Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Overload 16G haunts me in my sleep now.

I’ve managed 17G today (somehow).

Needless to say, had to wait 5 minutes in the hangar.

Please believe me when I say that the wign rips we are talking about are not of the holding S key at mach 10 sort.

New map feature change made Brimstones into a quasi-FnF missile. You’re capable of carrying 12 while having pretty respectable A2A load on an amazing platform.
I think you’ll wait for a bit until that happens though as this is more than enough.

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Posting vids of EFT and Rafale both performing stunts doesn’t exactly prove your point but whatever makes you sleep better at night.


Aren’t those dev server videos?

They are (and the dev server EFT could pull 20Gs…).

The current EFT cannot do any of that from my experience (i’d know, I tried it today).

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Its not, Brimstone 1s need to be removed and historically accurate Brimstone 2s added that have 200% greater range thanks to a new motor and ability to be fired off-boresight,

If mmW is still too OP then Brimstone 3s should be added with 0 drift IOG, so the Brimstones can be used as Psuedo GPS guided weapons.

If we have to be limited to SAL. Then we shouldnt also be limited to a 14km range weapon (should be about 20km btw) and have historically accurate weapons on the airframe.

and 2 Aim-9M + 4 AMRAAM is plenty of A2A to run 18x Brimstones if wanted

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Do you want me to record them again in live so you can see that nothing has changed?
The performance of the Typhoon is absurd. Stunt planes and non-TVC Sukhois cannot do these maneuvers. The Rafale by comparison loses control at much higher speeds in spite of a design far more conducive to that type of flight.

It’s so absurdly obvious and some people put blinders on to shield their eyes from reality. They want to benefit from this while they can.

Performance on live with a spaded aircraft doesn’t seem to be overperforming.

BS F8U-2 like wign rips and the potato radar are the issues I see.

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Yes it is, having 12/18 SAL Brimstones is the only “negative” this plane has.
Increasing their range to 20km will be more than enough.

Remember, we have pros/cons system in this game. It’s called balance.

Its just that Gaijin cant model unstable airframes correctly. That is literally it. F-16, Rafale, Typhoon, Gripen. Probably many more than im forgetting, all have unstable flight models which gaijin cant model at the moment. So, the models can do wierd things. But the facts do still remain, in various regimes, the model in game cannot match data from the real world and thus is underperforming under certain conditions.

*That being saiid, just because it was never done IRL, for obvious reasons, doesnt necessarily mean the airframe cannot do it, like standing on its tail, its a positive TWR, no reason why it couldnt, at least briefly before loosing control.

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Choice A) FnF Brimstone 1s with 14km range
Choice B) SAL Brimstone 2s with 40-60km

Considering the fact that the KH-38s dont have an ariticially limited range, speed or nerfed IOG for the sake of balance, then its unfair to slap the Typhoon with a handicap, ontop of a handicap for “balance” reasons

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I’ve seen 18G doing Mach 1.5 with min fuel and no missiles but my plane also saw the ground soon after.

I know the plane got nerfed arguably unrealistically when it comes to it’s thrust / supercruising performance but honestly it doesn’t need it unless you want it to be arcade when pulling AoA at low speed.

It’s not unfair as you need to look at vehicles as a complete units, so focusing only on a single feature isn’t a good idea.

  • Su-34 has Kh-38s that aren’t artificially limited as the platform itself is quite lacking and it carries only 6 of them.
  • Brimstones on EFT are artificially limited as the platform itself is superior and it can carry up to 18 of them.

As I said, tradeoffs keep vehicles which are at the same BR balanced. I wouldn’t mind giving Brimstones whatever you want, but that would increase the BR of the carriers by a lot, and unfortunately we don’t have those BR in the game currently.

You’re in echo chamber, no one will use, or is using any missile on such range as you suggested for Brimstone 2, and more important, most of the huge kill streaks on Typhoon are from use of Brimstones on close distances

Then why dont we have Brimstone 2s or FnF Brimstone 1s on the Tornado Gr4?

Brimstones 2s still should be added, they are faster at closer ranges and can be used off boresight, meaning you dont have to fly directly at the target to fire

If nothing else, they are historically accurate weapons.

Its like just giving the Su-34 KH-29s or the Rafale PGMs.

Personally, I think that planes should be different gameplay wise, and movement towards everyone having the same toys for sake of “ideal balance” kills variety and interest in vehicles, both Typhoon and Su-34 are good CAS, but in a really different way