Just saw a report got accepted about VT1 range (15km) and G pull(25G at 8km instead of 14G), and another adats report too(only G pull and acceleration), it will get a bit easier to deal with cas as a whole
It does matter, giving Brimstones LOAL and Radar Guidance will break the game that was never seen before.
Which is not even a problem for EFT considering you can launch them, get behind cover and pop before couple seconds left the engage with enemy vehicles safely.
Su-34 doesnt have this option.
Its called balance not bullshit, as EFT owner i heavily disagrees about adding LOAL and Radar Guidance to Brimstones.
EFT can easily deal with any Spaa, including Pantsir. This Pantsir excuse became obsolete as soon as EFT and Rafale added to the game.
Then whatever the next jet the soviet get should have Vikhrs only even if they are ahistorical because Su34 is enough as it is
The only threat a Su-34 has to worry about is whether the enemy team has spawned a CAP jet and whether a friendly Pantsir, or 6 of them, since RU teams tend to spawn hordes of them, are sentient enough to focus on the CAP aircraft.
I don’t even care about “LOAL”, they can even straight up limit how many Brimstones I can take on my EFT, just make them IR F&F as a compromise.
What I find funnier is that, I’ve recently learned that the Su-25SM3, y’know, the aircraft that’s been the bane of all non-RU SPAA’s for a few months, shouldn’t even be able to use Kh-38s (only Su-34s and Su-57 can), it was given them based on a technicality, but we can’t even get Brimstone 2s that our EFTs have actually used/tested.
According to leaks Russia will Receive Su30 which will solve the top tier Air Rb problem.
Su34 is more than enough to deal with any ground unit so 30 doesnt need KH38MT’s as well.
Who said anything about mmW.
Brimstone 2s can SAL only. Forcing typhoons and tornados to have SAL only Brimstone 1s which the typhoon never used is BS. They should have SAL only Brimstone 2s. Because having no FnF AGM is a massive nerf as it is, having the weakest AGM at top tier at the same time is a second massive nerf. And then not even modeling Brimstone 1s correctly is a third nerf ontop of that
Having weakest top tier AGM?
Brimstone’s are perfectly capable of dealing anything, if you’re only concern is getting better boost with the addition of Brimstone 2 then im fine, but as i’ve said MMW and LOAL capabilites should not be added until the right time comes.
Depends on how good it will be.
If it shits on EFT in every single way than it’s fine.
I don’t think that’s going to happen.
There would be no incentive to grind any other tech tree if Britain gets the Indian rafale and su30mki
They are the slowest and shortest range AGM used at top tier.
Regardless of them being “capable”, they are in fact the weakest by being either;
- the slowest
- having the weakest damage output
- not being F&F
- short ranged
So you actually don’t care about balance, got it.
Their speed is not the bad considering you can fire them at quite high speed with EFT, as for the range i manage to get kills from 10km+'s iirc.
Is better booster is good addition? Certainly, as i’ve said im ok with addition of Brimstone 2 as long as it stays in laser mode only.
How did you infer that from me saying “they can limit how many I can take and I don’t care about it having LOAL or not”?
How many FnF Brimstones would you like to have?
I’ve been using six so far, so I’m fine with six of them.
Y’know, the same amount as most jets can take of AGM-65s, or the Rafale with six AASMs that have much better range and damage output, and have actual IOG iirc, something that Brimstone 1s don’t.
My Brimstone’s consistently one shotting anything so i dont think damage output is the problem.
Yeah but EFT’s flight performance allows you to fire them at very high speeds which is compensates its slow speed.
Thats why we have 18 Brimstone option.
Not sure about that, i managed to get kills from long ranges without too much issue.
Brimstone 2 could be nice addition and im supporting that, as long as it comes with Laser mode for now.
When the right time comes it can recieve MMW and LOAL capabilities.
So you want the same amount of FnFs as Su-34 while being better in literally everything else.
I don’t think that’s balanced.
Oh, so the EFT can’t have six IR F&F Brimstones but everything else can have six IR F&F weapons?
Seems to me like you just don’t want the EFT to be a part of the group. Why aren’t you moaning about the Rafale with its six AASMs and when it’s better in everything else?
Kh38 do alot more damage and have alot more range
Even AASM on the Rafale is really good which i don’t see you moaning about