Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Why would you ?
EFT supersedes it.

SPAA’s are good against jets that actually have to enter their effective range, problem is, most of them don’t need to do that and can hover around the SPAA’s maximum (ineffective) range.

You have completely missed my point as well. The implication was that if no IR F&F weapons were ever going to be added to Western jets (this means AGM-65s are at best limited to the TV variant, Rafale is never getting the AASM, etc), that means all Western jets are to be limited to LGBU’s, needless to say those aren’t the greatest at ripple firing and require vastly more player input than a Kh-38MT, as such, if I were to be limited to just GBU-48s on my EFT, F-16C, Rafale, Tornado, Gripen, you are to be limited to Kh-25s and Russian LGBU’s on your Su-34 so that we all have to actually contend with SPAAs and do more than lock target and press the fire button, not just us, you’re making a rules for thee but not for me out of this.

All jets are oppressive to ground units as CAP is their only real counter.

Pantsir has never heard such bullshit before.

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Top tier AAs are useless.
Again, Pantsir isn’t a 15km globe of death.

I never said never.
Western jets definitely didn’t need IRs as they are massively better in all categories expect that one when compared to the only plane that should be able to sling IRs.

There’s a big difference.
Only one plane in there would be lacking greatly in A2A combat and thus wouldn’t be balanced.

Thinking Pantsir is effective against current jets.

TLDR. I want soviets to be the best and no other nation should be allowed to be equal

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What makes aasrams different than irist or aim9m?.


ASRAAM is far faster off the rails and has much higher range

IRIS-T pulls more Gs and due to it being slower off the rails, can pull tighter turns

They can both hit targets in any aspect around the aircraft and have IIR seekers which are nearly impossible to defeat using conventional CMs.

The difference between ASRAAM/IRIS-T and Aim-9M is like comparing Aim-9Ms to Aim-9Es


Well it has similar sort of Seeker to IRIS-T but does not have TVC and relies on its lift body and fins to pull so it will have more range then AIM-9M and IRIS-T but won’t pull as much as IRIS-T

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okay and does German typhoons use it ?

Yes, I want them to have the best A2G as they suck in literally everything else. That’s how a pro/con system should work, but some still can’t comprehend such a basic system.

Britian uses ASRAAM

Germany and Italy use IRIS-T

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This isn’t a “pro/con” system, this is a “me want broken toy and i don’t want anybody else to have something similar” system.

Su-34 is way better than all other stirke aircraft in game except the F-15E.

If the Su-34 gets KH-38s then the Tornado, A-10 and Harrier should 500km Cruise missiles by your logic


They use IRIS-T which is a very good TVC missile but not ASRAAM

I don’t think Gaijin would let typhoons to have FnF brimstones, would be similar to the Grom 1s that were removed for being too broken maybe ?

We’re talking about a hypothetical IR F&F Brimstone (basically smaller Maverick Ds) and the jets being limited to carrying just six of them (i.e basically the same amount as Rafale gets of Hammers and F-16s get of Mavericks).

Grom 1s were removed due to the base killing potential in Air modes and not GRB.

Grom 1s likely wont be added until all nations get equal performance cruise missiles

FnF Brimstones were removed due to the quantity advantage but they made up some really lame excuses for it

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You mean click on the map, send your missile and pop out to laser the targets few seconds before impact ?
Hard gameplay for something that outshines Su-34 in everything else.

Everything should have it pros.
Not my problem your biased mind can’t accept his machines are actually worse at doing something at the same BR.

Yes it does as it it’s only advantage while having several major disadvantages.

Different philosophies, ASRAAM is intended to bridge the gap between the merge and employment of ARH missiles, basically the UK accepted that IR missiles are a near 100% death sentence so lets sling off mine before they can sling off theirs. As a result ASRAAM is faster with higher acceleration and worse pull (but still better with the current highest pulling missile in-game R73), ASRAAM has far higher range also.

IRIS-T however is optimised for maximum pull with insane maneuverability think the SRAAM missile ingame but faster, with higher pull and the stats turned up to 1000x, also with higher range than SRAAM even if SRAAM had its correct range.

Its a difference in philosophy, IRIS-T is a more lethal missile when you can use it, but you have much more room to use ASRAAM.

ASRAAM also beat Python 4 in trials though we don’t have the actual report to determine where it’s better and where it could be worse, the seeker is obvious though as ASRAAM is IIR and PY4 is UV+IR.

(Also worth noting IRIS-T can be slaved to the EFT’s MAWS to intercept incoming missiles).


So asraam is more comparable to like a r27et if it was introduced to the game?