Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

and then its a Mig-29 dogfighting an F3. Guess who wins.

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Compare to F-16C radar and see a Gripen radar
People said Gripen radar are on par with F-16C but It feel like F-16C radar doing better job for detect the target like it completely different (for TWS mode)

Its a radar i’ve yet to use. So shall take your word for it. But overall, there definetly feels like something is “wrong” with the EFTs radar

Yeah EFT radar which supposed to be better than F-16C yet have harder time detect target than f-16C too definitely something wrong with it

Funny how the Gaijin interns still don’t know how to fix some code so that the outer Pylons don’t disappear.

Gripen and FA.2 both have search volumes from pre-change CAPTOR-M, so 37.5% more search volume on the standard (TWS medium, 60x11.4 deg vs CAPTOR-M’s 60x8.4 deg) mode, and all of it vertical.

In hindsight, its actually be the worst vertical search area of the top tier jets(13.7+), all of them have an option to scan 10deg+ vertical, which might be why CAPTOR-M specifically feels so “blind”(beyond the ghosting issues).

Of note, the M2K5F doesn’t have a 10deg scan in TWS, but it does in regular search modes, its has an unusually awful 3deg vertical scan area, but only in TWS, so if you’re looking for a target, you can still rely on all other modes for vertical scans.

It might be, but im not totally convinced that is the chief issue here, Especially as the narrow ( 20°x4°) seems to locate targets very quickly when you point your nose at something you can see visually. If that was the case, the medium (60°x8°) mode should be more reliable as it has the larger vertical scan volume (Think back to that clip of the friendly F-15 being scanned by my radar in the other thread)

Im more leaning towards it being an issue of the extra modes the TWS got in the last CAPTOR-M update that it can swap between and it taking an ages to switch between modes to actually find the target you are pointing the radar at. Which is why the narrow mode finds targets much much faster because its cycling through the different modes much faster.

So im wondering if its not being effecient in what mode its using

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Fair point, there def seems to be an issue with it not “seeing” targets in the medium mode as per your previously posted vid, that def doesnt help. I was more approaching it from the angle of trying to find a target you can see yet.

Yep, for that, the medium mode is definetly superior but I do hope we get some more of hte Typhoons scan mode options.

But I do wonder how many times the scan volume has been more than suffecient and I’ve scanned a target more than a few times, but it simply hasnt appeared on the radar display. Making it feel like the scan volume isnt suffecient.

Well I did clap them using ICE, just for the sake of it

Im still waiting for some madman at the Bundeswehr to strap a IRIS-T SLM to a Eurofighter and see what happens. AAMs usually loose about half their range when ground launched, so an air launched SLM should have about 80km range, right :p

its almost like theres a system designed for these situations hmmm

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And your source being trust me bro ?
MP was introduced years before Su-27, so people had that much time to notice the “anomaly” where your radar lock starts acting up when an enemy is close to the ground.

You didn’t need to engage in BVR in order to make an impact on the game, which can’t be said for engaging in a furball.

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And then it’s a Su-27 dogfighting Gripen/F-16. Guess who wins.
Your whole notion of RU planes being strong back in the day because of the 27ER disappears when you acknowledge MP was a thing and pretty strong one at that.

Nowadays it’s even worse with 27SM.

So leverage that ability no other top tier nation has (excluding China)

F-15 also can’t win against them
German MiG-29G also can’t win against them
Yet I rarely see German main complain about their mig can’t beat Gripen in dog fight
Or F-15 user complain about that
So your point?

was hinting at the borked MWS

Right, and how long did Britain and Sweden have to wait for the Gripen though? Remind how long was the F3 and Viggen D fighting full uptiers Vs the F-16/Mig-29 before actually getting something usable?

The point is, soviet struggling for 3 months is nothing. So stop complaining and wait for the next major update.

P.s Gripen got nerfed through the floor instantly and given it had 0 BVR capabilities for it’s first 6 months id say the Su-27 still held an advantage over it and forced it to exploit multipathing to not be instantly killed. Staying below 100m because doing anything else was a death sentence against an Su-27 was simply dull gameplay

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Only two nations having that means you’ll have less to worry about, especially in planes with loads of CMs like the EFT.

F-15s had F-16s, 29G was in the same boat as it’s basically the same thing as RU ones.
So I don’t see the part where RU has ever dominated in times after 27ER was added.

This isn’t complaining, it’s me telling you that RU planes weren’t dominating just because they had best SARH, as those were trivial to defeat with MP.

You know how broken it was when even after a nerf it was still clubbing.

Oh no, staying below 100m to totally negate a one-trick pony was super hard.
Su-27 couldn’t use it’s biggest advantage due to MP and games transitioning into furballs on the deck anyways.

Wait, you want to be competitive in BVR while also rinsing people in close ranges just to not have dull gameplay ?