Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

And for this, I agree, their motor upgrade could be really magnificent enough and not game breaking still

But I have some feeling that they will still bleed their speed quite fast, even tho it won’t be a problem in upper mentioned close engagement situations

Even just a doubling of their range (from 14km to about 28km) would allow you to fire using IOG towards a general location with some safety before popping up to lase the target.

But yeah, even just the ability to fire without necessarily having to worry about where the target is in relation to your aircraft would be a huge buff that would balance the fact it has no FnF AGMs

But first they have to fix the range limit in plane optics

Yeah, but even then, using the map target thing, you could probably fire from further away and then move within 20km to lase a target, still can only engage 1 target at a time, due to SAL, but gives the Typhoon a Pseudo long range FnF ability if nothing else

Ask Gaijin.
If the plane with changes would be 12.7 BR worthy and not 13.0 BR (or more) then I wouldn’t mind that happening.

Base M1 historically could fire M833 and M900 but in game it has M774 for years as it’s better weaponry isn’t needed to perform decently for it’s BR.
Balance > historical accuracy.

I do agree with you.
Plenty of times I see people trying to “balance” their vehicle by picking best features of all contemporaries at the same BR, demanding their vehicle get the direct counterpart for those while totally ignoring all the cons contemporaries have to go through in order to be more powerful in some other areas.

It’s like they are trying to fuse all the best features into a single vehicle, which would somehow be balanced in their eyes.

The claim is that they allow them to be this stable and absurd as a compromise until they can correctly model instability - only to turn around and punish certain airframes. The Typhoon can be incorrectly modeled but the Rafale must follow the laws of physics? Why the discrepancy? Why the double standard?

You scream and shout for things to be fixed when it negatively impacts your favorite airframes but when it benefits you it isn’t an issue?

You cannot conflate the two issues. The equivalent for tanks would be to allow the Abrams series’ to exceed their maximum RPM when going downhill because that is something that turbines can do safely (resulting in much faster top speeds per gear when traveling down hill) but then restricting the T-80 series from doing the same.

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Mobility buffs would be like FM buffs on planes, I was talking about weaponry.
Brimstone getting it’s FnF mode, increased range and speed, better IOG and whatnot would make EFT much better at A2G than it is right now, resulting in a boost of it’s overall efficiency.

Giving M900 instead of M774 to M1 would be a massive buff to it’s AT capabilities, thus it’s efficiency would rise.

To me, both of those issues seem fairly similar.

In that case yes, it works, and yes, both aircraft are held to the same standard that ordnance is limited in some capacity such as reload rates, types of ordnance, and these are for balance.

However there is also the issue as I said that the EFT’s performance is that of a thrust vectoring Sukhoi for the same reason that the Rafale and some others are being hampered. This is a double standard.

Yeah, I was discussing with him why making Brimstones as good (or closer to) as KH-38 would massively disrupt the balance of Su-34/EFT in an GRB environment, making the EFT much more efficiency aircraft at the same BR.

As I said, I wouldn’t have issues with buffed Brimstones on the EFT once we get more BRs, but until then I believe they are more than fine on that particular platform and need no changes to make it balanced.

So tell me, who’s getting the short end of the stick as I’m not really familiar with FMs and how aircraft in question should perform irl.

Su-27, MiG-29, Mirage 2000, Rafale, these all get shafted for the same reason the devs claim they won’t screw over the F-16, Gripen, Typhoon

Poor RU planes can’t catch a break for years now.

Anyways, it seems like a classic Gaijin move where they’ll do weird things for weird reasons that are never constant.

At least they buffed the Su-27 FM even just a bit. I love it sven more than i did before. Now if they’d tweak the mig 29 that would be amazing.

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What do you expected? Gen 4.5 multirole fight with Canard delta wing medium size and powerful twin engine have poor performance on the level of big heavy weight strike aircraft?
I mean was obvious it flight performance gonna be better than SU-34 (it sit at higher BR for a reason)

Or just give Brimstone IR seeker i know they never had it irl but neither solely SAL version of it but it didn’t stop Gaijin.

Recently I noticed that Su-25 and other KH carriers have just the most Air to Ground kills. Not the EF, not the F-16C. KH’s with F&F or this 40km range one, combined with anemic NATO SPAA range just is it. I’ve seen Suchoi killfeeds which just won’t stop rolling in the lower right corner of my game screen.

Russian KH’s are usually fired from outside SPAA range, which make them hard to counter. The KH’s IOG feature is also as If you have a JDAM GNSS, super precise (inertia control should have a dispersion…as all NAtO IOG bombs / missiles have.

As VT1 player I can say that everything above 10km is hard to hit since the most advanced Nato SAM ingame starts tumbling / spiraling above 10km. Its almost loss of control. So its 10km vs. the KH menace. Unlike the Pantsir with 3rd person TWS contact brackets, other SPAAs also just have their flat 2D radar. Makes it hard to spot incoming ordnance.

If you consider that, F&F should be immeadetly removed from russian / chinese / German CAS aircraft sporting these op missiles. Same treatment as Brimstones get. Make them all Laser pointing ones and don’t forget to add some drag or something, which make them loss of control before reaching full paper stat range.

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You know that you can’t lock targets more then 20km right

And that AGM-65 also outranges SPAA right

Pantsir has 20km range and TWS mode. Its easy to see incoming ordnance’s green brackets and do something about it. Mavs outrange nothing in that regard.

Vice versa KH’s clearly outrange any Western SPAA and greatly profit from old radar systems which don’t give you alot situational awareness.

Western radars are not a bad as you might think. The search radars are very much missing the same thing as Pantsir track has, TWS. Most of NATO search radars in game should have it.

Strange, so far just the Chinese Tor and the russian Pantsir have onscreen brackets showing you all contacts in third person view. Its ofc a huge advantage over just a flat 2D thing.

Yep, only they have it for now. Tho systems would be somewhat limited. For example Santal would have only 2 targets in the boxer, rest would be on the standard scope. But for example ADATS could reach 20, and I think the most is ZA-35 with 100. Obviously Pantsir and Tor are also limited in their track radars. I have no idea about irl values, but Pantsir has a limit of 8 while Tor/HQ have limit of 10.