The AIM-9 missiles are less in number (6 vs. 18), more sleek in design (more pointy, less round), smaller in size (127 mm diameter vs. 180 mm) and the AIM-120 are half submerged into the fuselage. The quite big LANTIRN pod comes additionally on top to for the brimstone setup.
Even without Pylons, Rails, etc. the Brimstones + LANTIRN should produce much more drag than the AA loadout or the AA loadout should produce much less. It doesn’t seem quite right currently.
AFAIK the same goes for the AGM-65 ammunitions. Six AGM-65 produce much less drag than six AIM-9 missiles on a F-16.
For meteor ? we are far from it.
In my opinion when we will see f35 in the game we will have not long after meteor too, but i don’t see how 300km bvr will be in anyway fun.
I’m just telling you boys, the best you can hope for is Swiss F-18, no significant fixes would come for the Eurofighter. How I know? Well… Can you fly the Eurofighter? Yes. Can you kill other planes in Eurofighter? Yes. Can you kill ground targets with Eurofighter? Yes… Well, here you go, perfectly fine vehicle by gaijin standard. How you fly and how hard it is to perform - is a “you” problem.