Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

But the most important thing: Did they fix the repeating scan lines? Looks like they didn’t, even though it’s just the change of a boolean value…

Not sure what all the changes mean, but I definitly saw some nerfs int there. Looks like its going to lose a decent amount of vertical scan volume…

From my general understanding, it looks like theyre imrpoving the ability of the radar to track targets, but nerfing its ability to find them. Thats pretty disheartening, particularly since I see no fix to the repeating bars thing.

Most barHeights were dropped from 2.85° to 2.1°, along with some 2.5° down to 1.85°, 3.3° to 2.5°, and 3.0° to 2.25°, all with no changes to barCount, meaning the CAPTOR-M is losing 26.4%/26%/24.3%/25% of its vertical scan volume. Atleast that part is a rather significant nerf to the radar.


Yeah, I am not even going to try to figure out what they changed :D

What I hope I can make out though is the max range that you can at least see someone on the radar:

From 74km up to 180km or 200km.

Guess that also reduces with target RCS, but it’s astonishing how the Kfir C.10 can instantly lock anything after take-off well in excess of 90km while the Captor-M can only start detecting planes at exactly 74km out :D

Yes. If you fly any kind of evasive maneuver you will lose the base to one of your team mates. There are usually countless players competing to bomb the bases before anyone lese does. That means the game needs to be designed in way that you’re safe while going the shortest and fastest way towards the base you indented to bomb.

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They didnt, not only did they not change the repeating bars thing, they nerfed its bar height substantially it seems : ^)

Not sure what is going on here. Or rather, i can read what is going on here, but not sure why. It seems like it will be jumping between Hprf, Mprf and Lprf in some scenario (PD HDN, PD, SRC).

Seems to be the code to auto switch to the strongest possible lock. Maybe it was missing the code entirely which is why it dropped locks so much?

If thats the case, its an incredibly stupid mistake to make, but wouldnt be surprising…

Any code change for scan pattern?

Yes, bars are getting smaller.

Substantial nerf.

Where 70°/s? who knows
Pirate seems left alone (sad)

Oh yeah, now that you mention it, that isnt there lmao

Im starting to think all they really did was make the radar useable at the expense of nerfing it in other aspects -_-

Also there is no TWS priority track (that could be implemented as the current AESA update every bar (as it is the same thing))

I don’t want to give lord snail some salt at this moment. I don’t want being banned for 2 weeks “again” because put some salt on lord snail.

Also this is interesting
Standby mode
seems like it already existed. Hmmm

Standby mode??

So what the point of this change? Just that substantial nerf? No buff?

Power and some range changes. Should detect at longer ranges.

Still won’t fix ghost track issue, since the scan pattern still wrong. Because to update target on TWS at the bottom/upper target will take longer because it keep repeated at same side twice.


I just got info this feature is supposed to prevent radar from getting stuck in aquisition mode.

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