Same for you, like I said this is going nowhere
So you understand that those shouldn’t be removable, but you can’t comprehend that the EF can use its Irst as a targeting camera?
Unlike you i dont make empty claims, there are zero sufficent evidence that shows EFT can carry A2A missiles on those pylons, not to mention none of those operational EFT’s are armed with A2A missiles on those pylons which clearly indicates its not meant for a2a role.
Either find sufficient evidence that shows EFT can carry A2A missiles on those pylons or stop wasting times.
We have Su-25 with kh38MT. There is no sufficient evidence it can carry it at all.
well the evidence is that the pylon has all the suficient hardware to mount MFRLs…
I was confused why there is a camera coming from under the fuselage, not that I can’t comprehend it you jackass
Oh look a mockup with couple paper design that shows possibilites without sufficient evidence, in that case we should make bug report about Rafale cause according to some diagrams and mockups it can carry 10 missiles.
You dont even know what sufficient evidence means…
Are those plyons are cleared for A2A missiles? is there any photo or official documents that support this claim? If not then it will just be another assume.
Then stop it.
If you wish to make a report about something, please do and we can pass it to the Devs to check out. Tagging me over something we have already anwered several times sadly isn’t going to go anywhere.
You are the one who can’t stop ffs
In that case a bug report should be made and KH38MT’s should be removed from Su-25, since Su34 added i bet no one is gonna complain about it.
Because unlike you i dont demand certain things based on assumptions or mockup designs and im one of the hardcore eurocanard fan, but this doesnt change the fact that without official documents we cant get extra A2A missiles for our Typhoons.
And here you go again
Am I speaking a language you can’t understand?
Sure im gonna stop since you cant accept the facts, it became pretty much pointless at this rate.
What facts
You didn’t show any clear proof it isn’t possible.
And I know you are not going to accept what I have to say anyways