Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Rules for thee but not for them.

Yes as it’s literally better in everything else than Su-34. Remember, that’s a 12.7 aircraft as well.

Go and moan about every other jet that is better than the Su-34 in “everything else” while also having as many F&F weapons then. Lets see you practice what you preach.

Suddenly balance is a problem when it comes to the EFT, but everything else gets a silent pass.

Su-34 is allowed to be the best in a single category as it sucks in everything else.

Learn how balance should work before spewing out utter nonsense.

You are comparing one of the best 4.5 gen multirole fighters to a Russian fat duck strike plane what did you expect about the flight performance

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You still haven’t explained why F-16C with six Mav Ds is fine, or why Rafale with six Hammers is fine, you’re spewing hypocrisy left and right.

Learn how balance should work before spewing out utter nonsense.

So far nothing but hypocrisy of how the EFT needs to be singled out has left your mouth.

FM is the part of plane’s efficiency so should be looked at when balancing things.

Ok it is lower BR complain about BR compression not that the Eurofighter is too op

(Also you still haven’t mentioned why the Rafale gets a pass)

Except the Su-25SM3 was insanely OP as it was with 4x KH-38s. That was reasonable balance, except for the fact that only the Pantsir could fight it. Giving the Su-34 KH-38s was just not necessary.

Su-25SM3 shouldn’t (from what I’ve heard) even have Kh-38 btw. It can’t use them IRL and has never used them IRL.

It was given them solely for “balance”

Great… Meanwhile nations had to deal with nerfed tornados with nerfed loadouts for years.

I’m just calling out BS of EFT needing FnF on the premise of Su-34 having them.

65Ds and AASMs weren’t needed as well.

Following a discussion isn’t your strong point.

The premise is irrelevant. I’m questioning why you’ve been going in circles about how the Su-34 needs to be the focal point of the discussion when we’ve had jets with arguably better F&F ordnance in the game for years. Two, if 65Ds and AASMs were never needed, neither were Kh-38s, you can’t eat the cake and have the cake, either we treat all nations equally where they can be treated or we subscribe to double standards.

Following a discussion isn’t your strong point.

Ah, so pointing out how hypocritical your arguments have been is a bad thing now? ;)

Seems like I’m on a good track, especially since my answer was for @Morvran, it was you who tagged me and asked me what amount I’d be fine with.


Both are at the same BR.
EFT can get better missiles after we get more BRs.

It shouldn’t.

Because everything needs to have it’s strong points ?

Yes they were as KHs compensate for all the cons the platform itself has.

Good thing people like you aren’t in charge of balancing.

To sum up.

Typhoon, Rafale, Su-34, F-15E, F-16C, Gripen. All have fairly equal flight model effeciency in game but the only one without FnF AGMs is the Typhoon.

Brimstone 1s on a 1 to 1 basis is by far the weakest AGM equipped to any aircraft at top tier.

The main advantage of the Brimstone is quantity. This is mitigated by SAL only as you can only engage 1 target at time. (the same way the F-15Es 28? GBU-39s are mitigated by being GPS only)

Typhoons never used Brimstone 1s

Typhoon should recieve historically accurate Brimstone 2s that can remain SAL only for now due to the quantity advantage. Brimstone 2s would lever the playing field in terms of raw missile performance and give the Typhoon an AGM that might actually be able to outrange most top tier SPAA like the KH-38 or AASM can.

if mmW cant be added for years though, then IR placeholder seeker should be considered, because Brimstone nerfs in ground modes is one thing, but the fact they are essentially removed from ever being worth equipping in air modes like Sim is another entirely.


So it needs to massively outrange every single Western SPAA in the game and thus Rain Fire from the Heavens because it’s not a good CAP platform while other jets, that are actually good at CAP, could’ve been simply not given anything better than LGBs while having to battle the Pantsir?

What in the God’s loving care are you even talking about.

Your idea of balance is to simply make the Su-34 the only jet that can be oppressive towards ground players, good thing YOU aren’t in charge of balance.

You need to toss out the flying bus out of that list.

I didnt mention the Tornado anywhere in that list.


SPAAs are useless against the jets we have in the game at the moment.
Pantsir isn’t a 15km globe of death.

Su-34 has to have best A2G missiles as it sucks in everything else.
Others getting in line in terms of A2G capability would mean Su-34 is suffering as it would have literally nothing going for it.

All jets are oppressive to ground units as CAP is their only real counter.