Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Then stop it.

If you wish to make a report about something, please do and we can pass it to the Devs to check out. Tagging me over something we have already anwered several times sadly isn’t going to go anywhere.

You are the one who can’t stop ffs

In that case a bug report should be made and KH38MT’s should be removed from Su-25, since Su34 added i bet no one is gonna complain about it.

Because unlike you i dont demand certain things based on assumptions or mockup designs and im one of the hardcore eurocanard fan, but this doesnt change the fact that without official documents we cant get extra A2A missiles for our Typhoons.

And here you go again
Am I speaking a language you can’t understand?

Sure im gonna stop since you cant accept the facts, it became pretty much pointless at this rate.

What facts
You didn’t show any clear proof it isn’t possible.
And I know you are not going to accept what I have to say anyways

Raging over the Internet is funny

Guys please. If you want to discuss Su-25 / Kh-38, then please take it to an appropriate topic. Right now this one is getting massively derailed and taken away from its purpose. Which is the German Eurofighter.

The topic will be locked for a cool down period if it doesn’t stop. This is the second time of asking today.


Sure in that case i assume you have official documents that supports your claim right?

Oh wait you dont and jugding operational EFT’s its clear that none of those countries are using those pylons for A2A roles.

We are discussing the extra amraams for the EF

8 days? I waiting more than 6 month :


Not above it wasn’t. It keeps wandering and turning into personal debates.

Like I said it is pointless can’t you just accept that and stop

This is the 5th time iam saying that now

Give us your HMD frenchie

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Aceept what? your claim based on nothing?

Im not frenchie buddy, im a multination enjoyer, learn the difference.

Accept that this is a pointless discussion

I already did in case you didnt noticed my previous messages.