Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

On the other hand the German Mig 29s ended up with R27ER/T missles, best guess they will try making the eurofighters as equal as possible

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I think so too, plus AFAIK there aren’t really national standards, all aircraft are rated in terms of Tranche. So you won’t find like Britain’s Tranche 1’s having different weapons capabilities/wiring to that of the German or Italian ones.

Realistically given the modularity, you can just see them all as being able to carry what the others of the same Tranche can.

So I think other than the minor national (IRIS-T or ASRAAM, Storm Shadow vs Taurus) differences things like ATG weapons, the IRST, AMK kit should all be standardised amongst EF tranches

yeah that is my best guess as well

Would you know the date of the brochure?

Yeah the brimstone launcher can also use hellfires, they’s why they probably called it rockets.

Those loadouts aren’t comprehensive either. In your brochure it replaces the drop tanks with a launcher, but in the photo I posted above they were using the universal launcher on the inner pylons. It makes sense given the pylons/launchers are designed to be modular, but we’ll never see a photo in real life of one loaded with brimstones in every possible pylon because that would just be silly.


Any idea whats up with the TGP on the BVRAAM rail?
I have seen them on the centerline only

there is another one (with 18 Brimstone)


But is that from Eurofighter?

yes also from a brochure

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So the TGP can also be carried on the place of a Meteor/AMRAAM?

I don’t remember the answer to this question but even in Eurofighter official concept art the TGP is always carried in the central belly position or never at all.

I suspect the EF might be able to target/queue with the IRST and Radar if push comes to shove.

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Cool, not seem that one before. Did you find that online somewhere?

Oh my GOD.



its an option that can be integrated in order to free up the big pylons

i think it was on the old eurofighter website… before they changed it >:C
Eurofighter Typhoon | Advantages of the most advanced fighter aircraft (
Click on “Close Air Support”

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Here another One with 18 Brimstone from an Eurofighter book (It also Say Brimstone in particular)

oh yeah i just realised this one says “SPEAR” so maybe this can be extended to the SPEAR-3 mini cruise missiles. SPEAR does include the Brimstone(i think, maybe not)

SPEAR Capability 1; Raytheon Paveway IV precision-guided bomb and subsequent improvements to include reduced collateral and penetrator warhead and enhanced capability against moving targets.

SPEAR Capability 2; a 50kg class powered missile, eventually Block 3, Brimstone 2, then Brimstone 3

SPEAR Capability 3; a longer-range 100kg class weapon with the ability to be re-targeted in flight using two-way datalinks.

SPEAR Capability 4; upgrades to Storm Shadow to sustain it to its out-of-service date

SPEAR Capability 5; a longer-range replacement for Storm Shadow


well there it is
18 spear 1, 4 or 5 is not possible but 2 and 3 most certainly should be

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