You just brought out my PTSD from playing the Crusaders.
The radar is based on all available public information we have, given it’s well known it was an improvement / evolution on Blue Vixen.
For all of the areas and characteristics we know to be different and have public data on, these will be featured on the radar.
Sadly sources that simply state it’s “better than” something but with no clear direction on what, how or why, mean they are often not useable to possible to do anything with.
We will of course investigate any reports with clear information that something is incorrect about the radar.
Jesus christ… If thats how you gonna do modern classified radar sets. God help us.
Everywhere when someone talks about captor, even manufacturer, they say its very quick. It can revisit targets on different elevation than scan itself to keep them updated. Just this alone clearly shows its scan speed should be SUBSTANTIALLY faster than blue vixen, otherwise it simply cant keep fixed tws intervals of scan.
To use stats of 10 years older radar set with significantly worse processing and antenna technology is… Its not even insane, it worse than that.
Somehow you can slap non-existant irst on 141 or double rails on SM even though they physically cant fit or 38mt on su25 but increasing scan speed on 2000s radar dish is nono just because thing it was BASED ON, NOT MADE ON. BASED ON, is slower 10 years old set.
can you at least make it so the TWS at least works, this shit pisses me off
This is a poor excuse you’ve given it a radar worse than the aircraft it replaced the tornado F.3 with the fox hunter radar. Fox Hunter is one of the best radars in game. Giving it a virtually copy pasted sea vixen radar is abysmal why list advanced radar on the devblog if there just going to do that. Why would an aircraft in service in the 2000’s have a radar set that performs worse than the radars from the 70/80s in game. Can they not use some logic and common sense?!
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TWS had a fix yesterday:
Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A — display time of radar contacts in TWS tracking mode has been increased.
they clearly didn’t, because unless I’m in 20x6 scope, it doesn’t track anyone
Welcome to slow refresh TWS… Somehow we got radar which would never pass trials for tyhoon irl.
Why was the GMTI mode removed? It had it on dev server.
It doesn’t have a Sea Vixen radar.
The radar is being modelled based of all known facts and details about it. As mentioned above, reports are welcome on clear information that shows any of its missing features or capabilities.
But just claims if it being “better” sadly don’t mean anything can be changed.
The whole radar is an absolute shambles. I don’t see how they thought this would suffice and people would just be like yeah okay.
For yall fast radar enjoyers, find a second one and 333°/s is yours
Where is clear information of Su-27SM not a mockup deploying double rails for R77 or Kh38MT for Su-25??? Double standards are gaijins second name.
based on this, only uk and ita eft that is fixed? cause german ef-2000 is not mentioned, and based on what i just play german eft still doesn’t track well in tws
Sadly whataboutsim isn’t going to lead to any chages on CAPTOR. If you wish to report something about Su-27 / Su-25, then please do and we can investigate.
But this is a Typhoon topic and that discussion has no relevance to any improvements on CAPTOR.
Where is target revisit feature then. It was reported with multiple sources, mind you, mentioning very quick scan speed too.
And its possible. Rafale does it already. Typhoon should be too for 6 priority targets just a bit slower and not in real time like aesa can.
So they modelled it to not work? The TWS will literally lock onto objects that don’t exist it will lock onto nothing. It doesn’t work at all really unless you’re in the narrow mode. The HMD mode also refuses to lock onto anything. You can be in a perfect head on scenario and it will straight up refuse to lock. It’s about as slow as a snail. Why would a radar 90’s/00’s be this much worse than everything else at top tier? It’s missing the GMTI mode.
It’s not about claims of being “better” it’s about using damn common sense. Your right it’s not a copy paste sea vixen it actually performs worse 💀
All reports open currently are being investigated. Some have already been fixed and deployed, others are in progress.
Please feel free to report any issues not already reported and they will be reviewed and investigated.