You’ll still be able to see two missiles being fired and considering you’re being targeted by a RU plane, it’s pretty easy to assume one of those is the ET, so flaring a few times would be enough.
Judging from Russian get new planes every patch (and still not enough it seem) while German stuck with F-4F ICE for long
A year or two at least for them to get AESA EFT
Yes, I know that the Eurofighter radar is underperforming vastly compared to its irl counterpart. I’m just saying that the Eurofighter is still better than the Su-27SM despite having the botched radar, it holds too much of an advantage in terms of flight performance to be a close fight, not to mention the Fox 3 kit.
Don’t get me wrong, the Eurofighter DESERVES a better radar, but I don’t believe in much of this supposed favoritism for other countries, at least in this regard. The Rafale similarly dropped with many issues and the road to get many of them fixed hasn’t been easy as well, and there are still aspects of the Rafale that are inaccurate to its irl counterpart.
Tranche 3 and 4 are pretty new developments, and I don’t think it is harsh to say that Eurofighter was rather late in incorporating an AESA radar compared to its contemporaries. Granted, it is notably ahead in terms of performance compared to RBE2 AESA, simply because the CAPTOR-E has more T/R modules, and the technology itself should be comparable, if not better than what France used.
Gaijin said that they will do something with the radar this patch, my suggestion is to wait and see if they actually go through with it, and how they will change the radar if that is the case. I most definitely hope that it is a buff.
and much the same could have been said of the Tornado F3 vs Mig-29 or F4F-ICE vs Su-27SM. It is expected for the soviets to get a new top tier this coming major update, and god knows what it will be given to allow it to fight the EFT, maybe even pass it. Then they would have only wait 3 months rather than the 6 for Germany or 12 for Britain in their respective waits
Not all nations must be meta and its nice it isnt the soviets for a change. Heck the year of fighting against Mig-23MLDs also sucked, especially as our counter came so late it did little to help.
The reason why their is a large degree of annoyance regarding the Rafale is because it has gotten a number of features that should not be present on this exact version of the Rafale. Meanwhile similar such “Buffs” from later variants of the Typhoon have been denied so far. Such as Striker II HMD that would potentially give DL IFF for the HMD (some debate about whether this is a Striker II upgrade or whether the Striker I should be able to do it)
Heck the Typhoon has an AGM that it never used. Should be the Brimstone 2. It can keep SAL for now, but its annoying its got a nerf ontop of another nerf.
Its annoying that after 2 months, the Typhoon hasnt even gotten basic things fixed, let alone the big problems, but it seems like every other update has something for the Rafale.
If CAPTOR-M was at full strength, this wouldnt be quite as critical of an issue. But if it cannot be addressed quickly, especially before the introduction of a lot more AESA or PESA equipped top tier fighters (I give it 2 or 3 major updates until the Typhoon is the only top tier fighter without either) then the disadvantage will be deeply felt.
CAPTOR-E at that point needs to come sooner rather than later regardless of the state of the CAPTOR-M but especially if its still a buggy mess by then. Yes the Typhoon equipped them late, but given the Rafale has gotten a HMD that has just entered service on a later variant of the Rafale. Its not unreasonable to be annoyed by this disparity,
They also said the Challenger 2 was getting fixed, instead they nerfed it. I hold little faith when Gaijin makes promises like that these days. But yes, we do need to see. Likewise the soviets need to wait and see what they will get this major update before demanding Typhoon Nerfs as I have seen a few people call for
It won’t happen unless Su-57. Any of Su-27/MiG-29 family left for now didn’t even get close to ingame EFT’s flight performance. Actually they have to worry of worsening, as weight increase is mostly bigger than thrust increase.
The soviets have gotten an overwhelming AAM advantage in the past to compensate for short-comings. My fear is that the Su-30 that is expected will come with a notable and significant AAM upgrade to “compensate” for its short comings
That will also never going to happen. R-77’s enormous fin makes signifcant drag untill R-77M, which is developed for use in Su-57, and don’t have exact data in public.
Meanwhile, current AIM-120 A/B is far more superior than R-77(and possible R-77-1) although it’s ingame spec is weaker than real life.
Air superiority of USSR tree ends with ARM. R-37M is currently only realistic option(while this one also don’t have much public data), then westerns still outperforms with Meteor.
Then there is little for them to do then. But calling for ahistorical nerfs to either the Typhoon or Aim-120 (which we have seen in the past few days on the Forums) is not the answer. Especially when both are already underperforming a fair bit for “balancing reasons”.
But again, we shall have to wait and see what Gaijin has planned for both the soviet TT and the Typhoon. Personally, im hoping to see the Typhoon get some notable buffs this major update. Not just a radar overhaul, but other buffs/fixes on other aspects, such as the HMD, Cockpit and especailly A2G buffs. Its missing most of its historical A2G loadout and what it does have is underperforming quite a bit (I personally care very little about ground modes, its frustrating having such a nerfed loadout in gamemodes like Air Sim)
Itll be interesting to revisit this when they get the Su-30SM, not necessarily cuz I think the 30SM will be better guaranteed, but cuz I know the SM’s radar will be vastly superior simply due to being a PESA (and ESA’s get to have a feature the CAPTOR-M and PS-05A have IRL, but aren’t allowed to have in-game).
What’s the excuse with the Rafale then? It has the single best radar, a FM roughly tied with the EFT (better 1c, worse 2c, worse top speed), arguably better missiles than the Typhoon, better ground attack ordinance (for GFRB), and received upgrades it did not operate in French service irl.
Tho this is true, I’d argue being the single best plane in-game should realistically relegate its bug reports to lower priority, despite how much hate I’ll get from the french mains for saying so. I want to see its issues fixed, but its really not in need of any improvements atm. Tbf, this is also a double edged sword against the EFT tho, seeing as its inarguably the second best plane in-game overall after the Rafale, which could be the reason its radar hasn’t been touched.
This was by design, the EFT consortium did not believe first generation ESAs were worth putting into a jet over an end-generation mech scan radar at the time, which would imply that the CAPTOR-M should be in the general ballpark of performance of available ESA’s at the time at the very least, which it very much isn’t in-game, seeing as the V004 (Su-34 radar) is from the same time period and absolutely blows the CAPTOR-M out of the water in-game, despite russian radars being typically known for being subpar to western ones to boot.
Looking forward to seeing the changes, but not at all optimistic considering gaijins track record.
I wish this was how they dealt with bug fixes. Imagine 2023 if the Tornado had been fixed on arrival rather than 18 months later.
Atp just merge all the euro threads
I saw lot of RU main said German phantom better than their SU-27SM which is laughable
Yeah annoying as hell but overperform tank like RU never got nerf for some reason.
I think most of the Complaining about the Su-27SM comes from the fact they cant just win every BVR fight with ease anymore because they no longer have an overwhelming missile advantage. was little you could do with a Aim-7M/Skyflash SuperTEMP vs an R-27ER
Other than its weak radar and RWR. the sheer versatility of its loadout is impressive. Would love to have a weapon system like R-27ET on the Typhoon (ASRAAM when? :P )
Idk how there would still be debate on this subject, @Gunjob has already pointed out that the EFT’s target tracking uses sensor fusion of all available sources of info for “system tracks”, and the Striker I can already provide HMD IFF using radar in-game, which explicitly means any method of target ID available to the EFT would be displayed just as well.
The Rafale/M2KDRMV/A-10C are all just straight up using TDL’s despite gaijins insistence of them not existing in-game.
I still strongly disagree with this. Considering CAPTOR-M should be at least in the ballpark of the V004, and likely many of the upcoming first gen ESA’s (Rafale and Kfir are outliers since they’re using ESA’s that are some 10-20 years newer than what everyone else is likely to get imo). I would not mind the EFT having the “worst” radar out of the top tier fighters if it was atleast near V004 levels.
Personally not a fan of the 27ET in-game, I’m sure other players use them well, and ive gotten some kills with them, but I just find them unreliable. More and more top jets have and will have MAWS, mitigating surprise attack capability, and despite how horrid MAWS are, they’re technically “more” information, just happens said information is often just headache inducing false positives from flares. They also cant be launched LOAL, so they’re range is largely irrelevant, as they must be launched from within visual range, and their flare resistance is rather paltry at the ranges theyre employed at, seemingly without the ability to use datalink to ignore flares (idk if thats a feature irl, but itd be weird not to be imo).
Yup… But alas, I can also see it being one of the “upgrades” with the later variant of the Typhoon we are bound to get at some point
It is entirely dependent on the state of the CAPTOR-M. If it is up to near expected IRL performance and is one of the best mechanical radars in game, then yes. As am I, at least for a little while. To stick with the “weaker” mechanical radar. But there is a big “If” in there. I fear that the CAPTOR-M wont be much better than it is currently and thus its not the strongest mechanical radar in game, but one of the weakest at which point, CAPTOR-E becomes a necessity
That overwhelming advantage from 27ER could be mitigated completely by flying below 100m from the ground, which is fairly simple to do.
Why would you engage in a BVR fight with 7M against 27ER ?
That’s like doing BVR with R-77 against 120s, it simply isn’t optimal nor is anyone forcing you to do so.
The fact that 27SM can’t neither BVR nor dogfight really makes it a suboptimal choice.
Seems silly, but I guess gaijins day job includes flagrant misinterpretation of western sources, so entirely possible for them to claim.
I just dont see CAPTOR-M being a slewable AESA, would be positive for the game in any way atm, granted the ES-05 Raven on the Gripen E may come and thats also slewable, so idk I guess. Gripen likely wouldnt need the Gripen-E either if its radar was modelled better and it was given some newer weapons.
I’d like to take a sec to remind ppl that the general community did not know about excessive multipath modelling, and therefore did not begin abusing it, until rather late in the 27ER’s heyday. This is a major case of hindsight being 20/20.
It should be really
I feel like F-16C have lot easier time to detect target than EFT same problem also exist in Gripen
Well if use that same logic when Gripen A came out why everyone keep dog fight with Gripen ?knowing full well they can’t win
I’ve never experienced much of an issue with either the FA2 or Gripen. But yes, the Typhoon just feels… blind