Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Then Remove KH-38s from the Su-34 and just use the Su25SM3 if you want KH-38s. Its only a game issue


Anybody know if the developers changed the 2 lines of code yet?

No we aren’t.
I never said SAL Brimstone was a problem, only IR/FnF ones.

It’s much relevant as everything should has it’s strong points, and KH is exactly that in the case of Su-34.

Maybe to a brain that’s lacking understanding of how balance should work.

Great, then we can add historically accurate Brimstone 2s limited to SAL only to the Typhoon. Im glad you agree

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I do agree.
Especially if that’s going to shup up mega malders that don’t want any resemblance of balance.

Yes, you have. The argument we have been having here was borne out of me saying no IR F&F for anybody and then you saying “no, Russia should have it”, I even specifically singled out LGBUs as the best ordnance for the West to have, you bringing Brimstones into this changed the goalpost.

It’s much relevant as everything should has it’s strong points, and KH is exactly that in the case of Su-34.

An aircraft CAP capability should not bear responsibility for its ability to perform CAS duties, as such, irrelevant. Regardless, your idea of “balance” being ripple firing Kh-38MTs versus LGBUs is the dumbest one I’ve ever seen. Quite frankly, you’re the one malding here about us even daring to suggest that EFT should be equal to other jets of its kind.

Maybe to a brain that’s lacking understanding of how balance should work.


You are asking that no one get FNf but you

Do you think the AV-8B+ is too op as well

Or the new Thai F16 with Mavericks


If KH-38s can be added before anyone other than the soviets have a usable top tier SPAA. Then there is no balance and hasnt been any since the SU-25SM3 was added.

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India is an official Sub-Tree of UK




I pinky promise swear that Su-30MKI with LITENING III and IR KH-29 is not op

Yes RU should have it as they suck in everything else. This is the last time I’m going to say this to you, so it’s the last time where you have a chance to understand how things should be balanced.

You singling out LGBUs was literally not needed as I had no issues with SAL Brimstones from the start of my involvement in this thread. This discussion was started because of them specifically, so bringing out LGBUs is the goalpost moving.

Please follow the discussions more closely and be coherent. As of right now, you’re just rambling because your EFT can’t out-do Su-34 in each and all metrics, pretending to be some guy that wants balance.

But they really didn’t until this update really

And who knows next update Russia could get some really good

Like you whole point is my strike flanker is bad so no one else can have FNF ignoring how bad other platforms are compared to you cough cough Su-325SM3 vs Harrier GR.7

Any this is getting off topic so next update i hope for fire and forget spear 3 because funny

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Nope. They shouldn’t.

Please follow the discussions more closely and be coherent.

It was you who tagged my post for Morvran, it was you to started this “discussions”, it’s you who’s been incoherently rambling about how Russia needs to be hand-held, pet, and catered towards because they’re not the best at every single thing. You weren’t even able to comprehend that the scenario I’ve presented is hypothetical and argued in Russia’s favor anyways, in a world where there wouldn’t be a Brimstone.

Lol. Goodbye, have a horrible day.

Spear 3 will be cool

And sorry this is too low quality


Got you bro.


Looks like a brimstone

Be already tested on a Eurofighter so we just wait

brimstone with wings and turbojet, mini-mini cruise missile