Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

How is an incredibly mid 13.7 something you can best hope for? Without a doubt even the current EFT will likely shit on the 18C anyway, let alone a possible fixed EFT.


If you think ASRAAM is too complex of a name that idk what to tell you


i have clearly stated that the 132 is the exception. the problem is when theres a name but no abbreviation.
Storm Shadow
Sea Viper
i dont care who makes them, just get yourself a number designation so its clear what it is and its much easier to abbreviate


Agree, i dont understand those who keeps demanding F-18 for UK and Germany.

EFT is superior to F-18 in every way.

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I’ll demand anything that will let me have F n F F weaponry, that’s my only point. Like brimms are good etc etc. Not good enough, I’ll choose 6 maverics over them any time of the day, any time of the night. Because I can launch them and go on with my anti-air role without any second thought.

SPEAR is literally an abbreviation of “Select Precision Effects At Range”

Storm Shadow can also be referred to as the SCALP-EG

The Meteor can also be called the “BVRAAM”

The Sea Venom can be called the “PAAMS”

For Britain, it would just be nice as part of a Canadian line-up and at 12.7 ISH with just SARH, it would help mitigate the Jump a little between the F3 and F3 late and onto the Gripen and add a high tier SARH slinger that we don’t have.

It also has smexy skins.

For Germany, it’s mostly the CAS potential (assuming it came with any at all) but also to help bridge the gap between the ICE and the Typhoon.

Typhoon has ptonetial for CAS but woefully underpowered compared to aircraft like the Su-34, Rafale and F-15E (and mostly due to Gaijins nerfs)

I think there is a reasonable argument for both that is independent to the existence of the Typhoon. Besides, the F-15 is superior to the F-18 and yet the US mains want the F-18 still.


Its not underpowered by any means.

Typhoon can carry insane amount A2G munitions with 6-10 A2A missiles while having best flight model, MAW system and tons of countermeasures, not to mention it sigficantly costs less than those planes that has F&F munitions.

Poor JAS39 with only 4 AGM65+2 IR missiles costs more than fully loaded Typhoon.

Typhoon doesnt suffer in terms of Cas capabilites.


Wouldn’t it only be 4x mavs though? Not sure how accurate this bit is, as I only found it online:


So if the thing I posted above was correct and you take the max of 4x mavs and fill the remaining slots with A2A missiles (so 2x 9M and 2x 120A/B), you would be both incredibly mid at doing A2G and incredibly mid at doing A2A with that loadout.

It has no FnF AGMs despite the brimstones being FnF IRL. This already puts it way behind it’s contemporaries. (Quantity mitigation is of course needed, but SAL sucks and renders them unusable in air modes)

It has a variant of the Brimstone it never used and should be the Brimstone 2 or later

It’s missing it’s A2G radar modes which would help it a lot in acquiring targets for the Brimstones

It’s missing a vast number of GBU options

It is underperforming. A lot and just because it can get kills, does not mean much. When compared to the volley potential of the Rafale or Su-34

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May have triple mount option for one of the hardpoints but can’t run any on the other 2 pylons with that equipped

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And in exchange you can carry 16-18 A2G munitions while not sacrificing any missile nor countermeasures, best part is it requires much less SP cost than other planes that has F&F munitions.

This can be added.

Many planes missing their A2G mode which includes JAS39,Rafale,F-16 ect. Typhoon isnt the special.

Current Paveway IV’s are already amazing but sure they can always add more options.

So Typhoon is suffering in one area, meanwhile it shits on anything in 1VS1, carries insane amount of munitions while having best flight model. Poor Typhoon…

Lets be real, the only thing Typhoon is truely suffering right now is the Radar performance, nothing else.

  1. To take 18 you have to sacrifice A2A missiles

F-15E can carry nearly as many A2G weapons and has FnF

Unless its a close range fight in which case the Rafale is better in most respects. The radar on the typhoon is almost unusable

It is entirely fair and valid to say the Typhoon is udnerperforming significantly in A2G. It is fair to say the Typhoon needs buffs in A2G. The US and USSR are never, ever questioned when they ask for buffs. Su-25SM3 was dominating and yet they got the Su-34. F-16C and F-15C were perfectly competitive for the US and yet they got the F-15E. But a Minor nation asks for historically accuracy on the Typhoon and its unreasonable

Brimstone clearly an allegory to the US made Hellfire.
It works

If you want to use guided bombs from any decent distance you need a lot of altitude which will leave you more vulnerable to enemy jets.

EFT simply shits on everything.

Subsonic bus only had 4x IRs to make it viable. Saying that it was dominating is an overstatement.

Giving them their FnF mode would make EFT totally busted at 12.7.
Only way it could realistically be buffed is if it got more speed.

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Defyn is a very good pilot and mostly shits on anyone with anything he flies.

Not to mention that videos mostly consider of the veey good matches and not the bad ones.

The rafale overall performs better then the eft


The person he was dueling in the video is actually much better than Defyn


He’s literally dueling the best duelist in the game.


Well, It can be given its correct radar, working IRST, historical AGMs, historical MAWS, along with a number of other minor things.


Typhoon has to fly well within range of any SPAA to use a Brimstone and then maintain the laser lock or do an awkward maneuver to pop up at the last second. Meanwhile the Rafale or Su-34 has just fired off 6x FnF AGMs and is already back on teh AF rearming for another run.

Typhoon is more vulnerable to CAP than the Rafale, Su-34 or F-15E/F-16C imo

Congratulations. So does the Rafale, Su-34 and F-15E… So why is this a reason to artificially nerf the Typhoon significantly and no one else?

Heck, their ENTIRE argument for not adding any FnF to the Brimstone can also be applied word for word to remove IOG from the KH-38 and AASM

Also I have no idea what “gunfighting” has anything to do with A2G buffs for the Typhoon or heck, even general ARB or ASB performance. As soon as you factor in Magic II+HMD or MICA+AESA on the Rafale. Any performance advantage it has becomes instantly irrelevant. Typhoon is the weakest 14.0 BVR jet at hte moment.

It did and still does outrange any SPAA in game by a long long way. The increase in multirole power does greatly mitigate it. But the fact they added the Tornado Gr4 with a long speel about the Brimstones being “Too OP” and must be nerfed and then adding the Su-34 with 6x KH-38s in the exact same update despite how much people hated the Su-25SM3 was a total slap in the face. Especially given how outclassed the Tornado Gr4 was compared to most nations top tier CAS. heck it was weaker than several of Britains options and still is