The late phantoms with better radar and missiles and HMD (some of them), definitely counted as top tier
And wasnt Su-34 at 13.3 when top tier was 13.7
And Su-33 was 13.3 like it should be at first no?
well whatever this is a difference in opinion,
i see your point but i personally dissagre,
because it is called TOP tier and the very TOP in war thunder is 14.0
Su-33 and 34 are both high tier, not top tier.
Both top tier. You can argue about su-33, a little bit, but that’s it. With your logic you can say that the last top tier for germany before Typhoon was introduced in october 2023. And ICE is worse than su-33.
Was it well established that German TT was the worst before the Typhoon because of that issue? No one denied it afaik
Or is your point because ICE was not top tier material? Because no one denies that too. Still doesn’t make Su-333 and 34 top tier btw
Su-34, let’s see. Fox 3 capable? Yes. By far not the best fox-3 slinger, but still capable nonetheless. Oh, it’s a best CAS plane in the entire game? Yes again. Well here you go, at least that makes it top tier material.
Su-33 is extremely good, not top tier though, still feels pretty good at it’s br.
Su-34 is 100% toptier jet, just not a toptier fighter.
But it’s not top tier though, we base top tier on br not capabilities.
Top tier in GRB, dc
Aim’t that a streth? Since top tier in GRB is 12.7 regardless of actual br anyways
I have a question about the often discussed topic of Brimestones and their IOG.
Where do devs get the information to form the basis of their response to the associated bug report?
“Not a bug. Paveway mark 4 has GNSS with laser, but Brimstone has IOG with Laser. Therefore, Brimstone has a much greater margin of error in flight without a laser.”
More precisely, how do the devs know that the Brimstone will enter a ballistic descent immediately after losing its laser marker and will therefore inevitably miss its target?
I am struggling with learning the ropes on top tier jets.
Do you shoot fox-3 with “hard lock” or with simple “TWS” lock “not full square” lock?
Majority of my missiles does not hit, so maybe i am doing something wrong.
What radar settings do you use? Do you switch to TWS PD or do you simply use SRC and then HMD?
this is a quite complex topic and iam not confident i can explain it better to you than the following videos,
i hope they are helpful
Well first learn how the missiles themselves work.
Then learn when to shoot, or to not shoot at all.
And what altitudes and speeds you should have to make a kill more likely, and how to defend and keep a good position from altitude to sea level.
Majority of missiles not hitting is normal, especially at long range. Always use TWS with HMD at top tier.