a stupid argument imo

they just use it as a strawmann to blame all the problems on

It don’t think it was a bug

then why did they accept the report for the rafale

I think it mostly comes down to people not understanding asymmetrical balancing.

yeah you cant give russia symetrical reponses to western shit because theere doctrine revolves about having an asymmetrical response to western stuff

but hey we can balance the game by just giving every TT a leopard 2 and a f16

Only US? Where the other? And I dont see any prem US good as at same BR frogfoot spammer in the game.

Im sorry but asymetrical balance shouldn’t mean 2 su34 spawns can win a game.

Especially when non russian top tier aa is also subpar compared to what it’s fighting.

Russian tanks are pretty bad in wt (when they dont eat spall) but i don’t think the solution is giving them the best cas and the best counter to cas at the same time while only france and america come even close.

Point is make cap cheaper already gaijin.

damn the 2 biggest Nations in war thunder having the most premiums what a shocker
just because you cant be bothered with grinding a tech tree without a full premium lineup isnt my problem

kinda crazy that the a-10 has more FnF weapons it can carry at the same time

That was called as fair and balance instead just put powerful thing in just one tech tree. Tell me when the last time Rusky not get toptier fighter? Even if the major update not making Rusky as spotlight, they still got toptier stuff every single update. While in fact they can give other nation some filler since a long time ago instead keep pamering Ru main.

last update