Maybe they will fix ahead this year?
Wallet warrior…
Are the canards of the Eurofighter supposed to go in the opposite direction as the ailerons?
In real life it can work that way but not the same way it does in-game
lmfao ok… GG, would you like a flanker instead?
So they modeled it wrong for the Typhoon and rafale?
The Gripen, Typhoon, and Rafale are all incorrectly modeled due to Gaijin’s inability to make unstable flight models work with the instructor for mouse aim. The solution is to model them as though they are statically stable.
Small update of the Cockpit Situation for my beloved sim players
Thats real nice that you are bringing up Player Cards, Being a “Technical Moderater”, that seems to be what noobs do in the Battle Chat.
Player Cards can be deceiving…Ive learned in playing on and off since Beta.
Not in real good taste mate. Very nice treatment of someone, “in the community”
If someone is speaking from experience then their logged experience is relevant. If someone makes a claim and I think there is sufficient evidence to the contrary I’m going to counter claim against it. I’ve done it before when someone claimed an aircraft couldn’t reach bases, I went 20+ games back to back proving it was possible. If you don’t want you views challenged, don’t post them.
Regarding Thodin, they have some very different takes on how the game is and should be played. Typically they as someone who only interacts with ARB in the form of base bombing and thinks their purchase of an aircraft should guarantee them the right to be able to bomb a base. That kind of gameplay and thinking absolute makes their stats and takes on air to air capabilities of an aircraft relevant to the discussion.
Example from my own stats, I’m bad a ground, I know this, I accept this. I mostly play ground to eventually play CAS. My takes on what take is good or bad in ground should be weighed against the fact I’m not very good at it. That’s evidenced by my stats as well.
"Regarding Thodin, they has some very different takes on how the game is and should be played. Typically they as someone who only interacts with ARB in the form of base bombing…"you said.
I can go for that “point of view”. But I will say mate, “Gaijin employees” dont seem to take criticism of any plane in game well, thats very noticible.
But do recognize that people buy or research planes for different reasons. Personally Ive never flown a bomber since Beta, I like Fighters, but I do not have the final word on “how people should play”.
For instance, I use my Kfir Canard just to bomb bases with a Silver Lion bonus, and be able to defend myself afterwards, other that that, I could care less about it.
Regarding player cards, here in last year I have gotten pretty good. As a result, the negative thing about that is if you fly 50 times in one night, and youre on 30 terrible teams (which is becoming more common), if you are one of the last 2 standing and fighting against 8 enemy planes, your chances are not very good. I just left a match 15 minutes ago and I am done for the night, but I was flying my F15C, and in two minutes it me and a teammate against 9 fox 3 wielding planes…you see thats the deception of a player card.
Thank you for participating however, its good to see an employee active in discussions.
I’m a volunteer not employed but I can see how you could have the perspective that I don’t like criticism of a plane but its more I want it to be based in reality. Large sweeping statements about something without understanding the nuance of the situation is unfortunately the case most of the time.
Example being CAPTOR-M, its got problems sure. But a large number of the most plaguing issues players have with it are problems that other radars systems have and are not unique to CAPTOR-M.(Ghost TWS contacts (all radars), Repeating scan bars (all radars), HMD locking with IRST when its not ideal (all Radars with IRST)). Is this a dismissal of the issues? No absolutely not. But when the claims against it are such that it presents these issues as only a problem with CAPTOR-M. I’m going to post to the contrary.
Right and thats totally fine for you to do, but if you started saying it was usless in air to air I’d have to bring up my experience of it being a total monster in that area. And that makes my stats relevant to that discussion.
Sure and I don’t dismiss that teams have an impact on your stats, but its not the only factor and your own performance will always be reflected in your stats.
Your own stats show you’ve made improvements as you’ve move to more modern aircraft. That would largely track to your own experience of feeling like you’re improving. Sadly we don’t have a histogram of past performance but you can use newer aircraft as a rough measure.
Cheers, I’ve been playing Forum Thunder for many many years (too many). So maybe my tone can seem sharp in some situations but I wouldn’t take it personally.
I do not take it personally mate. BTW, the Kfir is a air to air monster…lol.
Your perspective, when I have seen it is always well noted. You know, when I was a kid I would buy 100 sheets of paper, fold them all up into about 3 different kinds of airplanes and then my bed would be the aircraft carrier. I love airplanes.
My K/D ratio has actually gotten worse the last 1 1/2 years because I grew bored with WT and began taking Mig29SMT and flying missions to destroy Roland…playing for 3 days out of habit, not caring about surviving, using the A10A for a fighter at altitude (which hasnt turned out badly at that noob BR)…etc. When I actually play serious, Im pretty good. Some nights the planes are just a curiosity, and I like to take them in scenarios they are not built for just to see what I can do.
That being said, thank you for your reply, and Im going to go ahead and get off here. Mate I do not take it personally, whenever I see your name, I always take your opinion into account, youre a good pilot.
I just happened to see this post, because that last match I got killed in (2 v 9 F15C), it was a Typhoon that killed me, I googled the Eurofighter and this post came up as the first result. Good Luck to you, perhaps we shall chat again. Will begin Sim later this year, Im about ready for that.
So in other words the reason why you want increase of multipath altitude isnt something sensible as an argument like that on many maps 25-40 meters from the 60 are occupied by random environment objects like massive trees, houses, rocks etc. etc. or the fact that in 13.0+ with fox 3s in the equation theres often just too many missiles to deal with being shot at you or that if the terrain is uneven with small mini-valleys even if youre sniffing the ground you can get out of multipath altitude for few seconds due to a dip in the terrain.
Instead your reasoning for increase of multipath altitude is that you are incapable to notch a missile with 1200 unit of chaff in a tornado WTD and just want to fly in a straight line to bases pretty much uncontested outside of IR missiles which at that BR generally dont have IRCCM.
Thats more telling of you than anything else.
Brimstones could be somewhat better by just giving Typhoons few FnF capable brimstones given that the competition has mavericks, hammers and Kh38MTs but they are by no sense unusable. You have a lot of them, they are incredible at disassembling helicopters and stuff like Su39 with its DIRCM and their IOG does let them be shot at a pantsir without showing yourself immediately and then designating the target in the last 10-ish seconds of flight. (Its somewhat funky but ive gotten some kills on pantsirs using that method.)
You can also use Paveway IVs as small JDAMs against pantsirs as a discount FnF munition in the Typhoon with relatively good success.
thats a certified moment, the GRB maps are like what 25x25km for airplanes, youre gonna be for the most part at around 15km away from the airfield. In most jets youll be back at the airfield within a minute and can rearm to bring more ordinance.
Not sure if anyone saw it already, but seems to rework CAPTOR-M quite a bit.
Where can we see it?
That is alot of changes…