Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Smin provided clarification. The PGM bombs in the case of the Tornado GR.1 was integrated, and was also present in the GR.1 manual (his words). So this example doesn’t qualify.

It’s worth noting that the UK MOD are extremely strict about loadouts that have not been through a formal trials programme, so an aircraft may be entirely capable of doing something, but not allowed to in UK service.

A particularly amusing example of this is that the Tornado was not allowed to fly without stores on the outer wing pylons. It was allowed to fly without the pylons fitted, or with stores on the pylons; but because formal trials were never carried out with empty pylons flying like that was forbidden. That oversight reared it’s head when a squadron wanted to conduct training flight’s but didn’t have enough ECM / CM pods available:


it might also just be tactics

with the picture of the DA2 with 18 brimstone mockups you could argue that it was at least “planned” and then its the same as the YaK-141’s weaponry or the entirety of the F-16AJ

gaijin is probably going to restrict it to 12 at best due to balance reasons

The MoD awarded a £1.7m joint contract with BAE, Raytheon and MBDA to research a common weapons launcher for Paveway IV and Brimstone


There you can see a Typhoon testing the common weapon launcher on four pylons, and those universal carriages can be used with brimstones and paveways.


Guess I was wrong, someone did find proof lol

u seriously went and asked in the discord for that?


how sour can one be

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Arbitrary make-believe loadouts should make anyone who wants realism sour.

Trust me when I say I’ve asked dumber questions. But it was a legitimate question to ask.

HHHMMMMM he denied the Eurofighter, but didn’t deny brimstone… Brimstone next update??? Haha

18 brimstone launcher tornado when

they wont add it out of balance reasons propably either way, but it still is possible

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this is too far though


It is not. Otherwise you’ll face Rafales with 4 Meteors and 4 MICA NGs in the future, all missiles with 120km+ ranges and some having AESA seeker, even though such loadout is not possible and has never been pictured. You’ll see other egregious examples if appropriate standards are not in place. But, I’m not gonna complain for now, I’ll just see what Gaijin does.

reminds me of the 16 missle loadout eurofighter with 14 meteor missles, you have every right to fight over that, but brimstone aint that bad


@DirectSupport The Eurofighter Brochure contains these loadout diagrams. On the Close Air Support loadout it says 4 “Air-to-Ground Rocket Launchers” can be carried. I would wager that is referring to the triple Brimstone racks, because there has never been any evidence of the Eurofighter using unguided rocket pods:


The dual Meteor racks haven’t been built yet, 14 meteor argument is exclusively what Eurofighter GmbH envisage the Eurofighter’s role will be in the future, which is fair enough.

However there was the 8 Meteor argument which is much the same as the Brimstone argument, it can technically carry them and its wired for them, the users just don’t (because its like 2 million worth of missiles just in the Meteor’s).

yeah, but that is just the point that , that one is debatable, while brimstone has enough reason and sources to be proven

but have to say, i would at least want the IRIS-T double rails, being able to take 4 sraams and 6 bvraams is a good loadout. depends if gajin will allow us to take missles on the fuel pod rails then we wouldnt need the double rails, and how much bigger the maps will get

The sticking point is that there is obviously only a photo of the dual rail on a Spanish Eurofighter, and going off the PGM situation Gaijin need at least something to link it to each nation (Italy was going to get PGMs on their Tornado based on them being pictured next to an Italian Tornado at air show, until it was shown the the weapons in the photo were not actually PGMs).

There is a primary source document showing the UK intended to use the dual rails, so Gaijin might count that as enough of a link for Britain to get them. It could be harder to convince them that there is a link for Germany and Italy.