Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

For yall fast radar enjoyers, find a second one and 333°/s is yours


Where is clear information of Su-27SM not a mockup deploying double rails for R77 or Kh38MT for Su-25??? Double standards are gaijins second name.


based on this, only uk and ita eft that is fixed? cause german ef-2000 is not mentioned, and based on what i just play german eft still doesn’t track well in tws

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Sadly whataboutsim isn’t going to lead to any chages on CAPTOR. If you wish to report something about Su-27 / Su-25, then please do and we can investigate.

But this is a Typhoon topic and that discussion has no relevance to any improvements on CAPTOR.

Where is target revisit feature then. It was reported with multiple sources, mind you, mentioning very quick scan speed too.
And its possible. Rafale does it already. Typhoon should be too for 6 priority targets just a bit slower and not in real time like aesa can.

So they modelled it to not work? The TWS will literally lock onto objects that don’t exist it will lock onto nothing. It doesn’t work at all really unless you’re in the narrow mode. The HMD mode also refuses to lock onto anything. You can be in a perfect head on scenario and it will straight up refuse to lock. It’s about as slow as a snail. Why would a radar 90’s/00’s be this much worse than everything else at top tier? It’s missing the GMTI mode.

It’s not about claims of being “better” it’s about using damn common sense. Your right it’s not a copy paste sea vixen it actually performs worse 💀


All reports open currently are being investigated. Some have already been fixed and deployed, others are in progress.

Please feel free to report any issues not already reported and they will be reviewed and investigated.

At this point I don’t even care about the fast radar, I just want the plane to work, the radar “fix” that happened changed absolutely nothing, TWS still doesn’t work, IRST is mid as hell, and the airframe bleeds speed terribly quickly

Ill see what I can find

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no point, they all get labelled as “not a bug”

But hey most advanced mechanical radar and irst sytem in the world on 4,5 gen plane.
Proceeds to add slop worse than 70s radar sets and irsts.

This is very much incorrect. The vast majority of Typhoon reports have been accepted with many already fixed.

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so why doesnt TWS work

The issue reported and forwarded with TWS was resolved yesterday. If there are other issues that are not already reported, then it is best to do so.

I have noticed many German players coming back to air rb, maybe are a bit rusty or dont know the meta as such. It will come back it just takes games and time.

I don’t think the problem is player skill.
People over in the UK eurofighter typhoon thread have the same complaints

The issue occured only on Captor-M with PIRATE, this is the reason why German EF-2000 has not been mentioned, if the vehicle have issues with TWS please make a report so we can forward it.


No more doing things you shouldnt do against these jets, like playing them in the Fox 1 meta will just get you killed. I have seen it, not using the HMD or appreciating how deadly 120s are.

Not as much as the bugs with the jet

Germany havent had a meta jet in years.

This smacks of the whole Igla thing all over again. ‘The round pointy thing on the front of a Typhoon looks like the round pointy thing on the end of a Tornado - so it must be performatively identical!’

Worth noting that Typhoon CAPTOR was expressly designed for one-man operation - e.g. better automation and processing. You no longer needed a back-seater to ‘work’ the radar in the way that was needed in the Tornado F3 for example. That alone speaks to more computing power available to the system in the next generation.

Are the devs really working on the assumption that in the 20 years between Blue Vixen and CAPTOR - NO performance improvements were made?

We might as well get F-35 added now then. Gaijin will just assume that it has the radar from a Tornado and call it a day. Stealth? It looks like a Phantom so it probably has a similar radar signature. No problem!

(Some hyperbole here…)

@Smin1080p_WT The real problem here is that ‘benefits of the doubt’ and ‘assumptions’ are not being applied equally. We’ve got the YAK-141 -which has plenty of ‘benefits of the doubt and assumptions’ applied to enable it to be added. Fine.

Yet when it comes to a other issues (CAPTOR) none of the same flexibility appears to be extended. The assumption seems to be that it cannot possibly be better than the devs think it is. ‘Is Marketing Lie.’